Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
In 72 years with T1D I have been hospitalized once — 1984 when BG got so low that my internal body temperature went from 98.6 to 93. That is the coldest I have ever been in my life, colder than 30 below 0 Fahrenheit in Midwest winters, cold Alps at 9,000 feet, and cold western US Ski areas at 9,000 feet.
Brain does a wonderful instinctive thing at low BG to try to keep it’s functions working so that you don’t die. Thanks, brain.
I was super sick with a stomach bug and it hit me after dinner when I did a pretty large bolus. I couldn’t keep anything down and my blood sugar was stuck below 40. Pretty scary although it was a blur – more scary for my wife who had to deal with gettin me to the hospital 😬
Got the flu about a year ago. Landed in the hospital after one day of severe vomiting . Stayed two days. Nice vacay once they stopped the vomiting. First time in ten years.
First time two years ago when I was diagnosed with T1D! Was in DKA and had no idea why I was so sick. Six days! Second time just overnight when I couldn’t get my sugars down (I was still in that early learning phase). And at least one stop of a couple of hours at the ER – same reason – high sugars I couldn’t figure out. Luckily I seem to have all figured out now! Whew!
Labor Day weekend 2022 I was admitted to the hospital for passing out in a hotel bathroom. My blood sugar was over 400, so they had me on an insulin drip. I hit my head when I fell so they gave me a ct scan and found 3 cysts and a huge shadow the size of a baseball in my head. After they got my sugar under control they transferred me to a larger hospital with an MRI machine. Found stage 4 brain tumor. So had to have emergency surgery that Wednesday. Let’s just say the next 4 months was extremely stressful for me & my husband. I am on the mend now & hopefully my next mri will be stable or all clear! 🤞🤞
My last hospitalization was in December 2020 after a delayed refill for my insulin put me in DKA. The worst part was that because it was at the height of Covid, my husband basically could only drop me off at the ER door. The hospital was less than ten minutes from our home, and it was only one night, but I may as well have been on the other side of the world.
After my preliminary stay at Joslin in 1954, I’ve never spent time in a hospital because of having diabetes. A few other times for things like tonsils and babies, but I’ve been very lucky, and very healthy. Very grateful!
The only time I have been hospitalized due to T1D was in 1970 when I suffered a diabetic hyperosmolar coma, due to ketoacidosis resulting from undiagnosed T1D. I was young and just back from an assignment to Korea in the USAF. I new something was wrong with me, but did not know what and I wanted to visit my family before exploring my issues through the USAF medical services.
At 65yo, a T1D for 53 years and a pump user for 25 years I experienced what I own as a user error when my pump charger cord went bad and I miscalculated a manual shot. I awoke at 3am knowing I was going low and went to the kitchen to get some juice and remember noting after that until I awoke on the kitchen floor. I could not stand up and drug myself down the hall to get my phone. I called 911 and asked what time it was. It was 9am. I had broken my right ankle, fractured my left knee and torn the meniscus. Lots of lessons learned and after a month of rehab my family and I decided I could no longer live alone. Between T1D and being a fall risk I am in a senior assisted living. It’s not a bad ending but so many things go into our care. Prepare for your future and don’t be stupid!
I was hospitalized for 5 days in 1986 in France to learn to give myself injections. The last hospitalization was for a kidney transplant 1.5 years ago.
Last time I was hospitalized for anything related to T1D was over 30 years ago in the winter of 1992 for an unexpected bout of DKA … was during a very stressful time in my life and was inpatient for three days to get my BGs stabilized back in the days before I was using a pump and CGMs weren’t even on the radar yet …
In 72 years with T1D I have been hospitalized once — 1984 when BG got so low that my internal body temperature went from 98.6 to 93. That is the coldest I have ever been in my life, colder than 30 below 0 Fahrenheit in Midwest winters, cold Alps at 9,000 feet, and cold western US Ski areas at 9,000 feet.
Brain does a wonderful instinctive thing at low BG to try to keep it’s functions working so that you don’t die. Thanks, brain.
I was super sick with a stomach bug and it hit me after dinner when I did a pretty large bolus. I couldn’t keep anything down and my blood sugar was stuck below 40. Pretty scary although it was a blur – more scary for my wife who had to deal with gettin me to the hospital 😬
Got the flu about a year ago. Landed in the hospital after one day of severe vomiting . Stayed two days. Nice vacay once they stopped the vomiting. First time in ten years.
I have not been hospitalized for diabetes since 1979. Only 4x in 60 years
yes this is the first in 14 yrs I think just for overnight for cardiac s=cath with 2 stents. My heart disease is very familial .
So gratifying to see so many “no” responses, way to go everyone!!
First time two years ago when I was diagnosed with T1D! Was in DKA and had no idea why I was so sick. Six days! Second time just overnight when I couldn’t get my sugars down (I was still in that early learning phase). And at least one stop of a couple of hours at the ER – same reason – high sugars I couldn’t figure out. Luckily I seem to have all figured out now! Whew!
ER visit for fluids after GI illness.
Labor Day weekend 2022 I was admitted to the hospital for passing out in a hotel bathroom. My blood sugar was over 400, so they had me on an insulin drip. I hit my head when I fell so they gave me a ct scan and found 3 cysts and a huge shadow the size of a baseball in my head. After they got my sugar under control they transferred me to a larger hospital with an MRI machine. Found stage 4 brain tumor. So had to have emergency surgery that Wednesday. Let’s just say the next 4 months was extremely stressful for me & my husband. I am on the mend now & hopefully my next mri will be stable or all clear! 🤞🤞
My last hospitalization was in December 2020 after a delayed refill for my insulin put me in DKA. The worst part was that because it was at the height of Covid, my husband basically could only drop me off at the ER door. The hospital was less than ten minutes from our home, and it was only one night, but I may as well have been on the other side of the world.
After my preliminary stay at Joslin in 1954, I’ve never spent time in a hospital because of having diabetes. A few other times for things like tonsils and babies, but I’ve been very lucky, and very healthy. Very grateful!
The only time I have been hospitalized due to T1D was in 1970 when I suffered a diabetic hyperosmolar coma, due to ketoacidosis resulting from undiagnosed T1D. I was young and just back from an assignment to Korea in the USAF. I new something was wrong with me, but did not know what and I wanted to visit my family before exploring my issues through the USAF medical services.
Last time I was in the hospital due to diabetes was within 6 months of first starting on an insulin pump. Approximately 32 years ago
No, I have not been hospitalized in the last three years, it has been 67 years since I’ve been hospitalized for diabetes related issues.uu
At 65yo, a T1D for 53 years and a pump user for 25 years I experienced what I own as a user error when my pump charger cord went bad and I miscalculated a manual shot. I awoke at 3am knowing I was going low and went to the kitchen to get some juice and remember noting after that until I awoke on the kitchen floor. I could not stand up and drug myself down the hall to get my phone. I called 911 and asked what time it was. It was 9am. I had broken my right ankle, fractured my left knee and torn the meniscus. Lots of lessons learned and after a month of rehab my family and I decided I could no longer live alone. Between T1D and being a fall risk I am in a senior assisted living. It’s not a bad ending but so many things go into our care. Prepare for your future and don’t be stupid!
I was hospitalized for 5 days in 1986 in France to learn to give myself injections. The last hospitalization was for a kidney transplant 1.5 years ago.
I’ve never been hospitalized because of T1D other than when the endo started me on insulin on 1973 to learn about injections and diet.
Dang, now I jinxed myself 🙃
Last time I was hospitalized for anything related to T1D was over 30 years ago in the winter of 1992 for an unexpected bout of DKA … was during a very stressful time in my life and was inpatient for three days to get my BGs stabilized back in the days before I was using a pump and CGMs weren’t even on the radar yet …
Not directly, anyway, I have been hospitalized for heart issues.
I have, however, received emergency care in a hospital for T1 complications i.e. elevated potassium and kidney injury due to Covid.
After diagnosis 1988 I have never been hospitalised because of T1D, or for any other reason either.
58 years T1DM in July, one hospitization, that was in 1965 with diagnosis.
Lack of D medical competence caused noxious extension of several stays, but not the stays themselves.