If you have used overlay patches on pump or CGM sites, have you ever experienced any of the following issues with the patches? Select all that apply.
Home > LC Polls > If you have used overlay patches on pump or CGM sites, have you ever experienced any of the following issues with the patches? Select all that apply.
Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
I have severe skin allergies so I e tried a bunch of different brands and have experienced all of these issues. There are 2, Rightcare patches and Stay Put Medical patches, that don’t bother my skin and stay on well, don’t fray or lift. They don’t leave that sticky gunk on my skin. They hold up in the Phoenix summers and all the water activities. However, they do not come off easily but it’s worth it for the piece of kind knowing I won’t lose my dexcom. I only use one for a pump site on water days and that’s the worst because they definitely don’t come off easy within those 3 days of a pump site.
Medtronic has an adhesive strip attached to their devices which generally does well. Is this considered an overlay? I sweat at work to the point I’ve had the adhesion come loose. I now use an adhesive skin tak to keep them intact.
I use Hypafix over my Medtronic sensors. I do not use the tape they provide at all. The Hypafix holds well and the only issue I’ve had is sometimes an edge will lift up. I ignore it, the patch has never fallen off and lasts the full 7 days. I buy the 4″ wide roll and cut a 4×4 piece, often cutting that down a little more.
I have really liked the Overlay patches that Dexcom sends when you call for a new supply. Last year I had a terrible time getting them–was it the fault of the USPS? I ordered them three separate times and received nothing. Dexcom was great about sympathizing and resending. Finally, over a period of two months, I received all three envelopes! I finally needed to order again….when will THIS envelope arrive?? LOL!
I have found I like the overlay patches from DexCom more than the other ones I ordered from Amazon. The ones from DexCom come with a double layer (one on the bottom and one on top) which helps to keep the overlay flat while you are placing them. The other ones have folded on me while I was trying to place them.
You can order DexCom overlay patches once every 30 days from here. https://dexcom.custhelp.com/app/OverPatchOrderForm
I selected “another issue” only because there wasn’t an option for no issues. I only use them if something happens to my Omnipod or CGM and the adhesive patch gets folded or slightly pulled up and I need to extend the life of the item. No real issues when it’s time to replace the item.
I haven’t run into any issues when using a overlay “Hypafix. The only time I use a overlay is when my infusion site is in a area that’s prone to getting hit or latched onto something like my hand/fingers. That said I also use “Hypafix” underneath my Dexcom G6 sensor due to skin sensitivity issues with their adhesive and never have any issues in so doing.
I haven’t used an “overlay” without Tagaderm down first, since we found out I was allergic to Medtronic’s sensor’s metal. Even though I had to cut out a pin dot for it to go through, it helped with how bad the reaction got. Since switching to Dexcom I still use the underlay to help the sensor stay on for the full 10 day’s along with their over lay.
I’ve found that using a rough wash cloth to scrub the area first works pretty well, even without the overlay products. I think it’s a matter of removing dead skin cells before attaching the infusion set or CGM. I’m really a less is more sort of person, and anything I can cross off the list of things that might not get delivered on time gives me one more reason not to worry :^} .
With the guardian sensor it requires an overlay which I never had good luck with. After switching to Dexcom sensor it’s been awesome. The adhesive strip stays in place for a solid 10 days
I have a sensitivity to the adhesive Dexcom G6 uses. My diabetes educator suggested I try using Flonase as a barrier. After cleaning the are I now spray it with Flonase and wait for it to dry. No more irritation!
Due to issues with removal and residue I have only used overlays a couple times, when I first started using CGM. My experience with Dexcom G6 transmitters has been very satisfactory and not required the use of overlay patches.
I have never needed them with Omnipod. I sometimes need them with the Dexcom G6. I hated the ones I ordered with Amazon, but I didn’t know Dexcom had their own then. Now I use theirs when I need one, and for me they work great.
When I first started using the Dexcom G5 it was suggested that I order a fabric overlay patch to help keep the sensor attached for the full time. I did that until the edge fraying and adhesive left on my skin after removal became annoying. By then Dexcom was supplying an overlay patch by request. The Dexcom patches work well, just need to order them in time. I’ve never put a patch on pump infusion sites .
I use tegaderm (3 of them) as well as skin prep around my sensor because of allergies and tape falling off too soon. Finally have it down! Some times adding on a fourth tape during mid-week of sensor helps.
I have used an overlay with my Dexcom G-6. Sometimes the one provided by Dexcom, and recently the ones I purchased from Expressionmed. I usually only put one on if for some reason the sensor adhesive has come loose, or when I know I’m going to -be swimming, or (more often) If I’m going to be out in hot, humid (translate-sweaty) weather. I checked “lifting,” but it has happened so rarely I feel it’s not a true answer. But as someone said, “no issues” was not an option.
I would have said “no Issues” if there were a choice for that. However, a minor issue that I have is removing the non-adhesive portion when I am placing the overlay patch on me.
Like others, I have a long wait, 3 or 4 weeks between the time I place an order with Dexcom for the patches, and when it arrives at my home.
The overlay patches are a necessity. My G6 sensor will no stay on or work properly without the overlay patches.
I use Simpatch and it seems to work best for me, allot of swimming. They all frayed but that’s to be expected…. sometimes they pull up a bit at the edge but the same thing happens with band aids right? residue comes off w/ the alcohol swab when switching sensors (G6 Dexcom)
Occasionally I have some lift but usually I just put a bandaid on the lifted portion. The bigger problem I have in the FLA weather is having allergic reactions to the tubing against my sweating skin. I have Lichen Planus.
There was not a NONE or OTHER answer selection so I chose “Another Issue”, even though that is not true.
I use Smith & Nephew Skin-Prep to get my insertion sites sticky, then use IV 3000 patches split down the middle lengthwise to anchor the infusion insertion tab & needle in place and as secure overlay to the tubing. Works like a charm and stays in place for the full three days, even after getting out of the shower.
For my cgm, I swab the insertion area with a Skin-Prep adhesive, then use a Dexcom adhesive patch to anchor and secure my sensor into place. Again, works like a charm every time and lasts for 10 days.
The clear patches DEXCOM provide are easy to use and effective. The cloth patches supplied by Advanced Diabetes Supply are clumsy, hard to apply yet once in place are effective, Guess which one I prefer.
I’ve only used Dexcom’s overlay patches a couple of times. I more frequently use the paper medical tape. In both cases there is a slightly sticky residue, occasional peeling/lifting of the edges and sometimes a red reaction from removing the tape/overlay.
I tried the Dexcom over patch and it caused the sensor adhesive to lift, never again. It sticks better to the Dexcom adhesive patch than it does to your skin and it is not flexible or breathable enough.
If you have used overlay patches on pump or CGM sites, have you ever experienced any of the following issues with the patches? Select all that apply. Cancel reply
I have severe skin allergies so I e tried a bunch of different brands and have experienced all of these issues. There are 2, Rightcare patches and Stay Put Medical patches, that don’t bother my skin and stay on well, don’t fray or lift. They don’t leave that sticky gunk on my skin. They hold up in the Phoenix summers and all the water activities. However, they do not come off easily but it’s worth it for the piece of kind knowing I won’t lose my dexcom. I only use one for a pump site on water days and that’s the worst because they definitely don’t come off easy within those 3 days of a pump site.
Medtronic has an adhesive strip attached to their devices which generally does well. Is this considered an overlay? I sweat at work to the point I’ve had the adhesion come loose. I now use an adhesive skin tak to keep them intact.
I have never used overlay patches.
I use Hypafix over my Medtronic sensors. I do not use the tape they provide at all. The Hypafix holds well and the only issue I’ve had is sometimes an edge will lift up. I ignore it, the patch has never fallen off and lasts the full 7 days. I buy the 4″ wide roll and cut a 4×4 piece, often cutting that down a little more.
Never had a problem with overlay patches. G6 overlay patches are the only thing that has worked well, cannot say the same about the DXCM cgm!!
why didn’t you include, never had any issues with CGM overlay patches?
I have really liked the Overlay patches that Dexcom sends when you call for a new supply. Last year I had a terrible time getting them–was it the fault of the USPS? I ordered them three separate times and received nothing. Dexcom was great about sympathizing and resending. Finally, over a period of two months, I received all three envelopes! I finally needed to order again….when will THIS envelope arrive?? LOL!
I have found I like the overlay patches from DexCom more than the other ones I ordered from Amazon. The ones from DexCom come with a double layer (one on the bottom and one on top) which helps to keep the overlay flat while you are placing them. The other ones have folded on me while I was trying to place them.
You can order DexCom overlay patches once every 30 days from here. https://dexcom.custhelp.com/app/OverPatchOrderForm
I selected “another issue” only because there wasn’t an option for no issues. I only use them if something happens to my Omnipod or CGM and the adhesive patch gets folded or slightly pulled up and I need to extend the life of the item. No real issues when it’s time to replace the item.
I have difficulty putting them on because of arthritis in my hands.
I’ve given up on Omnipod for several reasons, one of the most important being that I cannot apply them properly, even with a Simpatch over it.
I haven’t run into any issues when using a overlay “Hypafix. The only time I use a overlay is when my infusion site is in a area that’s prone to getting hit or latched onto something like my hand/fingers. That said I also use “Hypafix” underneath my Dexcom G6 sensor due to skin sensitivity issues with their adhesive and never have any issues in so doing.
I haven’t used an “overlay” without Tagaderm down first, since we found out I was allergic to Medtronic’s sensor’s metal. Even though I had to cut out a pin dot for it to go through, it helped with how bad the reaction got. Since switching to Dexcom I still use the underlay to help the sensor stay on for the full 10 day’s along with their over lay.
I’ve found that using a rough wash cloth to scrub the area first works pretty well, even without the overlay products. I think it’s a matter of removing dead skin cells before attaching the infusion set or CGM. I’m really a less is more sort of person, and anything I can cross off the list of things that might not get delivered on time gives me one more reason not to worry :^} .
With the guardian sensor it requires an overlay which I never had good luck with. After switching to Dexcom sensor it’s been awesome. The adhesive strip stays in place for a solid 10 days
I use SkinGrip patches for both pump and CGM and have never had any problems with either
I have a sensitivity to the adhesive Dexcom G6 uses. My diabetes educator suggested I try using Flonase as a barrier. After cleaning the are I now spray it with Flonase and wait for it to dry. No more irritation!
Due to issues with removal and residue I have only used overlays a couple times, when I first started using CGM. My experience with Dexcom G6 transmitters has been very satisfactory and not required the use of overlay patches.
No issues
I have never needed them with Omnipod. I sometimes need them with the Dexcom G6. I hated the ones I ordered with Amazon, but I didn’t know Dexcom had their own then. Now I use theirs when I need one, and for me they work great.
I use tegaderm or opsite over my pump site when I rotate to my upper thighs. I don’t like the friction of my pants rubbing directly on the site.
When I first started using the Dexcom G5 it was suggested that I order a fabric overlay patch to help keep the sensor attached for the full time. I did that until the edge fraying and adhesive left on my skin after removal became annoying. By then Dexcom was supplying an overlay patch by request. The Dexcom patches work well, just need to order them in time. I’ve never put a patch on pump infusion sites .
It would be such a good idea and simple solution for Dexcom to just include a adhesive few patches with each shipment of sensors, don’tcha think?
There is no place for no problems, so I checked “another issue”.
I have NO problems with the overlay patches. I use them on the G6 all the time and I love them.
No issues!
I use tegaderm (3 of them) as well as skin prep around my sensor because of allergies and tape falling off too soon. Finally have it down! Some times adding on a fourth tape during mid-week of sensor helps.
I have used an overlay with my Dexcom G-6. Sometimes the one provided by Dexcom, and recently the ones I purchased from Expressionmed. I usually only put one on if for some reason the sensor adhesive has come loose, or when I know I’m going to -be swimming, or (more often) If I’m going to be out in hot, humid (translate-sweaty) weather. I checked “lifting,” but it has happened so rarely I feel it’s not a true answer. But as someone said, “no issues” was not an option.
I would have said “no Issues” if there were a choice for that. However, a minor issue that I have is removing the non-adhesive portion when I am placing the overlay patch on me.
Like others, I have a long wait, 3 or 4 weeks between the time I place an order with Dexcom for the patches, and when it arrives at my home.
The overlay patches are a necessity. My G6 sensor will no stay on or work properly without the overlay patches.
Difficulty putting it on
I use Simpatch and it seems to work best for me, allot of swimming. They all frayed but that’s to be expected…. sometimes they pull up a bit at the edge but the same thing happens with band aids right? residue comes off w/ the alcohol swab when switching sensors (G6 Dexcom)
I had to check “other issue” but my issue is with the question! There was no “none of the above” answer.
I chose other for the same reason. I rarely use them and when I do, usually near the end of a sensor, I have no issues.
I’ve also had the Dexcom CGM pull off leaving the overpatch on my skin.
Occasionally I have some lift but usually I just put a bandaid on the lifted portion. The bigger problem I have in the FLA weather is having allergic reactions to the tubing against my sweating skin. I have Lichen Planus.
There was not a NONE or OTHER answer selection so I chose “Another Issue”, even though that is not true.
I use Smith & Nephew Skin-Prep to get my insertion sites sticky, then use IV 3000 patches split down the middle lengthwise to anchor the infusion insertion tab & needle in place and as secure overlay to the tubing. Works like a charm and stays in place for the full three days, even after getting out of the shower.
For my cgm, I swab the insertion area with a Skin-Prep adhesive, then use a Dexcom adhesive patch to anchor and secure my sensor into place. Again, works like a charm every time and lasts for 10 days.
Rarely, but those things happen for 10 day sensors.
I have had absolutely no problems.
I use Expression Med patches for my CGM and really have no issues.
The clear patches DEXCOM provide are easy to use and effective. The cloth patches supplied by Advanced Diabetes Supply are clumsy, hard to apply yet once in place are effective, Guess which one I prefer.
I have used overlay patches with my CGM but have not experienced any of these issues to a reportable extent.
I’ve only used Dexcom’s overlay patches a couple of times. I more frequently use the paper medical tape. In both cases there is a slightly sticky residue, occasional peeling/lifting of the edges and sometimes a red reaction from removing the tape/overlay.
No issues
Hypafix tape is my go to, and I only use it if I’m doing an activity that is wet or abusive to the CGM.
I tried the Dexcom over patch and it caused the sensor adhesive to lift, never again. It sticks better to the Dexcom adhesive patch than it does to your skin and it is not flexible or breathable enough.
You don’t have this as a selection. but, I don’t have any issues with the over patch.