On a scale of 1-5, how satisfied are you with your current overall T1D care routine? (1 = the least satisfied, 5 = the most satisfied)
Home > LC Polls > On a scale of 1-5, how satisfied are you with your current overall T1D care routine? (1 = the least satisfied, 5 = the most satisfied)
Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
Lyumjev has increased my Time In Range, improved my Std Deviation and CV greatly. It also allows me much less waiting time before eating. Game Changer for me.
Lumajev is a fast acting insulin. It reaches full strength in about half the time as Novalog or Humalog. I tried it and every bolis burned for me.
I saw imrovement in TIR, but am trying Fiasp now. My Endo gave me samples of both.
I started using Dexcom one week ago and I am liking it. I am, however, anxiously awaiting Insulet’s Omnipod 5 system to be released to the general public. That way the closed loop Pump will adjust itself, instead of being woken up at night due to the alarms.
I got an email a short time ago this morning saying Omnipod 5 is now available from several pharmacies. I am waiting on the Dexcom 7 before changing from Libre to 7. Hope it will be soon or they get the Omnipod 5 to work with Libre.
I would say 5 only if I did t have diabetes. Took me awhile to go from pump to MDI. Had trouble figuring out basal. I settled on Tresiba twice a day. Works for me. My Endo ok with it. Does anyone use Lyumjev for bolus? Works so fast. I really like it.
My current routine is the best I have ever had. But I see it could be better. A fast acting insulin and the better bolis response of the 780G pump and better sensors are also required.
Ordinarily I manage pretty well with my CGM and the Omnipod but the last couple of weeks have been a roller coaster due to issues with insulin absorption and unusual post-prandial BG patterns. 🤪
I am pretty satisfied with my Tandem and Dexcom G-6 as it stands now. I would like: a “do not disturb” alarm button for those non-critical alerts which come at 3am, such as “your sensor expires in 24 hours” (I can wait until 7 am to hear that!) or even the threshold for low cartridge alert. And I am looking forward to the ability to bolus on my phone, so I’m not having to pull the pump out of pocket or out from under my shirt (or skirt!) to bolus.
But with the current technology, I’m very satisfied 🙂
Up until recently, I was very satisfied. But I just spent two weeks trying to get meds (Humalog, Lantus, Test strips) shipped. The test strips finally came one day before I was completely out.
As far as time in range I’m getting the best numbers ever. My issue has to do with the tandem infusion sets that I can only used in my abdomen since the clasp is impossible to get in and out without seeing it. After 50 years of using this area is sometimes hard to find the right spot. I have been talking to tandem about this issue for 5 years and no new development have been made on his issue.
Have you tried TruSteel? I can place the infusion part around towards my back, and the anchor/connection piece is within easy reach. I also use my thighs
A fast insulin would also be great for the stubborn highs and the after meal peaks. If my big goes higher than 200 it takes for hours to bring it down. Sometimes I just inject 1 unit of humalog to help it go down faster.
Need more context / specifics for this one. (Is this asking about the “care” as in the care I receive from healthcare providers? “Routine” as in my own T1D management?)
I put ‘other’ as I have no idea how to answer this vague question – Are you referring to the care we provide to ourselves, or to the care we receive from others, such as Endo, Diabetic educator, Ophthalmologist, etc. etc.???
I chose “4”. The insulin pump/CGM combo has been excellent for maintaining control. I am frustrated with all pumps’ failure to deliver insulin in a manner that controls my brittle diabetes post-meal rise. If my site is ‘perfect’ and I can move around, then it works. Pre-bolusing does not help. Most of my dissatisfaction is due to my own stress level and my lack of adequate ways to cope with the stress.
4, as science always has observations to make that will seem so obvious in the future.
Lyumjev has increased my Time In Range, improved my Std Deviation and CV greatly. It also allows me much less waiting time before eating. Game Changer for me.
Lyumjev? What is that?
Lumajev is a fast acting insulin. It reaches full strength in about half the time as Novalog or Humalog. I tried it and every bolis burned for me.
I saw imrovement in TIR, but am trying Fiasp now. My Endo gave me samples of both.
I started using Dexcom one week ago and I am liking it. I am, however, anxiously awaiting Insulet’s Omnipod 5 system to be released to the general public. That way the closed loop Pump will adjust itself, instead of being woken up at night due to the alarms.
I got an email a short time ago this morning saying Omnipod 5 is now available from several pharmacies. I am waiting on the Dexcom 7 before changing from Libre to 7. Hope it will be soon or they get the Omnipod 5 to work with Libre.
I would say 5 only if I did t have diabetes. Took me awhile to go from pump to MDI. Had trouble figuring out basal. I settled on Tresiba twice a day. Works for me. My Endo ok with it. Does anyone use Lyumjev for bolus? Works so fast. I really like it.
PBM is making me switch to Lyumjev from FIASP. good to hear that it works quickly. have to use up my remaining FIASP first
My current routine is the best I have ever had. But I see it could be better. A fast acting insulin and the better bolis response of the 780G pump and better sensors are also required.
Ordinarily I manage pretty well with my CGM and the Omnipod but the last couple of weeks have been a roller coaster due to issues with insulin absorption and unusual post-prandial BG patterns. 🤪
I am pretty satisfied with my Tandem and Dexcom G-6 as it stands now. I would like: a “do not disturb” alarm button for those non-critical alerts which come at 3am, such as “your sensor expires in 24 hours” (I can wait until 7 am to hear that!) or even the threshold for low cartridge alert. And I am looking forward to the ability to bolus on my phone, so I’m not having to pull the pump out of pocket or out from under my shirt (or skirt!) to bolus.
But with the current technology, I’m very satisfied 🙂
I am expecting my new Tandem pump any day now. This with my Dexcom will improve my control big time! Closed loop system after 50+ years T1D.
I would give it a 5 if my insurance covered CGMs. But the rest of my coverage makes up for that lack!
T1 58 years and Dex G6 and Tandem CIQ have given me the Best Numbers since 1963
Up until recently, I was very satisfied. But I just spent two weeks trying to get meds (Humalog, Lantus, Test strips) shipped. The test strips finally came one day before I was completely out.
As far as time in range I’m getting the best numbers ever. My issue has to do with the tandem infusion sets that I can only used in my abdomen since the clasp is impossible to get in and out without seeing it. After 50 years of using this area is sometimes hard to find the right spot. I have been talking to tandem about this issue for 5 years and no new development have been made on his issue.
Have you tried TruSteel? I can place the infusion part around towards my back, and the anchor/connection piece is within easy reach. I also use my thighs
A fast insulin would also be great for the stubborn highs and the after meal peaks. If my big goes higher than 200 it takes for hours to bring it down. Sometimes I just inject 1 unit of humalog to help it go down faster.
because of Covid restrictions I haven’t seen an Endo in 3+ yrs …the question now is satisfied with which care … personal & or health care team ??
wish i could afford tandam iq and dexcom combo!
I checked off number four (4) because, unless you are a person with T1D. You have never lived in our SHOES. Doctor, CDE etc.
Need more context / specifics for this one. (Is this asking about the “care” as in the care I receive from healthcare providers? “Routine” as in my own T1D management?)
I put ‘other’ as I have no idea how to answer this vague question – Are you referring to the care we provide to ourselves, or to the care we receive from others, such as Endo, Diabetic educator, Ophthalmologist, etc. etc.???
I’m satisfied with my care routine and chose 4. There is always things to improve, therefore I couldn’t have 5.
I chose “4”. The insulin pump/CGM combo has been excellent for maintaining control. I am frustrated with all pumps’ failure to deliver insulin in a manner that controls my brittle diabetes post-meal rise. If my site is ‘perfect’ and I can move around, then it works. Pre-bolusing does not help. Most of my dissatisfaction is due to my own stress level and my lack of adequate ways to cope with the stress.