If you are currently using an insulin pump, where on your body is your pump site placed right now?
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For those of you who use your lower back and buttocks, do you ever pull it out while sleeping. Because of neuropathy, I am constantly tossing and turning and am wondering if that’s a factor and have avoided those areas.
@mojoseje. I’ve never pulled out the infusion set from my back, ma’am, but I have managed to pull them out of my abdomen. I, too, suffer with neuropathy … both peripheral neuropathy and autonomic neuropathy.
I have used my lower back but since I always put medical tape over the infusion site, my infusion part never comes out. I also have nights where I toss and turn.
I have always worn my pump site on my abdomen. I am wondering how you can wear it elsewhere and it not come off?
I put Skin Tac on the adhesive pad before inserting it. I haven’t pulled one off since I started doing that.
Love handles on my right side.
Right now it is in the abdomen area. But I have used my chest, thighs, hips – all over the place. One of the things I like about usng the two-piece TruSteel is that I can have the infusion part around the back of my body and the ancor piece towards the front for easy connection/disconnection. I use Simpatchs on both pieces. The one that is specific to infusion sets, and the one made for the Libre for the anchor piece. I hae to disconnect for the anchor patch so I don’t tape the tubing down.
While a valid question, “right now” gives an overly narrow view. Many that use pumps rotate sites to avoid “scar” tissue build up and ensure insulin absorption. For example is use my abdomen (both sides), left arm (inside of bicep area, and back of upper arm, the way I sleep this avoids compression lows and ensures communication with my G6), and sometimes my left thigh (top to inside). While some advocate only the abdomen, there’s limited space due to sleeping issues, and the CGM needs to go somewhere too!
I do the Omnipod because I cannot deal with the tubes. The tubes were always snagging and ripping out the infusion site…
Funny how some people hate the tubes and I personally don’t mind them as mine don’t snag on anything. I am hesitant to switch to a tubeless pump because if the pump isn’t comfortable where I put it or the insulin absorption isn’t very good at a particular site , I don’t believe I can take it off and put it somewhere else.
I sleep on my sides, so I cannot use mmy thighs. I am using the top of my left leg now.
My waist
I used my abdomen for years and absorption became an issue so now above my waistline on either side. Same for my Dexcom.
Right hip
Although my site is currently on my upper abdomen (above waist) right side, I regularly rotate sites from upper to lower abdomen, hip/buttock area, and to both thighs. By the time I return to the same area, about a month has elapsed. (Before using the backs of my upper arms for my CGM (2019), I would also use both arms as infusion sites. Type 1 for 46 years and pumping since 2011.
I do not currently use one. When I did there was a grand total of one place, and one place only I could get them to stick no matter how much prep, extra tape, and or shaving I used.
I did… My hip pointer!
No place else ever worked ever… it was bad.
After starting Omnipod 5 I’ve been limiting pod sites to those with good line of sight to Dexcom
Right now the stomach, but I switch from stomach, back of arms, sides, and lower back. My stomach seems to give me the best insulin absorption out of all of these places. I tried in my upper thighs but I got lipodystrophy in those ares so I don’t use them anymore. And even though I sometimes use my lower back or sides, my insulin doesn’t seem to work as well there.
Side/love handles.
I thought with the Tandem you weren’t supposed to put it anywhere but the abdomen? I’m running out of places to insert the tubing!
I think you are right, but we do it any way.
I use my lower back too.
My wife inserts the site.
I’ve been using a pump since 1985. During that time I have attempted placing the infusion cannula on the front of my thighs, which had been a favorite site when I utilized syringe injections. Every time I try this, there is a mild discomfort at first, which develops into frank pain at the site. So, I use every bit of my abdomen and buttocks in a regular rotation pattern.
I love the using my upper leg. My rotation is abdomen – upper leg- abdomen Then change sides
on my right side
Upper abdomen.
R side/back
Abdomen, right side.
On the day you asked this question, my site was on my left thigh, so that is my answer. However, it took several days for me to get to answer this question. Today, my site is my abdomen, right side.
Should this not be infusion site? My pump is attached to my belt at my waist.
Not in a usual spot…upper fleshy portion of my right breast. Seems to work fine with the Onmipod. This was suggested by my provider to try as I was having problems with absorption after wearing another pump for 20 years.
Left hip.
Lower abdomen below the waistline.
after having a few places on my abdomen become hard I started rotating to use my legs – I alternate from left to right from lower to higher, just to give all areas of skin a break and not develop the hardening underneath – I have psoriasis, so I get skin issues easily