If you go to a non-diabetes-related health care appointment, do you inform the staff that you have T1D?
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I answered “Always”. But, the truth is that I never have to inform the staff that I have T1D. They already know. The correct answer to the question is “Not Applicable.” All of the doctors that I see are within the same hospital network. They all share my health records via the hospital’s patient portal.
Always! It’s absolutely relevant to make sure they know so they can avoid prescribing anything that may conflict with insulin, or cause bs fluctuations. As well, they could easily misdiagnose something that could be potentially linked back to diabetes.
Should always give your complete health history with all providers.
It’s on all my health records
I put usually, but I can’t think of any doctors I haven’t told.
Always. But I still find that they frequently classify me as a T2 in their reports.
I complain when this happens, because then my insurance starts questioning my 6 decade long diagnosis of T1, asking for tests.
Oh yeah, they (other HCP’s and insurance) like to believe that we can outgrow it and then scold us because we haven’t.
It is in my best interest if they are aware. That way I don’t get prescribed something that doesn’t work with insulin, etc.
It is a question asked in the patient paperwork.
They usually ask for health history so rarely have to tell them
Though I always disclose my T1D, the understanding of the impact of having it is very misunderstood by most doctors, they are either out of date or completely ignorant.
I agree, if they are not an endocrinologist they seem lost on any knowledge on diabetes information.
Yep, or so many of us, because of age and weight, are assumed to have type 2, even though T1D is in our EHR or chart. I have had to underscore multiple times that I have type 1 diabetes and have had it since childhood. In my 20s, I didn’t have to do this. So frustrating! Look at the bloomin’ chart, yo!!
It is is the computer that I have type 1 diabetes. If I am at the Er I speak up even more.
kI think my Type 1 diabetes my affect any other medical issue whether it is added risks, medicine interactions or affects, healing time etc. Since diabetes affects basically the entire human body I can’t think of a time when it is not pertinent to at least mention it.
Sometimes I hate that I always tell them I have diabetes due to the fact that some doctors can be not paying attention and blame everything on my diabetes.
I put “usually” although I would rather njot. Why not? My T1D gives “them” and easy out – whatever medical issue I have that led me to their office is obviously “due to my poor D mgt” or “that’s what happens with T1D”. I try to view these things a opportunities to 1) educate and 2) know who not to see in the future.
Only if it comes up in conversation or a recommended treatment is contraindicated due to the T1D.
What on earth is a health related appointment which is NOT diabetes related fundamentally? This question needs better explained & reworked kids….
All of my doctors are in the same health system so my medical records are available to all of them in the computer system. Even though my medical records are in the computer system, most doctors offices have people fill out a medical form asking all kinds of questions, one of which is do you have diabetes.
ALL my doctors know I have T1D. I request all non-diabetic physicians to send a report of my appointment to my endocrinologist.
It’s in MyChart, but I often remind them, because they see a 47-year-old fat woman and assume type 2. In fact, a local ER just this summer incorrectly “diagnosed” me with type 2. Really pisses me off when HCPs don’t listen!!