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A cousin and her son.
No parents, grandparents, cousins, or aunts and uncles have T1, but have a niece and nephew and a son of a niece that are T1.
My mother and her mother. Was not sure who a non-first degree relative is.
Years ago I had a first cousin with T1D. Did not manage well and had a lot of complications. He passed in his 50’s. I was diagnosed with LADA at 53.
Maternal Great Grandmother, brother, maternal uncle, myself, maternal second cousins grandson and then my oldest niece. All others with DM are T2D.
My second cousin–1st cousin’s daughter–is the only other relative I know of with T1D. At that degree of relationship it’s probably 50-80 people (big Catholic family!).
The TUDiabetes website used to have a thread “Are you the lucky One?” for people who were the only person in their family singled out for T1. When I was dx’d (1983) I was told that this was one of the big differences vs T2, that it didn’t seem to track with families, though since then I’ve come to know that there are quite a few cases where it does. But definitely not in my case.
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Only person is my paternal grandmother’s brother. On my mom’s side, though, there is a history of autoimmune–my mom has RA and her dad had alopecia.
The only known family member that had type 1 was my grandfather’s sister. She was diagnosed is the late 1920’s, and died in the early 1960’s.
None of my relatives have T1D but there are a lot of them with other autoimmune diseases.
Same with my family.
I’m the only lucky one!
My third oldest brother got diagnosed while in high school. I got diagnosed with LADA when I was 29
I have T1 and my son’s two sons have T1. What a thing to pass down to your grandkids. 🙁
Not. One. Other. Relative. As a first generation American, I was the first one ever to get vaccinated.
I do have a uncle with type 2. I am the only type 1
My maternal grandfather and my first cousin’s daughter on my father’s side are two that were dx with T1. Before insulin was available and later, before there was knowledge of the various types of diabetes, there were relatives on both sides of my family who did not survive for long.
cousin on paternal side
One nephew: y brother’s son.
My Uncles two grandchildren one at ten years old and another three years ago at 25 years of age, both of course type 1. I was first in the blood line 54 years ago to be diagnosed and nobody knew when I was diagnosed which side of the family passed it on to me? So the later diagnosed cousins proved it came from my late Mothers family side and their granfather also got type 2 in his later years of life. But so far none of my eight siblings got any type of Diabetes.
When I was diagnosed, I had one uncle who had been diagnosed in his early twenties. Years later, after I had been living with T1D for over 25 years, my mother was diagnosed LADA.
My late dad was diagnosed as T2D but as I look back and think about my own experience with adult onset T1D and some of the similarities between us, I wonder if he was misdiagnosed.
Closest relatives: one nephew and one uncle. But four of my five children have Type 2 !
My uncle had type 1.
No one in my immediate family and none in either my mother’s or father’s side as far back as anyone can remember. No cousins on either side, no first, second, third, or fourth cousins. I’m a loner.
My father and his youngest sister were both diagnosed with LADA in their late 30’s, however back then in the mid to late 1960s it was called adult insulin deficient diabetes.
A first cousin on my maternal side was diagnosed with T1 in her late 20s … she inherited it through her father’s lineage. There was never a diabetes diagnosis of either kind in my mom and her 6 siblings.
No one
My elder paternal cousin. My 3 years younger brother was diagnosed T1D 3 years after I was at same age: 15. My younger paternal cousin was recently told by a “mean doctor” she had the “eyes of a diabetic.” Her reaction? Changed doctors. Has to take daily Rx for chronic migraines. My mother blamed my father’s side for diabetes. Much later genealogical research seemed to point to her side as well. Many people on this site have reported being misdiagnosed. A hundred years ago, 200 years ago how many diabetics were misdiagnosed? How many deaths were attributed to strokes and heart attacks while the diabetes was overlooked?
My oldest sister and I only. No other relative before or after.
Diabetes 2 has to do with life style and it has nothing to do with the immune system.
My sister and I were diagnosed first as diabetes 2 because it all started in our 20’s during our pregnancies. We were later diagnosed as having diabetes 1. We were probably LADA but nothing was know about this at the time and the only treatment was insulin.
I was diagnosed at age 18y. My mom was diagnosed in her mid-50s, 12 years after me.
my 2nd daughter developed T1D at age 13, my 1st daughter at age 49, 3 brothers with T1D, 1 with T2D
1 cousin, and 1 niece. all with T1D. no parents with T1d
Paternal grandfather + maternal grandmother.