If you use an insulin pump or CGM, do you use additional overlay patches to help your device(s) stick?
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I put sometimes because I used to use them large overlay (tacaderm?) adhesive tape sheets over the Medtronic CGM as a substitute for their terrible tape and to prevent catching on my waistband. Since switching back to the Dexcom last Nov I haven’t needed to use anything.
I put sometimes because I use Medtronic and to keep their sensor/transmitter attached you pretty much have to use an overlay tape. They do provide tape with the sensors but I hate it so I use Hypafix instead. I don’t use anything over my infusion sets but do often use SkinTac underneath them.
Yes, I must always use the overpatch that I have to order separately in packs of 10 from Dexcom. Otherwise my sensor and transmitter either come off during the 10 day period, or it stops working early.
I wish the overpatches would come with the sensors. Otherwise, I am ordering overpatches every three months. Just one more thing I have to do for maintenance.
I forgot to mention that I usually/often tape my cannula on with the IV Hand 3000 or tape provided by my source, Edgepark.
An addendum from a few days after this question appeared.
Yesterday, I was wearing shorts, with my cannula on my thigh. I had it taped on with CardinalHealth Transparent Thin Film Dressing.While working in the yard the shorts rubbed the tape and my cannula right off. I put on a new cannula and the tape rubbed off again. Also the cannula was barely hanging on. I retaped with numerous dressing tapes.
I would say that I went through 7 or 8 dressing tapes yesterday.
Yes and I use a Medtronic pump and I toss the useless and very poorly designed Medtronic tape. Fortunately, Medicare fully pays for replacement tapes like IV3000 and others. I buy 4X4 sizes that cover the entire thing.
I use Tegaderm Film because i get a rash from the Minimed oval tape.
I don’t use them for my Dexcom G6, but always for the MiniMed Sure-T infusion set, since it can come off at times.
Only on the insertion site – but so that I can still unclip it for showering or charging.
I use tegaderm tape on the infusion site bc I often grab the tubing and yank it out. The adhesive rarely comes off unless it’s super hot and I’m workout outside. My Dexcom never needs adhesive.
Wow, most people it seems use it more often on the cgm but not on the infusion site. You are the opposite.
Always for Dexcom. Rarely for Omnipod—usually decorative for some event when pod is visible.
Always for my Dexcom, Never for my Varisoft Infusion Set
I use overlay patches more often in the summer to ensure devices stay on when I am outdoors.
I use the FreeStyle Libre 2. To keep the sensor on for 14 days, I cover it with a Smith&Nephew IV3000 2 3/8 in x 2 3/8 in dressing. I rarely, if ever, lose a sensor early. One IV3000 dressing usually lasts the full 14 days. Prior to using the IV3000, I did have a sensor detach early. Once was enough.
Only for my Dexcom sensors and only when needed – Simpatch
Not with my pump but I did with CGM
I use for both.
I don’t use overpatch for either pump or CGM, but I use Skin Tac for the CGM, which I put on before the placement. It rarely falls off as a result.
I use the Dexcom overpatch if I have forgotten to put skintac on the sensor. I also put skintac on the TruSteel’s additional adhesive pad.
Always for the Dexcom. The overpatch feels good and works well.
I always use a layering tape between the Dexcom G6 due to the yet to be resolved skin issues I get from the adhesive. It’s a fairly involved process from my end but it works extremely well without fail or skin irritations. As for the infusion sites I do use overlays every so often especially if I have to relocate my infusion site due to discomfort. The other reason would be due to potential snagging when using the trusteel infusion kits.
I use Opsite flex tape on my pump set when I use my thighs.
I use Skin Prep for Medtronic G670 and Skin Tac for Dexcom CGM. Tried an overly from Dexcom, just to see, and it peeled off.
Libre sensors used to constantly fall off due to sweat during exercise and/or during sleep while rolling over. I now use a “sleeve”, which I trimmed from the upper part of a thin sock. I’ve never had one fall off while wearing the sleeve.
ALL the “Yes” answer options, as worded, imply that I use the over-patches for BOTH pump infusion sites AND CGM sensor sites. There needs to be an ADDITIONAL answer option for those like me who ALWAYS use the patches for the CGM sensor sites but have never used or needed to use any such patches for the Insulin pump infusion sites.
I always do for my cgm, and never do for my pump.
Always used Dexcom patches with the sensor. Dexcom provides them for free, you just have to request them.
I’ve been taping the back of my infusion set and a put small piece of tape on the tubing with 3M micropore tape. This way my infusion set stays in place disregard of my activities, even if I accidentally drop my pump.
Not necessary for my libre.
I use Skin Tac every time I replace the sensor, or it will be easily knocked off. I have also used a clear covering specially made for this but Skin Tac has proved adequate.
On my CGM always. On my pump, never.
A piece of 1 and a half inchNexcare by 3M tape works well to keep the TruSteel infusion patch in place. Without the tape, though, it never remains stuck in place.
My Labradoodle was always losing his Libre’s before the two weeks were up, but the vet techs must have found an adhesive that works, because now they almost never fall off, even when the spot hasn’t been recently shaved.
Each to his own, but it’s fascinating and reassuring to see so many individual remedies for what is a common problem. Ingenuity is the name of this game :^)!
I’m absolutely fascinated (and happy) that your labradoodle has a Libre!
I’ve had two cats who were diabetic and I always wished they had CGMs because testing blood sugars on both of them was quite difficult. (Both former ferals and not exactly mellow for medical procedures.)
But, your labradoodle experiences give me such hope and I am SO glad you have this technology to help you treat your beloved pet. 😀
Wow. You are the first person I have heard who uses a cgm on a pet. Awesome. Did you vet have to prescribe it for your dog? It must give you peace of mind since a pet can’t say it is “feeling low” and needs some sugar.
I use the overlay patches provided by Dexcom on my CGM. I’ve tried others but haven’t found them to work as well. I’d definitely like to find a tolerable solution to keeping my infusion site from ripping out when the pump falls from my waistband. I don’t want the mess and added cost of the liquid adhesive. I use the 23″ tubing because I can only manage to insert the infusion set on my abdomen and I’m under 5′ tall. Arthritis has greatly limited hands and shoulder dexterity so pump placement is confined.
If you are using a Tandem X2, you can purchase a new and improved Pump clip. Its available at the Tandem web site. Cost about $ 30+ dollars, but it also allows you to swivel the pump on you hip. It’s similar to the Old Medtronic clips system. The pump stays where you put it.
I use the free ones from Dexcom.
No need on either my Libre or my Omnipod
I put skin tac on the adhesive off the Dex so now don’t need to use an overlay. I use an overlay on the insertion part of the TruSteel when it’s on my arm, legs, and upper abdomen. If on lower abdomen or buttocks, no overlay (unless I have to move the insertion site)
Only for the G6 CGM sensor.
I don’t use overlays, but I use “Skin Tac” before I put my FreeStyle Libre sensor on. This keeps them on for the entire 14 days!
I don’t use any overlays, but I do use Skin-Tac adhesive when attaching CGM sensors. I don’t use anything on infusion sets.
I receive complimentarty overlay patches from US Med who sends my Abbott Freestyle Libre Supplies. Before I found out about this tape, the sensor was falling off; coming off with clothes changes;
coming off from the bath or bed; or knocking off if bumped. The patches are large but the sensor stays in place with them on. Thank You US Med.
I use overlays on my Dexcom6 . I use a clear tape over my Tandem infusion site to prevent accidental disconnecting. Love my pump and Dexcom.
I periodically have to use medical tape over the device with my Freestyle Libre if it gets accidentally knocked, and also use it more frequently in the heat of summer as I find it also loosens easily with any amount of perspiration, so I use the tape to ensure it stays put for the full 14 days.
For the Medtronic attachment, I always use the “Infusion Set IV 3000” to hold it in place – Otherwise, if given the slightest tug, it’ll either loosen or pop out. With this wrap around patch, the device stays for the length of time I need it to.
I use IV 3000 tape on my Sure-T infusion sets and the tape provided on the CGM. Medtronic for both. I use two tapes for the sensors. I too have a tendency to pull the infusion set out without tape.
I don’t typically need one an overlay for my Omnipod but I do need them for sensors often.
I use the Free G6 Sensor Overlay patches from Dex.
I always use 100% with Grif-Grips. They are precut for my Dexcom G6 & I use another GG on my pump site by cutting it in half & then applying it. They never come off & don’t irate my skin. Fri-Grips are simple to order by going to http://www.Grifgrips. The owner developed this small company. And best of all made in USA.
Always, not because they don’t stick, but because I need an under patch in order to not get skin burns from the adhesive.
Only because it is recommended by Dexcom