If you wear a T1D device, such as a CGM or insulin pump, do you order your device supplies from a durable medical equipment supplier?
Home > LC Polls > If you wear a T1D device, such as a CGM or insulin pump, do you order your device supplies from a durable medical equipment supplier?
Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
I use the Medtronic 770 pump and sensor system. I order all related supplies from Medtronic directly. They are usually prompt, but I order far enough in advance that promptness isn’t necessary.
Just starting Medicare so still experiencing that adventure. Medtronic is the maker and I can get everything but their sensors from them even though Medicare says all sensors are now covered. It seems that all the DME suppliers are being conned by them because everyone I have called says Medtronic will not even supply a 3rd party company with sensors for Medicare patients.
I started with Edgepark, what a nightmare! As soon as Walgreen’s started offering my Dexcom products, I switched to Walgreen’s. Now it’s as easy as any other prescription.
I’ve also paid for dexcom sensors out of pocket using Costco. I’m grateful that I have the means to do so because the same supplier I’m using didn’t notify of the need for an updated prescription. They sent the request to my doctor’s previous office and when they didn’t get a response, they just held my order.
I became a T1D when I had my pancreas removed at age 78. I was able to get a Dexcom G5 about 6 months later. Arrangements were made by my endo to get supplies through Solara Medical Supplies, with Medicare covering costs. The first year service wasn’t the best but after about a year they were taken over by another company and service has been great after they got all the bugs worked out. I am now using a Tandem pump with Control IQ and Dexcom G6. I am reminded when I will need my supplied renewed. That is a big help and I am happy with my supplier.
I used to order from Dexcom and Omnipod. With Omnipod, I never had to order. I put it on auto refill and never had to think about it again. The new pods (Dash system) that I just started on a few months ago are categorized as pharmacy, so now I get them from a pharmacy. I used to order directly from Dexcom, but they stopped supplying that way, so now that’s pharmacy as well.
Wish I could just get them through pharmacy, but insurance requires that Dex com through a DME supplier, which can be challenging. I still get old Omnipods direct from Insulet. BUT I cannot get the DASH because they can only come through the pharmacy and my insurance won’t allow it. SO frustrating.
Due to Medicare I have to order my CGM and Omnipod supplies through a durable medical provider and I hate it. They never send on time and they way overcharge the government for all supplies. Since they are so unreliable (Byram) I do get my endo to send a prescription to Walgreens so I can just pay a little for it and get my CGM supplies. Otherwise I would run out. I am down to only a few pods for my pump and I really don’t know what I will do when my extras run out since I can’t get those from a local pharmacy. I started with Byram with a three months extra supply but I am down to five pods as of today.
Just recently went on Medicare. I was due for a new pump and switched to CCS medical (recommended by Tandem) because Edgepark doesn’t do pump supplies for Medicare. Thank goodness CCS has been very easy to work with. A person actually answers the phone!! Getting supplies smoothly. I did have to call about last order and tell them the date of my last Endo visit.
Edgepark, on the other hand, has been a horror for my Dexcom. They were supposed to ship a 3 mos. supply on July 5, but didn’t start processing Medicare until July 5. How does that work? They would not take my word about when I saw Dr. last but had to get in touch with Dr. office. I called my Endo and secretary said she hadn’t gotten anything from Edgepark.. Fortunately she was willing to call. Then I had to call Edgepark again (and wait) and speak to a supervisor to get shipment released. Next shipment for Dexcom will switch to CCS. Also, always lie when they ask how many days supply you have left. Sad that they make you do that.
I was able to change to a different DME supplier , from Byram. After fighting for a year to receive the correct infusion sites in my orders. They refused to speak with Tandem, to try and fix the problem they had (they told me they were sending the correct ones but they didn’t go with my tSlim.) I ended up having to buy a box from Tandem, so I would have some. I was using the same site until it hurt to bad keep it in, sometimes 2 weeks or more.
I had to go a week or more between my orders for Dexcom sensors & they never wanted to send a new transmitter on time.
Since changing I’ve not had a issue.
I am on Medicare, and wear a CGM. I anm FORCED by Medicare to purchase t6he supplies through Byrum Health… I have tired the alternatives, all bad and undependable. I wish I could go to my Pharmacy where I get my insulins and pick the supplies up? WHY does Medicare force people to use a ‘equipment supplier’? If it is just becuase of a ‘classification’ then they need to change that.
I have used CCS since 2004 with varying degrees of satisfaction. In the last 2 years their service has been great. They remind me but email & phone when it is time to reorder pump or cgm supplies. I do appreciate the reminder. I just began ordering online so I will have to see how well that works.
I wasn’t sure but my answer is Yes after looking at comments. I use Baycare Homecare out of FLA. Used to get them from Medtronic when I was on BCBS but when my company switched to Cigna, had to go through Baycare. They are good though and I get my supplies the days after I phone in my order. I’m grateful fir the comments and when I go on Medicare in 2 years, I will try to stay away from Bynam.
I’ve used both Byram (terrible service) and Edgepark (even worse) for Libre supplies. I recently switched to Advanced Diabetes Supply and (so far) they have been reliable.
I switched from Byram to Edgepark, and haven’t had any problems, thus far. I had used Edgepark before and not had good service; this time it is seamless, supplies on time and the correct ones. Unlike Bryam.
Byram is the WORST. They sent a bill to collection because they had posted different amounts on the phone service vs. the online systems and I paid via the phone system, it took months to clear up. Their billing/accounting was always screwed up. I have had better success with CCS for Tandem and US Med for Dexcom.
I’m covered my Medicare and receive both my Tandem Tslimx2 and Dexcom CGM supplies from CCS Medical. I’ve had good service from them and have always received my supplies on time.
I’ve used multiple Suppliers over the years, both difficult and Edgypark is Impossible (never do business again) Byram was OK and Solara, right now using Diabetes Management & Supplies from New Orleans and they’ve been very reliable.
I get a three month supply of pump supplies from CCS mail order. But I get my 30 days of Dexcom supplies and insulin through Walgreens thinking that I wouldn’t have to wait on the mail for delivery. I travel back and forth to Florida so I knew I would always have a Walgreens around the corner.
I receive my T1D supplies from my pharmacy and a company directly. In the past a medical supplier was used for T1D and I hope I will never need to use one again.
For colostomy supplies, I’ve called my insurance company to see if there are any of these suppliers to simply drive to and pick up supplies from, but the answer is no. Communication and time can be very difficult with the supplier.
Medicare advantage plan. All my supplies through Byram. Only good experiences with them so far. Order online, they send confirmation and things arrive when they should
My dexcom G6 was hundreds less to do as a DME as opposed to pharmacy benefit. My pump supplies I get direct from insulet so I am not sure how they are billed.
I use ADS, it took me a while to get in the system even though I was considered “urgent” I had to do all the leg work calling my insurance, doctors office, and Advanced Diabetes Supplies every day on the phone for hours waiting for answers just to get a basic I don’t know answer. I kept pushing them after they were saying I couldn’t do anything to speed it up and was out of almost all supplies and finally got them to review my case and approve everything. They have been good for this first 3 months but they have to request medical records to make sure you’re actually using it every 3 months so now I’m waiting on that and my supplies are late
Yes I ware both Pump and CGM devices. I was getting them directly from the manufacturing company. However of late the companies stop doing that so now I receive them from a secondary distributor.
Have had pretty good experience with CCS as a DME supplier. Way fewer headaches than Edgepark/Byram. Not sorry that I don’t have to deal directly with Dexcom any more as they were horrible. Still end up having to get supplies from “other” sources at times. Can’t let the rules, regulations and ridiculous amounts of red tape ruin my health.
Not if I can help it. I try to use pharmacies.
I order all my medical supplies from the Veterans Administration. They’re very prompt.
I have to get my pump supplies through a distributor, but CGM supplies through pharmacy.
I use the Medtronic 770 pump and sensor system. I order all related supplies from Medtronic directly. They are usually prompt, but I order far enough in advance that promptness isn’t necessary.
I order my CGM supplies thru a distributor of Dexcom’s stuff. My distributor/supplier is TERRIBLE!
Just starting Medicare so still experiencing that adventure. Medtronic is the maker and I can get everything but their sensors from them even though Medicare says all sensors are now covered. It seems that all the DME suppliers are being conned by them because everyone I have called says Medtronic will not even supply a 3rd party company with sensors for Medicare patients.
I am on a Medicare advantage plan with Aetna and get all my Medtronic supplies direct from Medtronic
I am forced by my insurance to order from a different supplier other than Medtronics…… This company is not so reliable or convenient for me.
I used US Med to order supplies for CGM. I used to order test strips from this company before I started wearing the Freestyle Libre.
I started with Edgepark, what a nightmare! As soon as Walgreen’s started offering my Dexcom products, I switched to Walgreen’s. Now it’s as easy as any other prescription.
Order my device supplies directly from Medtronic
I’ve also paid for dexcom sensors out of pocket using Costco. I’m grateful that I have the means to do so because the same supplier I’m using didn’t notify of the need for an updated prescription. They sent the request to my doctor’s previous office and when they didn’t get a response, they just held my order.
Yes, for “durable” supplies that last 3 days.
Dexcom is covered via pharmacy benefits and Medtronic supplies are DME. My son’s Omnipods are going through pharmacy.
I became a T1D when I had my pancreas removed at age 78. I was able to get a Dexcom G5 about 6 months later. Arrangements were made by my endo to get supplies through Solara Medical Supplies, with Medicare covering costs. The first year service wasn’t the best but after about a year they were taken over by another company and service has been great after they got all the bugs worked out. I am now using a Tandem pump with Control IQ and Dexcom G6. I am reminded when I will need my supplied renewed. That is a big help and I am happy with my supplier.
not a simple Yes or No; if on Medicare, must use DME! mine charges Medicare $1,050 monthly : > (
I used to order from Dexcom and Omnipod. With Omnipod, I never had to order. I put it on auto refill and never had to think about it again. The new pods (Dash system) that I just started on a few months ago are categorized as pharmacy, so now I get them from a pharmacy. I used to order directly from Dexcom, but they stopped supplying that way, so now that’s pharmacy as well.
I get my CGM supplies through a durable medical goods supplier. I get my Omnipod direct from the company, but under durable medical goods benefit.
Used to order Dexcom supplies directly from the company but now get to try reordering through Byram- not looking forward to it.
Wish I could just get them through pharmacy, but insurance requires that Dex com through a DME supplier, which can be challenging. I still get old Omnipods direct from Insulet. BUT I cannot get the DASH because they can only come through the pharmacy and my insurance won’t allow it. SO frustrating.
Have to order from where insurance requires, Some of the suppliers are awful.
Due to Medicare I have to order my CGM and Omnipod supplies through a durable medical provider and I hate it. They never send on time and they way overcharge the government for all supplies. Since they are so unreliable (Byram) I do get my endo to send a prescription to Walgreens so I can just pay a little for it and get my CGM supplies. Otherwise I would run out. I am down to only a few pods for my pump and I really don’t know what I will do when my extras run out since I can’t get those from a local pharmacy. I started with Byram with a three months extra supply but I am down to five pods as of today.
Just recently went on Medicare. I was due for a new pump and switched to CCS medical (recommended by Tandem) because Edgepark doesn’t do pump supplies for Medicare. Thank goodness CCS has been very easy to work with. A person actually answers the phone!! Getting supplies smoothly. I did have to call about last order and tell them the date of my last Endo visit.
Edgepark, on the other hand, has been a horror for my Dexcom. They were supposed to ship a 3 mos. supply on July 5, but didn’t start processing Medicare until July 5. How does that work? They would not take my word about when I saw Dr. last but had to get in touch with Dr. office. I called my Endo and secretary said she hadn’t gotten anything from Edgepark.. Fortunately she was willing to call. Then I had to call Edgepark again (and wait) and speak to a supervisor to get shipment released. Next shipment for Dexcom will switch to CCS. Also, always lie when they ask how many days supply you have left. Sad that they make you do that.
I was able to change to a different DME supplier , from Byram. After fighting for a year to receive the correct infusion sites in my orders. They refused to speak with Tandem, to try and fix the problem they had (they told me they were sending the correct ones but they didn’t go with my tSlim.) I ended up having to buy a box from Tandem, so I would have some. I was using the same site until it hurt to bad keep it in, sometimes 2 weeks or more.
I had to go a week or more between my orders for Dexcom sensors & they never wanted to send a new transmitter on time.
Since changing I’ve not had a issue.
Make sure you are reporting issues/pods not lasting a full 3 days and they will send replacements, that would help me when I was running low
I am on Medicare, and wear a CGM. I anm FORCED by Medicare to purchase t6he supplies through Byrum Health… I have tired the alternatives, all bad and undependable. I wish I could go to my Pharmacy where I get my insulins and pick the supplies up? WHY does Medicare force people to use a ‘equipment supplier’? If it is just becuase of a ‘classification’ then they need to change that.
I have used CCS since 2004 with varying degrees of satisfaction. In the last 2 years their service has been great. They remind me but email & phone when it is time to reorder pump or cgm supplies. I do appreciate the reminder. I just began ordering online so I will have to see how well that works.
I wasn’t sure but my answer is Yes after looking at comments. I use Baycare Homecare out of FLA. Used to get them from Medtronic when I was on BCBS but when my company switched to Cigna, had to go through Baycare. They are good though and I get my supplies the days after I phone in my order. I’m grateful fir the comments and when I go on Medicare in 2 years, I will try to stay away from Bynam.
I’ve used both Byram (terrible service) and Edgepark (even worse) for Libre supplies. I recently switched to Advanced Diabetes Supply and (so far) they have been reliable.
I switched from Byram to Edgepark, and haven’t had any problems, thus far. I had used Edgepark before and not had good service; this time it is seamless, supplies on time and the correct ones. Unlike Bryam.
My Dexcom supplies are covered as DME, but my Omnipod supplies are dispensed as Rx via Walgreens.
I used to but my pharmacy now carries them so I can easily get them from there.
CGM is an RX
Pump is DME
Byram is the WORST. They sent a bill to collection because they had posted different amounts on the phone service vs. the online systems and I paid via the phone system, it took months to clear up. Their billing/accounting was always screwed up. I have had better success with CCS for Tandem and US Med for Dexcom.
Both my primary and secondary insurance require DME supplies thru a DME supplier. Would much prefer coverage thru local pharmacy.
Ditto. Same was true when I was on my company’s insurance.
I’m covered my Medicare and receive both my Tandem Tslimx2 and Dexcom CGM supplies from CCS Medical. I’ve had good service from them and have always received my supplies on time.
I’ve used multiple Suppliers over the years, both difficult and Edgypark is Impossible (never do business again) Byram was OK and Solara, right now using Diabetes Management & Supplies from New Orleans and they’ve been very reliable.
I am able to get my supplies directly from Medtronic.
I get a three month supply of pump supplies from CCS mail order. But I get my 30 days of Dexcom supplies and insulin through Walgreens thinking that I wouldn’t have to wait on the mail for delivery. I travel back and forth to Florida so I knew I would always have a Walgreens around the corner.
I receive my T1D supplies from my pharmacy and a company directly. In the past a medical supplier was used for T1D and I hope I will never need to use one again.
For colostomy supplies, I’ve called my insurance company to see if there are any of these suppliers to simply drive to and pick up supplies from, but the answer is no. Communication and time can be very difficult with the supplier.
Medicare advantage plan. All my supplies through Byram. Only good experiences with them so far. Order online, they send confirmation and things arrive when they should
I currently get my pump and CGM supplies from Minimed, but going on Medicare with Medigap G next month. Will be shopping around.
My dexcom G6 was hundreds less to do as a DME as opposed to pharmacy benefit. My pump supplies I get direct from insulet so I am not sure how they are billed.
Get supplies from the Veteran’s Administration Health System
Both. I get my pump supplies from a durable med equip supplier, my CGM supplies from Walgreens.
Diabetes Supply is fantastic!! No problems at all in my first year of diagnosis.
From Edgepark for Sensors and pump supplies
I use ADS, it took me a while to get in the system even though I was considered “urgent” I had to do all the leg work calling my insurance, doctors office, and Advanced Diabetes Supplies every day on the phone for hours waiting for answers just to get a basic I don’t know answer. I kept pushing them after they were saying I couldn’t do anything to speed it up and was out of almost all supplies and finally got them to review my case and approve everything. They have been good for this first 3 months but they have to request medical records to make sure you’re actually using it every 3 months so now I’m waiting on that and my supplies are late
Yes I ware both Pump and CGM devices. I was getting them directly from the manufacturing company. However of late the companies stop doing that so now I receive them from a secondary distributor.
Have had pretty good experience with CCS as a DME supplier. Way fewer headaches than Edgepark/Byram. Not sorry that I don’t have to deal directly with Dexcom any more as they were horrible. Still end up having to get supplies from “other” sources at times. Can’t let the rules, regulations and ridiculous amounts of red tape ruin my health.