Which provider(s) do you regularly use for your other non-diabetes health needs? (Please do not include your diabetes care providers in your responses.) Select all that apply.
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How do I provide thee? Let me count the ways?
I seem to have so many high-priced specialists on a full-time employment program. Sigh!
Neurologist for migraine.
Gosh I do not know if I am an anomaly but here is my list;
Internist (primary care)
Oops forgot Endocronologist
I use Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, for any surgery, other treatment.
I have MS as well so I see a Neurologist as well.
I am British living in the UK and health needs/supplies are covered by the UK National Health Service
Dentist anyone?
Neurologist (I also have epilepsy)
Optometrist (seeing is hard 😉 )
I have only seen my Endo 1x a year for the last 4 years after my primary I did have moved and I never bothered to get a new one because I’m healthy otherwise.
Podiatrist 2x a year.
I answered that my endocrinologist pretty much takes care of all my needs but forgot to add ophthalmologist who also does a diabetes check in addition to glaucoma and macular degeneration (though no retinopathy!). But this will change soon because my endo is retiring and my new endo does not do primary care so I’ll have to add that!
Three years ago, my Opthomologist saw that my optic nerve was swollen and she asked me to go get an MRI. She said she would call the ER and tell them I was on my way.
Long story short, I was diagnosed with a brain tumor, not diabetes related. It was benign but I spent nearly 50 days in the hospital and rehab. My brain is doing very well now. We consider that my Opthomologist saved my life.
Routine checkups are very important!
Sue Martin, I wanted to reply to your reply but only can reply to my own. I hope you see this. Your story is remarkable. Let that be a lesson to all of us.
Other specialists for Asthma, recent knee replacement, and cardiologist.
Also forgot dentist and ophthalmologist. 🙄
Cardiologist and Dermatologist
I have providers in 3 different health care organizations. My urologist is for prostate health not reproduction.
and a Chiropractor and dentist.
And a seizure neurologist
I have many specialist MDs: cardiology, rheumatology, renal( non T1D), pancreas clinic, retinal specialist, dermatology, neurology, & orthopedic ( back, hands, shoulders, hips). After 43 years, I now have many appointments; but are all located in one medical center
Let’s see,neurologist, gastroenterology, cardiologist, pain management doctor, dermatologist, physical therapist, pharmacist,
Podiatrist, Neurologist, Orthopedic Hand Specialist, Rheumatologist.
My endocrinologist also serves as my primary care provider. I also regularly go to an out of state oncology clinic to provide testing and care for bone cancer.
FYI, my diabetes is part and parcel of my comprehensive health care team. IDDM influences every treatment, drug, and screening.
Dermatologist, and physical therapist and orthopedic doc. I don’t think I checked “Another”
Don’t forget the podiatrist!
Also see pulmonologist, podiatrist, cardiologist, oncologist specializing in blood disorders, retina specialist, dermatologist, Ear/Nose/Throat specialist.
Next question: How many of you think you get better care by having multiple providers? I get my diabetes care from my PCP and I have intentionally avoided going to an endocrinologist. My diabetic friends who go to an endo get lousy care.
I definitely get better care from my endo. In my 15+ years with Type 1, I have never had a primary care doctor who knew anything about diabetes. When I had to get a new PCP last year due to insurance, the doctor walked into the room looking at the paperwork I filled out. She said, “You have Type 1 diabetes? You’re going to have to see someone else for that. We’re not equipped to handle that here”. The doctor I had before that wouldn’t even mention it when I saw her.
I had a VERY BAD Endo experience 35 years ago when the A1C test first started..
I am considering adding a chiropractor but have not made the leap yet!
Cardiologist, dermatologist
I see several other providers besides my endocrine provider. However, most of my health care concerns center around T1 diabetes , hence pretty much everything I seek care for is somehow related to T1 diabetes. I see a podiatrist for diabetes foot care; an ophthalmologist for diabetes eye care; cardiologist for heart issues related to long duration T1D; a neurologist to monitor progressive nerve damage issues in my hands and fingers from T1D.
For generic health care concerns, I see my PCP for an annual physical, sometimes twice a year if I have an issue that needs a referral; dentist at least twice a year; mammogram screenings and colonoscopies as recommended; and have been receiving chiropractic care for over 40 years as needed for periodic spinal adjustments. In my youth and younger adult years I received care from orthopedic MDs for broken bone issues.
I see a foot doctor to cut and check my feet out
Most of my health needs are related to the diabetes, so I found it kind of hard to answer this, but I did my best
Physical therapist
Nurse practitioner or physician assistant for yearly exam.
ENT for deafness and ongoing complications left ear.
Vitreal retinal surgeon for WMD injection every 4-6 weeks for last 8 years.
I also see a cardiologist.
I also see a chiropractor.
I answered too low. I see a dentist every 6 months, an endocrinologist or endocrinology nurse every 2 weeks to download my Dexcom, an optometrist every year, a dermatologist at least once a year for skin cancer, an audiologist every year, and have my feet inspected and toenails trimmed every 3 months at Kaiser Permante. We have strong elected Democrat, Kriedler, regulating. Thru March 31, 2022, all claims I paid $277.85 +$216.00 for copay prescriptions= $493.85. Plus I pay KP for cheapest Medicare “Advantage” Plan every month, I dunno, $38? $54? We need Medicare For All, Socialized Medicine, competitive non-profit health care providers as in Helvetia…call it what you want. PLEASE VOTE IN PRIMARIES FOR CANDIDATES WHO WILL DELIVER ON THIS ISSUE.