In the past 7 days, how many nights was your sleep disrupted by device alerts, checking blood glucose levels, or treating a high or low?
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Control IQ messages keep me awake while trying to fall asleep, but once I fall asleep, I am fine. I wish I were not informed that control IQ was changing my insulin during sleep hours, but only informed of major high and low events.
These messages are quite able at waking my spouse.
I believe that my sleep has been disrupted far less since I’ve been using the Tandem X2/Dexcom G6 Control IQ system.
Molly, I don’t believe my pump is alerting me every time my Control IQ is changing my insulin doses. If it it, I’m not hearing it. Perhaps, there is a setting to control that? I have the volume on “low.”
I always wake up a few times each night and I always check my glucose (Libre) each time I wake and treat by whatever the reading is. Both my Omnipod and my Libre are by my bed so it is easy to do without getting up. I usually check around 1:00 and 3:30 each night.
You should ask the question of care takers. My son sleeps through his alarms, but I don’t.
I usually get up once
To bathroom and check my blood sugar while up. Hardly ever an alarm.
I started using Omnipod 5 about two months ago. I don’t get alerts while sleeping anymore. I wish the cats were as cooperative.
Tandem’s Control IQ really helps me at night. I don’t use it during the day as I prefer a different BG target but it is wonderful to take care of issues at night while I peacefully sleep.
I don’t have many alerts when using Tandem control IQ in sleep mode. When not in sleep mode it will over bolus and cause hypoglycaemia.
This week is what I experience most of the time (no alerts at night). However, I do have nights with low or, most frustrating, “your sensor is going to expire in …days.” I would love to have a setting to not get those at 3am! I’m much more aware of the consequences at 8 am!!!
since getting the Libre2, I wake up almost every night even after shutting off the alarms. while I was using a meter, I never woke up during the night.
I much prefer being awakened by the alert rather than by that fireman’s voice “Well, he’s back!”
I switched from the Medtronic 770g to the tandem X2. I don’t get woken up any more, other than an occasional low. With the Minimed, it went off constantly, the tandem doesn’t.
Same here
Zero is the typical week for me. I use MDI and libre 2. So, my numbers look decent these days, but my previous 60 years have taken their toll.
I usually don’t get woke up by device alerts even if I sleep overnight, but the main reason I never get my sleep disrupted overnight is because I work night shift and even on my nights off I’m typically awake overnight anyway and sleep almost exclusively during daylight hours during the day.
I shut off most alarms, but still wake and check dexcom’s computations a couple times a night and usually see something to tweak.
This week only twice. The were for recalibration. Both times I forgot to check where Inwas on the cal cycle. And yes it’s is most annoying.
Don’t know why there are so many alerts for highs when I already know I am high.
I answered 2 nights. But it is on me. My range is narrow and I set it to alert for high at 120. That does happen overnight. I do get up a few times to use the bathroom and will take a look at my Tandem X2 pump so see where I am and will take action at that time. Ergo, the pump doesn’t often have the opportunity to sound an alarm. I’m the queen of the microdose.
One out of the 4 nights was due to a ratty CGM that I had just inserted, giving inaccurate readings (both high and low). For a couple of nights, I got up and did a meter test until I could trust the sensor’s reading
Here’s where Control IQ (Tandem X2 pump) doesn’t meet its objective. Yes, I have it set for sleep mode, which should try to maintain a 110-1165 mg/dl level, but rarely does. (I know about changing Basels and I do.) Still fighting up hill.
I answered 7 of 7, but this “all nights” answer does not disrupt my sleep. I wake up anyway at least twice per night, I go to bathroom and I check my control. Then I fall asleep again immediately. If there are alarms, I manage them within this scheme. Any problem is with glicemy, not with sleep.
The quality of the libre 2 seems to have gone down dramatically in the last 4 months. I feel to a point of it being dangerous. I get false lows about 3 times a night, every night. I believe from compression. I am trying to work with my endo to find an alternative, affordable CGM
As a menopausal woman, my sleep is disrupted by other things. I take the opportunity to check my BG. I am torn whether to get a CGM or not with all the alarming. I’ve never passed out, had seizures, or not woken up and I’ve been as low as 19 (I don’t make a habit of that ). Probably because I’m LADA and I don’t consider it as serious as juvenile. I still work and I need my sleep.
Only once this week. Woo hoo!!!
Still didn’t sleep well, but I can’t blame alarms this week. ;p
7 for me … It is just part of life for a LONG time now… so not a bother..
I said 5 times- it’s been a tough week. I stayed below 70 for 45 mins one night despite treating for a low. Another night, went low, treated then went up a bit ; then down again then up 3 times. This rarely happens..