How often do you clean your skin with alcohol wipes before giving yourself an injection or inserting a new insulin pump site?
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What… only 44%… OMG!!!! Never in 70 years have I not used alcahol… on me and a vial etc…..
I don’t if I just showered, otherwise always yes.
I try to change it when I bathe. I will take it off the old site then Im clean for the new one. If I have to change it at an off time I use alcohol wipes.
I never, quite literally never, do. It’s a terrible habit because I’ll admit my sites aren’t the prettiest when I remove them. I never ran into issues with syringe injections, but with the sites being in the same spot for so many days I find that they get red and ugly quickly so I’ve been trying to be better and keep alcohol on hand for site changes
I haven’t used alcohol swabs for injections since I was a little kid. The year that I was using the Omnipod Dash I did use them before applying a new pod, but I’m back on MDI now.
I am now using an IPort for MDI so I clean site prior to inserting device. When i was giving myself subcutaneous injections never
When I was 7, I used alcohol but not since I went to high school. I’ve had diabetes for 52 years and have never had a problem. Now that I use CGM, I always clean the site with alcohol.
I chose always for pump sites, but I would choose never for injections. So I need an always/never option…
For injections, never. For CGM insertions, always.
When changing the CGM sensor always — alcohol also for removing excess Skin Tac after application. Never for injections — no site infection issues in 30 years of shots.
I always use IV Prep to prepare my skin before inserting the pump and I believe it has alcohol in it? The main reason I use it is to make the insertion set adhere to my skin better, not for cleaning. I rarely take injections but never use anything for them.
I have at some point in my life, but it’s been long enough ago that I have no idea when I’ve last used alcohol – probably at least 30 years.
For pump and Cgm sites, we use IVPrep wipes prior to insertion.
40 years of injections and pump changes – NEVER!!
Only use alcohol wipes when performing a sensor change.
I do if I did not just take a shower but I usually do it after a shower . As a doc I see few infections but some people are far more prone to site infections. On that case I recommend using a better soap that kills staph bacteria like hibiclens
Thank you for that recommendation! I’m completely paranoid about infections, so the Hibiclens sounds like something to try!
For pump sites I use IV prep and for Dexcom alcohol wipes as recommended. Never use if taking an injection.
Always for infusion site and CGM site, plus Skin Prep.
For Symlin injections or other, rarely since I may be in the office, eating out, etc. (I hate the idea of going to a germ filled bathroom to inject. So it’s “cleaner” to inject stealthily where I am, and using hand sanitizer.)
I usually place a new site right after I shower, so I don’t alcohol swab then. If I haven’t just showered I will use alcohol
It seemed inappropriate to combine a question about injections with a question about sites for equipment such as pumps and CGM sensors. I never bother to wipe for an injection but I do for my CGM sensor. Indeed I have no qualms about injecting through my shirt — and can inject when surrounded by people who never even know I’ve done it — beyond the problem of occasional blood spots on my T-shirt. I’ve been doing so for 20 years and have never had even the slightest hint of an infection at the injection sites. I do wipe for my CGM sensor (both the battery and the application site), but that is as much for maximizing the adherence of the adhesive and insuring good electrical contact with the battery as for any concern about infection. I think that for those of us who generally keep our bodies clean, the recommendation to always use an alcohol pad before injection is unnecessary.
I feel those two options are very different because I never use an alcohol wipe before an injection but always use a wipe before attaching my Dexcom.
got an infection once, had to go to plastic surgeon, fortunately didn’t need his help, healed on own but cannot use that site anymore
Injections no, pump sites yes.
Have used both over the years.
Rarely when I was injecting, but almost always now that I am using an insulin pump.
ALWAYS. I use I.V. Prep for my Tamdem Auto-Soft 90 injection sites. Only Alcohol for my Sensor sites. (That should have also been part of the question.)
Rarely. Sometimes for syringe injections but the Skin Tac main liquid ingredient is the same rubbing alcohol the alcohol wipes contain so by applying Skin Tac to my skin I actually AM also cleaning the area with alcohol at the same time so seems a bit of overkill to first clean with an alcohol wipe only to then use another product on the same area that also contains the same kind of alcohol.
I use Skin Tac both for my pump infusion sites and my Dexcom sensors. Have only used alcohol wipes for syringe injections since 1991 and have never had any infections.
So true!
I change my pump site after my shower so rarely also use alcohol wipes as that can be too drying. I do use a spray protective barrier on my skin before applying any devices
I’m curious what kind of spray you use? I use Skin Tac wipes and they’re always a mess and wasteful.
Infusion sites always.
Shots which I do maybe 3x/week almost never.
Always for a new pump site, rarely for a shot.
When I first became a diabetic, my doctor told me to always clean my sites with an antiseptic; sanitation is important. I Always clean my injection, and insertion sites with alcohol wipes, IV Prep wipes or Skin Prep wipes.
I’ve also learned since trying out the Omnipod, that if you do have sensitive skin. Just using soap / water .. ensuring area is dry .. alcohol cwipes/etc. can be skipped. Again, it may work for moi and not necessarily others, but as posted above in this thread discussion …no probs with injection/pump sites over my period of T1D.
I am sooooo paranoid about infections! I always use alcohol wipes when sticking sharp things into my body!
Interestingly, I’m wondering if it is possible to be allergic to alcohol wipes… this is a question for my doctor!
Injection, rarely. Insertion site, always.
I found that using antibacterial soap on my skin before inserting an infusion set leaves me with less skin irritation. However, I do still use an alcohol wipe when I have to give myself a shot and/or check my blood sugar with a meter.
I’m more fastidious about washing my hands before eating and after using toilet. I used to carry a small refillable vial of hand sanitizer. Hand sanitizing stations have become so prevalent at grocery stores, shopping malls, libraries after Covid, I can clean my hands anywhere.
I have very dry skin/eczema
Me too and it’s so bad this year! If I had a GP Id be seeing if I could get a low cortisone cream, but using off the shelf creams to currently battle the worst case I’ve had since I was in grade school in the 70’s. What do you use if it’s not too personal a question?
Not almost always. ALWAYS.
Wow I was surprised by the responses. I’m an Always or Almost always with insulin pump/CGM. With MDI, I’m in that Never/Always. And touch wood after almost 60 years as a T1D no infections, etc. And I’ve got highly sensitive skin to boot! I must have good genes …Levi’s 🤣🤪?
Anna, for dry itchy skin, ask your Primary Care Physician to refer you to a dermatologist. Avoid long hot showers or baths and avoid soaps which can dry skin even more. Use cool or cold water with washcloth 2x per day.. Keep your pump or tube of moisturizing cream in the fridge. Cold relieves itching. Apply moisturizer when skin is still damp, except feet and crotch where fungus can be problem. If necessary your dermatologist can prescribe a 2% cortisone type ointment to apply sparingly to limited itchy spot(s) for no more than 2 weeks. Apply moisturizer over the cortisone. Follow procedure 2x per day. Try changing clothes or undergarments 2x per day. Some folks apply olive oil. Others eventually just use generic brand petroleum jelly. Avoid strong detergents washing clothes. Try wearing organic cotton boxer shorts. Men, consider kilts. You might consider personal hygiene methods involving bidet or fancy Japanese toilet that sprays water on your bum or a moist disposable baby wipe.
I always use alcohol before pump cannula insertions, CGM insertions, and injections except on very rare occasions when a I’ve been away from home & without an alcohol swab.
I am lazy about fingersticks. Almost never use alcohol and also use the same lancet for months.
Two entirely different questions!!!
Swab before a shot, NEVER! Except under extraordinary circumstances, Where I was covered in dirt, mud, germs, Nastiness if a physical kind. So for a shot, almost never.
For a pump, CGM,… ALWAYS. It’s going to be sticking to my body for a bunch of days, and my skin won’t tolerate it to begin with… So every single time always, and extremely thoroughly.
Two very different situations