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pru barry's Profile
Name | pru barry |
About Me | My 14 year old labradoodle, Charlie, has had diabetes for a year now. I wish he'd be as lucky as I am, to have a history of 67 years of good health with diabetes. Never thought I'd make it to 81, but it's all good! We spend our old age walking up Munjoy Hill in Portland, Maine, every day, being out doors as much as possible, and keeping the drama to a minimum. Majored in Chemistry, went to art school in my 50's, and am still trying to figure out what I was supposed to "be." I love to read, and have recently decided I'd better start addressing the things I've always put off until there was time (three fifty year-old kids who astound me!). It's rough going, but quantum mechanics is what I'm trying to catch up on now. Kind of puts things like diabetes into perspective :*)! Health and happiness to all of us! |