COVID-19 Research

A Parent’s Guide for Back-to-School with T1D
Life with diabetes can bring a lot of stress, but one of the most stressful events for parents and children...
Study Results: DKA in Children with T1D Hospitalized for COVID-19
We are honored to have a new study published from our work with the T1D Exchange Quality Improvement Collaborative (QIC)....
Breaking Down the Science: The T1D and COVID-19 Surveillance Study
In March of 2020, T1D Exchange quickly recognized -- along with the rest of the country -- that COVID-19 was...
Racial Inequities Among People with Type 1 Diabetes and COVID-19
T1D Exchange is honored to have our recent study results examining racial inequities among people with type 1 diabetes and COVID-19 included in two major publications. Structural and systemic...
2020 Highlights: COVID-19 Guidance, Daily Hurdles of T1D and Mental Health
At T1D Exchange, we strive to post articles that connect the T1D community. Today we’re sharing the three most viewed...
New Data Reveals the Social Inequities Underlying DKA Risk in Type 1 Diabetes and COVID-19
Dr. Osagie Ebekozien (Vice President of Quality Improvement & Population Health, T1D Exchange) presented alarming evidence showing a strong association...