On a scale of 1-5, how satisfied are you with your current insulin delivery method (pump, pens, syringes, inhaler, etc.)? 5 = the most satisfied, 1 = the least satisfied
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I have a Medtronic pump & CGM. The Guardian sensors work great for me but I hate the Auto Mode algorithm. It keeps me much higher than I like so I use manual mode. It can get tiresome constantly checking and making adjustments throughout the day. My nights are good most of the time. I’d love to use a T:Slim, especially since their software allows for an extended bolus while using the algorithm.
I also used the Medtronic pump and sensor with the same frustration. I spoke to Medtronic several times about it and there response was that a morning BG of 160 was in range. I finally gave up and switched to a dexcom sensor and am SO MUCH happier, with much improved time in range. Even though I’m not on a hybrid closed loop system. I’m now trying to get my insurance to pay for omnipod 5 so that I can get back to a integrated system.
I am very satisfied with my Tandem X2 pump Control IQ system, with Dexcom G6 sensors. There is always room for small improvements, but all is well. Thank you.
I am very happy with my new Omni pod 5 pump. The algorithm is a bit better than my old T-Slim. U also really like no longer being tethered to a tube.
Looking forward to future updates with even more aggressive algorithm and also being able to use Apple phone as PDM.
There is always room for improvement. A cure would be nice.
I am very happy with the features and benefits of my current insulin pump however after 20 years of being attached to device via tubing I’m starting to consider switching to an Omnipod type of delivery system.
Without a doubt there is always room for improvement. The tethering aspect of pumps is a real nuisance to say the least. Omnipod is definitely on my radar for future consideration. The determining factor will be the ability to prevent highs and lows through pump and CGM communication but more importantly the algorithms that are used to make it all work. Hopefully these things will be improved on over the next couple of years just in time for my pump trade up/over. 🤞🤞🤞🤞
I love my Omnipod. I don’t have to carry the PDM every where I go around the house or the office. There’s nothing to remove to shower. Their customer service people are top notch. I’ve only been on hold for more than a minute twice in seven years. I do not have the one that’s integrated with Dexcom G6 yet, so I can’t comment on that.
Having been diabetic for 53 years, the scar tissue is making it difficult to find sites to inject both infusion and CGM sensors. I’m not sure what I’ll do when scar tissue makes it untenable.
It would be lovely to be cured before then.
I answered “4” because “5” would be complete satisfaction and that would be a working pancreas. I’m almost at the point of having my insulin dialed in, basal is great for now (I expect it change with time), correction efforts are acceptable most of the time, I’m still working at getting pre-bolusing/meal insulin down. I doubt all three will ever be back to not requiring work or refinement. But the, I’m a perfectionist.
I just replaced my out-of-warranty Tandem X2 pump with Control IQ with another one that allows me to bolus from my phone. I love it combined with Dexcom G6 , but I can think of a few improvements in the pump and in the Dexcom algorithm of course.
I checked 5 (most satisfied). Occassionally I have had problems with infusion sets and sensors but always getting excellent service from Dexcom as well as Tandem. I appreciate the advances in technology available to me but I believe much of it is on me- my life style choices greatly contribute to my well being.
The new OmniPod 5 / Dexcom 6 system has taken my A1c from 7.8 to 6.5 in 30 days!
Good for you! I’m patiently waiting for the OmniPod 5.
I have been very satisfied with my Tslim and Dexcom G6-Other than a cure, it has made managing my diabetes as easy as possible. There are always going to be frustrations and issues, but that’s life! And now that I can bolus from my iphone, I am even more satisfied.
I would like to try afrezza for stubborn highs as backup to my pump. My Endo was not friendly to that. I will try again
I’m on pen injections. I’ve asked my doctor about the omnipod but she said I would need too much insulin and would have to change it out every three days or so. After all the previous comments about it working with Dexcom 6, I’ll talk to her about it again.
I gave my Tandem X2 a 4. It’s doing the job, and doing it quite nicely. It’s just not the real thing, and I can’t fairly expect it to be perfect.
Still happy to be watching technology develop after 68 years of progress!
Tandem paired with G6 has given me the Best Numbers since 1963. Virtually eliminated Hypos and getting a TIR in 90+%
George, are you using a Tandem plus Control IQ??
Yes Patty Harris, I started with Basal IQ and upgraded to CIQ when available. I also did the upgrade to t:connect Bolus though I can’t Bolus with my iPhone SE 3rd Gen with IOS 15.6, maybe it will later.
Really 4.5, i just don´t like the tube so much.
Hi Toddrich- if possible maybe try the Omnipod. For me it was life changing. With the tube I felt like I was 95 at 35. Bogged by a weird tube that caught on things and a big lumpy controller in my pocket or hanging on belt or stuffed in an inside tshirt pocket that could fall off etc. Maybe others had a better experience but I hated a tube pump. the tube was stifling. The minute I changed to tubeless Omnipod, I felt free.
I have been pumping for 43 years now. I would HATE going back to MDI. Even for a day if something goes wrong with my pump it bothers me immensely.
I use a Tandem T-slim 2. I gave it a 4 because it is not perfect, but close to it. I am still using Basal IQ and still toying with the idea of converting to Control IQ. I just don’t completely trust a system that gives me insulin without me having a say so. I am hoping the new G7 will increase my trust so I can make the conversion.
I have been on ControlIQ for three years. I love it, it reduces your mental management load. I still am more aggressive than ControlIQ to bring down a
High. I have had T1D for 65 years.
I am staying with BIQ. The target on CIQ is too high for me, and I prefer to be able to micromanage (yes, I prefer to do the work). I have great TIR with the Tandem X2/Dexcom G6 combo – so I am at a 5 in the satisfacti8on level.
I listed “5” on satisfied with Tandem t:slim X2 and Control IQ. The technology is a vast improvement over the many glucose management devices I’ve used during the past 67 years of life with T1D. Yes, there are things I’d like to see changed/improved with the pump but, the hybrid AID keeps me in 90 – 100% TIR most of the time AND I don’t have to consciously think about it ALL OF THE TIME. That has been a tremendous relief I’m very grateful for.
Sixty years of MDI. I would have answered 5, except there is always room for improvement. The injection technology today is wonderful compared to what was painfully available in 1962, but the real game changer for me has been my libre cgm.
I put 4 rather than 5 because using a pump and CGM still take work. They aren’t perfect. FIASP and other very fast insulin are not pump approved or covered by my insurance.
Tubeless Omnipod is the best!!!! Will never go back to a tubed pump.
I put 5 – jumped a little too quickly though. I love the tubeless OmniPod, however I’ll be changing to the Tandem x2. The ONLY reason for the change is due to OmniPod being under pharmacy with Medicare and it is way too expensive once you’re in the “donut hole”.
Yikes!! I’m just switching to Omnipod. Seems you have to try the system before they let you know the costs. Trial and error.
I gave a rate of 5. I have a closed loop which I absolutely love. Tandem/Dexcom G6.
As others have indicated, a 5 would be a 100% working pancreas. My pump is a 4 the algorithm is a 3, I can’t wait for 780 with a better algorithm. Minimed sensors aren’t the best (being polite) maybe a 3 at best. Fiasp is a lot better than regular insulin for me. So, on average, a 4 overall.
If you want an excellent CGM I suggest Dexcom. I moved from Medtronic to TSlim just for Dexcom and it was so worth it. Only downside is Fiasp which I love too won’t work in TSlim as it clogs the tubing. No system is perfect.
Thank you, Amanda. I have considered switching over but again I’m holding out for the 780G and the Gen 4 sensor. If this doesn’t provide improvement, then I’ll be switching. I keep hearing the 780G is just around the corner. But, I have been hearing that now for 2 years… Think used car salesman.
4 – I love my TSlim with Dexcom but there is always room for improvement. Would love more features moved to the mobile app and would love auto correction boluses to be more aggressive than 60% so that I don’t have to manual bolus too.
Remember the FDA has to approve, and you will not change their approach. They can’t look foolish/or too many Law Suites. They will not let the Human out of the equation. Maybe some of us don’t like a computer (Pump) to control our Destiney!
Having worked in the medical field I see the current technology as a double edged sword. As one researcher put it too me, the discovery of insulin was both the best and the worst thing that has happened to T1D’s. He felt that if insulin hadn’t been discover T1D may have been cured by now. We do not inject insulin were the body needs it, into the hepatic system. Speaking to many researchers the thought is insulin should never have been injected subcutaneously. Perhaps going forward we need to look at different approaches to treating T1D that would include other systems in the body.
But how many T1D’s would have died without the invention of insulin? It would have taken several decades for alternatives to be developed, tested and approved.
I agree the Insulin companies that charge ~$300 list for a vial of insulin and pump manufacturers that charge ~$5,000 each should be prosecuted for profiteering. I for one am glad I have lived for 35 with insulin.
Currently, and for the past 50 years, used MDI. After starting use of a CGM I am now exploring use of a pump. We’ll see how this works out!
(imagine dosing 0.3 unit to get to an even 100? I do that frequently, by the equation my a1C dropped from 7.2, now looking at lower 5’s)
I/we have to be satisfied because too much money is being made with the Equipment stated. The only hope is Stem Cells!
I’m pretty satisfied with Dexcom 6 and MDI and test strips. I doubt I could afford additional cost of pump or pod.
I chose 4. There is always room for improvement.
I use Tandem control-IQ and Dexcom and am happy enough compared to five years ago. I wish it were easier to measure changes in insulin sensitivity while still making good boluses. I am very sensitive and seem to keep increasing. Making sure there is absolutely no air in the insulin is also quite a talent.
When I look at clinical trials, I have great hope for the future.
I am totally satisfied with my insulin delivery method, which is just using the pens for MDI. Rated it a 5 as I have no desire to change it to a pump since this works really well for me.
I really like my t-slim and dexcom, but there is always room for improvement, so I gave a “4”. I really think smart insulins would be a great invention but that isn’t really a problem with delivery method, but of insulin itself.
Medtronic dropped the ball and took their eyes off the goal with the 670g. I’ve spoken with multiple people at Medtronic and expressed my thoughts. I’ve been using Minimed/Medtronic since 1997 and loved each pump until this one. I really hope the changes they are promising with the 770 and 780 will come to fruition.
I would be most satisfied with insulin delivery if it was my own body working properly 😛
Recently I have noticed that my Lily Quikpen delivers less than a full unit of Humalog insulin on the first unit, even when I prime it. I’ve been treating the first as about half a unit and that works for me now. Has anyone else experienced this?
I haven’t experienced your issue but I have found when priming the plastic pens if I push real hard I can get another drop out of the needle so I use a Novopen Echo and 3ml cartridge refills (penfills). There’s also the InPen from medtronic
Have been back on MDI for 9 months. Previously was using OmniPod pump and Dex 6 CGM. Both of these technological devices are fantastic. I brought my “Out of Control” condition to A1c levels of 7 to 8% and was feeling so much better about my condition in general and striving to keep it well controlled. Due to provincial government intervention I was pulled off the OmniPod and Dexcom programs for no real medical reason except the cost to provide these services. Older, long – term Type 1 Diabetics are a burden to society as well proven by Canadian Provincial politics.
So sorry to hear !! Did mdi 1 month before starting pump. I’d have to relearn that. Fearful for future, to be sure.
I’m on Medtronic 670g, but had little success with their cgm. Medicare covers Dexcom only so found they have more accuracy, who knew? I no longer need current pump’s bells and whistles. Just approved to switch to Omnipod. We’ll see how I do with learning curb. Overall, minimed pumps are good. Kept me alive. Looking forward to no tubing and all the disconnecting.
I have the Medtronic 770G and the alarms are so annoying. “Recalibrate”, “Check BG”, and others drive me nuts. When my BG is going down or up, I’m ok with the alarms. But overall, frustrating.
I chose “4”. I love the pump / CGM method of management, but continue to be frustrated with insulin pumps inability to control extremely fast changing BGs (I can change +/- 100 points in less than 30 minutes). Basal doesn’t shut off soon enough as it drops slowly either.
3.5 to 4 on average
3.5 to 4
I use a pump. It works well most of the time, but it’s not perfect.
Omnipod 5 have been a game changer for me. I’ve never spent so little time each day managing my blood sugars with so much better results.
I use a pump, Tandem X2, have used many other pumps, they keep getting better, Tandem best yet, The first one I used was I think for cancer treatment, next one came England used a syringe loaded with insulin to deliver you turned a nob so many clicks for per unit of insulin to deliver bolus, it was a start, I still have it.