Happy New Year! Have you set any goals related to diabetes for 2022? Tell us in the comments!
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I am a member of Lions Club. We were able to provide $60,000 to Camp Ho Mita Koda in Newbury Ohio, a camp for diabetic children. The funds were used to renovate cabins. Here is a link to a story about the camp. https://lionmagazine.org/articles/welcome-my-friend/
What a great accomplishment!
Try my best to keep my A1C under 8.
We tend to judge where we are going from where we have been. A goal is where we are going.
What we have experienced in 2021 is both the best of all possible worlds and the worst of all possible worlds. The pandemic was bad, maybe even the worst.
But part of the best is the profoundly steep acceleration of technology and technological advances. In that light, my goal for 2022 (I tend not to make new year’s resolutions) is to keep current on state-of-the-art improvements and progress in the ever-unfolding protein molecules, management, hardware, and software in the diabetic arena.
I am trying to improve my blood sugars in control for the new year 2022. I hope I can do this. This is my goal for 2022.
Ditto. Thanks.
I gave up setting New Year Resolutions at this time of year when I began adopting 1st November … the day after Samhain (Hallowe’en) … as the start of the year.
Good for you! Live on your own calendar!
I would like to be more intentional about my eating and in turn will help lower my numbers and A1C
Keep positive. Keep working to controling the things I can to maintain my health. Strive to exercise more.
A1c<5. I know there are better markers now (TIR, std dev, GMI) and I use them on a daily basis, but still a goal.
I have been watching sugars and carbs for the past 24 years with T1D. Now I am watching fats and in so doing, becoming more vegetarian. Still eating fish, eggs and no fat dairy. Adding good fats in nuts, avacados, hummus, olive oil etc.
I have not. I am in a pretty good place diabetes wise. So lets maintain.
Maintain my weight loss of 22 pounds, my exercising and eating smaller portions at meals in the new year
After having T1D for 60 years I’ve pretty much run out of goals other than just chugging along!
I’m with you. 67 years and taking it one day at a time.
60 years for me tpp. Nothing is consistent that’s for sure. Keep on it !
60 years for me 4/22/2022. Can’t believe I made it this far! Every day is a gift at this point.
Thrive and accept that some days you’re just surviving.
Eliminating severe lows! Continuing TIR > 90%
“stayin alive”
Practice non-judgement and patience with myself to do the best I can to live to my fullest potential in good health for another year. Practice gratitude for the ever evolving gifts of diabetes scientific research and technology that keeps my body alive, healthy and functioning. I express diabetes gratitude by helping others learn to live with diabetes – whether as a peer mentor, diabetes educator, .org volunteer, advocate, fund raiser, and/or research participant.
To add weight lifting into my routine 1-2x/week.
Going back to MDI after many years pumping. Looking forward to it. Goal is to keep A1c still around 5.6.
Would like to lose 10 lbs.
Check out Noom! It’s working great for me!! I’ve been using since April. My relationship with food is so much better!!
Stop the slow creeping up of my A1C. Hopefully moving to the Omnipod 5 when it is approved will help.
Lose 20 pounds
To finish the Christmas sweets and not get anymore, even from my children.
Christmas, although very wonderful, can be hard on health! The food incredibly delicious but not good for blood sugar control!!!
You go girl!
We eat on a Banting program that includes fats but excludes fast carbs. This resulting in digestion being slower so a goal is to improve the timing of fast acting insulin injections
My goal is to not let my management go backwards, but to focus on the little things I can do to go forwards.
1. Podcast with special guest every month;
2. The beginning of the International Diabetes Federation-Young Leaders with Diabetes program;
3. Blogposts;
4. Attending ATTD and ISPAD 48th Conferences
The warranty just expired for my t:slim X2. I’m hoping to check out the new Tandem Mobi pump as a potential replacement.
I’m afraid I just want to make it through the next year. Staying steady will be enough for me.
One day at a time.
Be more consistent with time in range.
Stay under 6 A1C
Get more exercise and lose the weight I’ve gained.
Start group for adult T1’s in my area (Phoenix – East Valley).
Keep up on better TIR and bring down my A1C.
Hope everyone here has a Happy and Healthy New Year!
Happy New Year. Keep on it. Eat more vegetable protein i seem to feel better
Once again, I am looking for a competent endocrinologist. One who is able to comprehend that I have autoimmune diabetes, even though I am not under 12. It would be nice if they read scientific journals and my medical records. One can dream. I will settle for someone who will submit the paperwork for my CGM each year and continue my insulin prescriptions. A well-trained pigeon would do a better job than the last 3.
LOL!!! I have a good endo now but I have had some very bad doctors who will definitely kill you if you are not careful and competent yourself.
No, It will be 40 year’s for me on 01-05-2022. I don’t set goals on New Year’s for my T1D.
No, every day is filled with goals and decisions. I heard that a T1D makes an extra 150 decisions each day. It is a constant process.
What she said.
A joyous New Year to everyone! The only plan I have is to keep doing what I’ve been doing, health-wise, and help whenever I can.
weight loss
I plan to start learning how to exercise safely with diabetes. Fear of lows continues to be a real challenge for me and so I will start small with some strength training and balance work. I used to teach yoga before the pandemic and want to work slowly into my practice again, too.
With rewiring some of my past root experiences and creating a state of balance in several emotional/mental relationships I have been able to trigger something internally allowing my body to re-regulate bgs without “correction ” insulin. Currently I am needing basal and carb insulin only. I am planning to seek further balancing and thus lower insulin needs even more.
I am also in the process of creating a blog related to T1d and my journey through diagnosis to present to future options. I’m hoping to create a resource for newly diagnosed T1ds and their support systems/families as they begin their journey to living healthy.
Improve TIR to 80% and decrease variance to 40%
Exercise more and stop eating by 8pm.
Nope. Just the same old, same thing.
My goal is to achieve an A1c of 6.
Get my A1C back under 7 and lose 5 pounds.
Just keep trying to stay healthy.
To stay the course, keep my blood sugars in range avoiding hypoglycemia.
To be able to get the meditronics gaurdian 3 that work with my awesome pump
90% TIR, SD <40 and A1c under 6%
My goal is to have an A1c of 5.8.
I’m pretty happy with my T1d regimen, but i would like to join a support group or maybe T1d organization. I find i talk about T1d a lot, and I think most of my friends and relatives aren’t that interested.
Yes.. Finish year 69 of T1D and year 90 of life in good health !!!
Lose weight and lower my A1C
My goal is to Hopefully get the new Omnipod 5 if the FDA ever gets done giving approval. That will help me reach better control with not so many huge fluctuations in my readings. I also look forward to not having to keep track of the extra device since everything will be on my phone.
Improve my time in range and lower my A1C.
Get a A1C in the 5’s
I don’t set New Year’s specific goals….. I’ve always aimed to keep my A1C stable (6.0 – 6.5) and avoid dangerous lows
I’m working to get my A1C below 7.5 for the first time in many years.
I started a whole foods, plant based, low fat woe in November, so my goal is to continue with it to improve my insulin sensitivity. Also, to get my A1C below 7