What foods or products do you keep on-hand specifically for hypoglycemia/lows?
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Individual lifesavers, 4g of carb per.
Raisins, Oj, fruit snacks, sweet tarts, icing
I have a variety of puddings, juices and candies to take during the day when I drop low. What I take during the nite when dropping low are marshmallows. I keep a few in a sandwich bag on my nightstand. I don’t even have to get out of bed. I can take 1 or 2 even when lying down. It reacts quickly and I go right back to sleep.
Glucose tablets, Sweetarts, Capri Sun. Capri Sun just changed the formula of my favorite Fruit Punch flavor from 13g (maybe it was 14) to 9g. They added monk fruit and took away some sugar. Since I used those only when I needed a bigger boost I don’t know if the new ones will work for me.
I keep on hand Liquifrtuit Juice 200ml in fridge
More portable are dried dates and a paste made from ground almond nuts to which a little honey is added. These are my standard rescue medicine when I walk for exercise, and when I’m in meetings etc.
4oz 100% juice boxes, protein snack bars, hard candy
OJ, Apple Juice, Dove chocolates, and dark kitkats.
Skittles, fruit snacks, juice pouches, and glucose tablets to treat the hypoglycemic event. We also carry peanuts/cashews/almonds, beef sticks, granola bars for consumption after treating a low to help prevent recurring hypoglycemia.
Juice boxes, go squeez applesauce, granola bars, Oreos, anything but sugar tablets or skittles
Glucose tabs, individual honey packets.
Love the idea of marshmallows by the bed. Thanks!
Fruit snacks work best for me
Apple sauce pouches and smarties!
Small juice boxes
Juice, fruit snacks, cereal
Glucose tablets. One tablet is enough to send me above normal.
Mott’s fruit snacks and small apple juice boxes.
My main go-to is honey, specifically Trader Joe’s “Mostly Mesquite Honey”, which I think is the best honey I’ve ever tasted. I carry a bottle of it in my stash-bag, everywhere I go. Also, small cans of pineapple juice, or bottles (with caps) of apple or grape juice. Liquid sugars works the fastest for me.
Root Beer Barrels and other hard candies like ginger mints. More palatable than glucose tabs and just as effective for me.
Glucose tablets, oranges and hard candies
Glucose tabs are my favorite now- easy to chew and not sticky like other chewy fruit candies that I have used before!
Maple syrup is my go to. It absorbs into the mucous membranes pretty quick
Fruit snacks 19g of carbs (I try to leave 1-2 in the bag) or 4 ounce juice boxes. These are increasingly hard to find. I despise glucose tablets but I know they are the best. They always end up a crumpled mess at the bottom of my purse.
Chips Ahoy cookies in the little two-packs. Not necessarily the fastest or most efficient, but if I’m having a low I at least want to use the opportunity to eat something I like. And glucose tabs taste like sweet-flavored chalk.
But how do you resist an other times?!
Glucose tablets and glucose shots
When I’m exercising and my glucose starts to trend down, I treat with glucose tabs, individual raw honey packets–and then I usually have some kind of high fiber snack to stabilize.
Otherwise, I typically use a sip of juice, a couple Skittles. I keep glucose tabs and juice in my car/purse always.
I also love Lily’s Dark Chocolate peanut butter cups or mini Reese’s for stability afterward.
Corn Syrup, Frosting, Glucose lozenges and Gummies.
I keep glucose tablets around the house and in my cars. I also carry a pack of 10 glucose tablets around with me all the time.
Usually orange juice if at home. Always have hard candy in my pocket. Try to carry glucose tablets when traveling.
Glucose tabs and gummies at bedside. Pretty much only time I may have hypoglycemia. During the day wearing CGM keeps me from going low. Just glance at my Apple Watch
Orange juice, yogurt, dates, honey.
Smarties, glucose tabs, and Coke.
Assorted fruit snacks and Chewy granola bar
Glucose tabs. Maple syrup. (A slurp from the jug. No spoon.)
Small juice boxes and fruit snacks
Smarties and glucose tabs. Right now I have a stash of leftover candy canes that I’m using as a nudge to keep me in range.
I keep glucose tablets. Smarties candy’s and peanut butter. Plus regular soda and cranberry juice.
Hershey Kisses, Glucose Tabs, Grape Juice (Real not flavored drink), Chocolate milk
Glucose Tablets
Glucose tablets are stashed all over the house, in my car in my purse. I also use hard candies.
Glucose tabs and hard candies
Juice, fruit snacks, glucose tabs
Coca Cola, Glucose SOS and Baqsimi
I am a big fan of CVS brand orange glucose powder.
We also keep apple juice
Juicy Juice 4.23oz juice boxes, glucose tablets, Lifesavers
Skittles for the car.
Milk for the house.
Juiceboxes, skittles and JellyBelly jelly beans
Glucose tablets.
Glucose, gummies
Mexican coke and Swedish fish
I like using gummies that won’t melt, freeze or rot so I can store them in places for a long time. Thanks to using Afrezza, I don’t have lows too often anymore! I also like using things that are small enough that I can consume only 4 or 8 grams of carbs for the average low so I don’t rebound.
I like stashing gummies like:
gummy Lifesavers
Sour Patch Kids
Swedish Fish
Now I use mostly glucose tablets.
Glucose tabs, fruit juice, pre packed gummies
Glucose tablets, especially the strawberry and fruit flavored ones
Dried figs. Dried apricots. Dried cherries. Raisins. Peanut butter-filled pretzels. Arthritis and mental confusion makes it impossible to open fruit juice, tightly wrapped glucose tablets, and anything with tightly wrapped plastic on it. Who are these plastic manufacturers trying to kid? Superman could not open their offerings. 👎👎👎👎
I feel your pain.
Glucose tabs, juice, and gummy type-candies like jelly beans or chuckles
Mostly glucose tabs, but lately I have found that red grapes when I am home work well too.
Applesauce pouches and fruit gummies
I like to have dates, raison, Welche’s fruit snack packages, apple sauce are just a few of my go to snacks if any lows occur 👍
Glucose tablets, dates, raisins, fireballs and peppermint puffs(5g carbs each😊)
I use glucose tabs when I am away from home. At home I use Apple juice and honey.
Juice boxes, applesauce pouches, gummy bears, gummy fruit snacks
At just under 2g each…which also varies a little by size…I have used Brachs Candy Corns for YEARS. One raises me roughly 8 points. So, just multiples of 8 for the number I will consume to get to where I want to be. No other “brand”…of course!!
Gummie Bears! Gummie Worms are too easy to overindulge in : (
dextrose and honey
Glucose tabs and apple juice
Glucose tablets, small containers of apple juice, Annie’s fruit gummies
Glucose tablets (make me think of German candies after Volksmarches in the 1970s – yum!)
Chocolates – mostly 3 Musketeers Bars or See’s Candies
Giant Smarties
Pineapple juice – for the bad lows
Pretty much not that picky
We have several Volksmarches medals on the wall from 1976 to 1981. Kaiserslautern and Zweibruecken.
Annie’s Organic Strawberry Gummies
Juicy Juice 4 oz Berry
Juice, fruit snacks, smarties (candy), glucose tabs
At home – 1 TBSP honey or small glass OJ
On the tennis court/At the gym – glucose tabs or power aide
In my purse – glucose tabs and banana
Twizzlers Cherry Bites, Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies, and Mentos (I keep in my purse).
Small cans of ginger ale, orange juice, glucose tablets
I use Organic Black forest fun fruits. They come in small packages and have 15 carbs so that way I don’t over correct for lows. They are easy to carry with me and quick to consume.
My go to has been the Dex 4 it’s easily transportable especially while cycling.
Honey stinger gels
Jelly beans
glucose tabs
granola bars
Juice packs, jolly ranchers, raisins, honey
I always use glucose tabs, or gel out of the house, oj in during the day, and boxed aj at night
Dextrose tablets.
I have JellyBelly jelly flops stashed all over the place. I keep a small bottle of Martinelli’s apple juice on my computer desk in case I need a boost during zoom calls.
Apple juice at home, and Welch’s fruit snacks for on the go!
Glucose tablets in purse, cars, bedside and in several rooms. I also keep Belvita biscuits at my bedside.
Small bottles of juice or Hawaiian Punch and glucose tabs are everywhere. Downstairs in the kitchen and living room, upstairs in the bedroom and bathroom, at work, in my purse, and in my car.
smarties, original sweethearts (keep a small bag of them in my pocket, a little over 1g carb each), life savers, sugar cubes, and Karo syrup when really low at home (don’t carry it around with me — still have a few glucose gel pouches for that, but haven’t needed them for years, probably because of CIQ and my increased alertness to not going low when I’m out). Gel and karo syrup I keep in mouth for a while (cheeks, under tongue, Karo syrup from a spoon is likely to be on lips, too) to get quickest action. Juice boxes with 15g carbs are usually more carb than I need, but I do usually bring one when I’m out walking, when the liquid can also be helpful, just in case. Can take a bit longer to bring up a low, for me, then sucking glucose candy, though.
I use sucking candies, like Werthers. They help me with not eating everything in the pantry!
I use “sucking” candies, too! As they dissolve the glucose is absorbed from the inside of the cheeks and under the tongue. Just make sure they are made with glucose or cane sugar.
Glucose tabs, Smarties, mini-Kind bars, mini-raisin packs, peanut butter filled pretzel nuggets
Glucose tabs (tropical flavor) Brown sugar cubes. Paleo bars from Costco which may be discontinued. Dried fruits which aren’t as quick for me , but I love:) Juice of various kinds. Ginger caramel like candies.
Tropical flavor is my favorite glucose tablet flavor!
ReliOn glucose gummies (occasionally at Walgreens, occasionally on Amazon). I keep a tube of them in my purse or fanny pack, and a jar at bedside. Always have orange juice in the refrigerator.
skittles, starburst and sugar tabs
Welch’s fruit snacks and Advocate Glucose SOS powder
The little packets of fruit chews, from Welch’s, available at Costco.
Yogurt, sugary candy, protean bars.
7 up is the go to 99% of situations, tastes fine any time of day and works faster than anything. When the situation calls for compactness it’s Smarties – taste better and way cheaper than glucose tabs and same ingredients.
I just heard someone talking about cookie icing tubes, might try that.
Orange/Grape juice at home and tablets away from home.
I like to keep orange juice on hand for lows and always carry glucose tablets with me.
I keep a tube of Glucose Tabs in my jacket or pants pocket, have a tube in both our cars in case I forget to pick it up, keep a bottle in the kitchen, and in my nightstand drawer. They’re convenient and relatively inexpensive (I started buying in bulk and online). I don’t particularly “like” them, don’t hate them either. I tried Smarties, but find them too “chalky”. If I’m headed down quick, I take a slug of my wife’s always-on-hand in the fridge fruit juice (orange or mango).
for when I am just running low cause I didn’t eat and my pump ramped up for mealtime: GinGins ginger candy, GT’s Gingerberry Kombucha. For when I am exercising vigorously and had too much IOB i carry “Cliff Shot Blocks”. If I am low because I overbolused I use blue berries, or fruit juices but in small measured amounts.
Ohhhh! I love GT’s Gingerberry kombucha!
Jelly beans & glucose tablets
Small apple
At night Gummies in my nightstand. I can store them unwrapped and eat them while lying down. The powder-like material in the glucose tabs make me choke.
Glucose tabs, glucose gel, bananas
Gatorade 12oz bottles
Jelly beans and Sour Patch Kids and of course Basquimi.
Glucose Tabs and peanut butter crackers. Never fail treatment. 2 tabs + 2 crackers
Glucose tabs, juice boxes and milk.
Mentos candy
I prefer juices. I have become a snob because I figure if I’m going to have something I can really have it’s going to be good. I make fresh squeezed juice and BYO most places.
Glucose gels, apple juice, Smarties, gummy bears, jelly beans
Juice boxes on my bedside table for nighttime lows. Dried mango for daytime or on the go lows.
Glucos tablets and gel packs
Glucose tabs and juice.
Pure maple sugar candy leaves and glucose tablets
Relion Glucose Shots, Skittles, Fig bars, grapes
In old Gatorade bottles mix lemonade (2 on my nightstand), glucose tablets, if trending down granola bars. Not adverse to a candy bar at times either
Glucose tablets. Very quick acting. No fat!
Hot tamales candy, peanut M & Ms, liquid 15 carb diabetes drink from Walmart. I do not like the tabs available but I keep some on hand for travel or if I can’t find anything else.
Peanut butter crackers and Starburst Jelly Beans
Glucose tabs, liquid glucose, dark chocolate reese’s peanut butter cups and juice boxes
Honey Stinger organic energy chews (1 or 2 is enough) can be sucked if I’m not able to chew , peppermint Altoids work well also… glucose tabs as a last resort
Glucose tablets in my pocket ALWAYS and fruit juice in the refrigerator for if I am at home.
Juice box
Boxed apple juice and Quaker Chewy Bars.
Smarties or jelly beans. And Gvoke.
applesauce pouches
Apple Juice. Henry Goodes Strawberry liquorice. Deliciously Ella hazelnut bites.
Glucose tabs, Glucose SOS powder, Glucerna snack bars, raisins
I always have juice boxes and glucose tablets literally at my elbow. Just have to grab them. (My lows seem to rush.)
Looking into Basqimi
Basqimi is a life saver, hands down. However, it messed me up the one time I had to use it. Terrible headache and runny nose for an entire day.
Fun sized skittles, starburst, smarties, glucose tabs.
Glucose tablets, Coca Cola, orange juice
My first choices are apple juice, grape juice, and honey. I choose between these and the quantity to consume based on the urgency (level of BG, rate of decline, and time until next meal). Apple juice is usually 1st choice. I usually get a quick fix in about 20 minutes. By that time the BG decline has stopped, and the BG has started to climb slowly.
I keep a bottle of grape juice in the fridge. I always have jellybeans, smarties, glucotabs glucoshots at hand-in my purse, in the car, beside my recliner in the living room, and in my bedside table.
Smarties (US Product) are pure dextrose, instant absorption, and good for years anywhere they’re stashed.
100% juice box’s, protein bars
Glucose tablets
When our son visits we keep apple juice boxes and granola bars handy. He also uses Skittles.
NECCO Wafers 🙂 And recently, Jelly Beans for overnight hypos.
Fruit snacks, coca cola
Glucose tablets by the bed and in my purse but grapes or raisins if I’m home and awake.
Skittles and granola bars for protein. I kinda hate the taste of Skittles now, though. And I feel really bad when my friends see I have Skittles and ask for some, and I have to explain that they’re medicine, not a snack lol
Juice boxes. My almost 16 year old son has braces so no hard candy for lows. I’m hoping to get more ideas here.
Lifesavers- not the gummy kind, the originals and they are hard to find. Small pineapple juices in my car.
Cookies glucose tablets icing
Just boring ol’ glucose tabs for me. I also have Baqsimi if the low is super bad.
I had the liquid form of glucose tabs one time. (I think it must have been a freebie because it isn’t something I would normally purchase.) It was ok. Did the job, but probably a nice juice would have worked as well and tasted better.
Many decades ago, I used to keep lemon drops or orange juice on hand.
Dextrose tablets, ginger ale and juice mainly.
Quaker Chewy Peanut Butter and Chocolate Chip Granola Bars. I recently had the unfortunate opportunity to compare the reaction time to IV dextrose, the granola bars are just as fast.
OJ and honey.
Glucose gummies/tabs, Elovate 15 slim packs, I keep 3 Starlight peppermints in my pocket when I exercise.
Glucose tabs, juices, glucagon injector last resort.
100% grape juice
Bananas and orange juice
Dextrosol tablets (also called GlucoTabs) and/or Dextrose powder, though I sometimes use Lucozade.
Dextrosol tablets contain approximately 4 grams of carbohydrate in each tablet.
Juice, Skittles and Jelly Belly’s
Glucose Tablets
Glucose tablets, grapes, clementine oranges
Juice, glucose tablets
Jelly Bellies sours that I keep in 50ml centrifuge tubes. They are ideal and the fastest way to recover from a low that I have found. I buy them in 10lb lots direct from the company.
thats a lot a lows worth!!
Triscuits and Sweet & Salty bars are my go to’s. They’re probably 80 to 90% of my low treatments.
Individually wrapped life savers
glucose tablets, I keep a bottle in my bedroom and a bottle in my car.to stabilize after the glucose bring me back….
Jelly beans, low carb/protein/fat nutrition bar, grspes.
Jelly beans. They last a long time, and it is easy to dose the “right” amount. I don’t particularly like them, which means I don’t end up eating them if I don’t need to.
I keep cranberry juice in fridge 8 oz for severe lows I generally use granola bar for slight lows and prevention of a low and I have peanut m&m from Halloween bags for the car as they tolerate not and cold well
M&M’s were used by US Army in combat !! I use them also !!
Juice boxes are my go to but when on the move I keep star burst candies
Glucose tablets
Bananas for over nite low prevention. Oranges , candy and mostly glucose tabs for quick recovery.
Dried fruit, fruit snacks, skittles
Glucose tablets for an immediate rise in blood sugar and a Natures Valley Granola bar with Beef Jerky for longevity.
Naked Juice. It comes in small bottles and I can take just as much as I need without worrying I’ll overdo it just because I want to drink it.
Glucose tablets, small bottles of apple juice, raisins or the small fruit cups sold in multipack containers at Costco.
GU packs. I used them for marathons and other mid to high intensity activities. They keep a long time. Very portable and discreet and come in many flavors too.
Glucose tablets, grapes, cuties
Small bottles of juice I can take with me anywhere.
Transcend glucose gel
CVS glucose gummies
Spice flavored gum drops
Apple juice packs
Baqsimi for severe lows
Juice boxes and SweetTarts
I keep glucose tablets and “Bottle Caps” on hand for quick glucose. (The Bottle Caps have 1 carb each, for when I do not need the 4 that are in a glucose tablet.) Anything that does not dissolve quickly will not work. These tablets take 30 minutes to affect my blood sugar, and I hate having the pump continue to beep at me about my low BG.
Jelly beans, Conversation Hearts (they work very quickly compared to jelly beans!), small juice boxes, candy – hard, bars, whatever I have on hand, and glucose tabs (in case needed).
Glucoshot, juicy juice, glucose gummies. I also have a candy dish with different candies for me and others.
For extreme lows or rapidly dropping lows, my ABSOLUTE go-to is Welch’s Fruit Snacks. Packet contains about 10 gummies (2g carbs each). They don’t melt, are easy to count when my brain is muddled during the low, and easy to chew. Also will melt in my cheek if I’m where I can’t chew it up! 🙂 Variety of flavors and a packet fits into a tiny ziplock bag so easy to carry in pocket or purse. A T1D construction worker recommended them. Other products for lows that don’t require an immediate BG rise are the Belvita line of wafers and soft biscuits. The Wafers are great. Only 9g each and raise the BG slower (for when your BG is falling, lots of IOB and you know you will need something in the next 30-45 minutes).
Dextrose tabs or Smarties are always on hand. A glucagon kit or gvoke is always on or near me, just in case (never needed one and they all expire. Very expensive to replace, even with insurance!)
Apple juice. If not available, I’ll take orange juice. We go down from there: lifesavers, anything that is high sugar content without fats or proteins that slow the action of raising my bg.
Orange juice or sherbet if I am near my refrigerator/freezer. My everywhere, go-to, however, is Smarties for these reasons:
1. They are all glucose and after chewing them into powder they enter system quickly.
2. Very measurable. 2-3 rolls take care of all lows.
3. Easy to carry around in pockets, have in glove compartment, purse, etc.
4. They are cheap.
5. They don’t tase so good that you crave them when you don’t need them.
6. They are good for a couple of years.
7. They are made by a US, family-owned business.
8. It is smart to carry Smarties with you at all times, trust me!
I was using orange juice but have switched to glucose tabs. I was having so many lows that I was drinking lots of orange juice.
Small box of raisins.
Glucose tablets and Lara bars
Glucose gels, glucose drinks, glucose tabs, and my favorites life savers!
For night-time lows, easy-to-unwrap and consume items like chocolates and licorice. During the day it’s mostly hard candies.
Animal crackers, pop tarts
They are my favorites t I help out.
Orange Juice is my number one
Pepsi or Coke is my number two
At night I like applesauce (Go go squeeze) so I can eat 1/2 to start. A whole one is 16 g. Easy to open and “drink”.
If I’m home I like dark chocolate, dried fruit, all-fruit jam.
In my purse or pocket when I’m out: Nature’s Bakery fig bars, jelly beans (1g each – perfect for a slow drop), and Costco now has Pure Organic fruit bars I can stick in my pocket when walking with my dogs. Made me realize how much I think about and plan for lows.. It’s so dependent on time of day, where I am, and the type of low I’m having!
Cliff Shot Bloks are my best resource… I can nibble just one Blok or take a full serving (3 bloks)… they don’t spill, go bad, melt, and with a good drink of water , are very fast acting (they work very quickly even without water)… trail mix works well, too, but Shot Bloks are always with me.
Real maple syrup (13g/Tbsp), Lindt truffle balls (6g each), Smarties (US, not UK – 6g/roll), DumDum lollipops (7g each), Skittles fun size (14g per pouch)
Apple juice and nutrigrain or protein bars
Glucose tablets
Small individually wrapped hard candies (5 gm CHO) each #1
Juice #2
Jam/Jelly #3
1% milk! Lactose works!
bottled drinks (NEVER sugar substitutes), snack bars with nuts etc, fruit drinks, fruits