If you are an adult with T1D, do you take a Vitamin D supplement?
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I take a calcium + vitamin D3 supplement daily
Yes. I’m not one for taking vitamins or supplements. But, a year or two ago, my Endo included a vitamin D test with my blood tests. I was vitamin D deficient. So, I decided to take a 100% of daily dosage of vitamin D. It may be psychological, but I feel that I have more energy now, and my running times have also gotten better.
I take 5,000 IU twice per day. Before doing this, my Vitamin D levels were low, Since doing this, they’ve been pegged at the high end of normal.
I answered “other” because I don’t take a seoarste
I was trying to correct my last word but apparently hit the send button. I don’t take a separate D pill but 63% of the daily D requirement is included in my daily calcium chews along with a little bit of K.
I take 10,000 once a week. It can’t hurt.
Yes it can. Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin. If you get too much your body stores it, as opposed to water soluble which gets exerted if you have more than your body needs. Look it up😀
I have osteoporosis so yes on Vitamin D and Calcium.
My daily calcium tablets have Vitamin D and sometimes I take extra D as well.
Along with other supplements. Good for skin and bones.
Take vit d all months except summer
I live in the PNW, plus have fair skin so I wear sun-protective clothing in summer along with sunscreen. So, a Vit D supplement is required!
I’m old school get my vitamin D by going outside for sunshine : -)
My endo says that Vitamin D acts more like a hormone than a vitamin and insists on a supplement and tests my levels yearly.
My obgyn suggested I take a Vitamin D supplement and my endo said to take 2000IU daily. I marked “Sometimes” as I only take it a few days a week. I’m concerned that 2000IU is much higher than the 800IU RDA. I’ve not had a blood test to confirm deficiency, so I don’t want to pop pills without evidence.
RDA is generally lower than what many people require. You should do f/u blood tests to monitor your levels. Vit D is an important vitamin helping with many different systems in the body.
I take vitamin D every day. I have had a kidney transplant and was part of the other medications I need to take. The Vit. D helps the calcium absorb better.
I take 200k Units IM weekly.
Besides vitamins, vitamin D, I also take alpha lipoic acid and aloe vera.
I also live in the PNW.
No except what’s in my multivitamin
I take a 50,000 unit capsule once weekly.
50,000 units once a week
I take 4000iu 5 days/week, which puts me at low normal Vit D levels, even during the PNW’s lengthy summer days. One endocrinologist stated that if Vit D were discovered today, it would be classified as a hormone and not a vitamin (as someone commented earlier).
I don’t remember my dosage, but I do take a supplement every day. I know it’s not the huge numbers some others are taking, but I think it’s about 5000iu.
I was diagnosed as deficient (my number was 12, I think) and the Vit D is doctor ordered. The diagnosis was around the same time a doctor said I had osteopenia. So, calcium seemed affected by the lack of Vit D.
I was also diagnosed recently with Vit. B12 deficiency… seems like my blood just likes to get rid of the good stuff! ;p
Part of my multivitiam regime, but not specifically a vitamin D pill.
Yes but no I am supposed to
Oops! Sorry! My son is not an adult.🤦♀️
Did years ago, now just a general multivitamin.
I take 5,000 IU daily as part of my COVID-19 defense.
My doctor put me on a regiment of every Saturday and Sunday. I have been on that for years.
Much like @Debbie Dallmann my endocrinologist has put me on vitamin D once a week. It is prescription only due to the low amount in my blood work along with the low iron to the point of anemia. I think my doctors know me better than I do. lol
Yes, I take two 2000 IU daily per doctor’s orders as my vitamin D was too low per a blood test.
I do take vitamin D, but not for my diabetes. I take it along with calcium to prevent osteoporosis which runs in my family.
Vitamin D is related to osteoporosis treatment.,
Calcium and D3 supplement