Did you change, add or start any new diabetes related devices to your T1D care in the past year?
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No. But. Software changes and updates really amount to improvements, regardless of the hardware, firmware, insulin, educational
, administrative improvements. 🧐
Same devices, but I did tweak my settings, I didn’t know if this was the type of change the question meant. So I answered other.
I got my second Tandem X2 pump knowing that the new pump would allow for the G7 software upgrade when it came out.
changed from Libre 2 to Libre 3. I use MDI so this is the first time I’ve had info on my smartphone. much better than Libre 2
Yes. My son started the ILet pump on 12/1. He’s been on a pump since Jan ‘14.
I changed from g6 to g7!
Went from Dexcom G6 to G7
No changes but I will soon start using G7 sensors
Migrating to G7 later this month. Sensors have been shipped!
In April after much trepidation I changed to a Tandem T:Slim with CIQ after a decade+ with Medtronic. Couldn’t be happier.
Transitioned from Eros to Dash Omnipods.
Went from Dexcom G6 to G7.
Yes to both but the pump hardware was a software upgrade from Medtronic 770 to 780 and then switched to their newest Sensors.
How are their new sensors working out?
Hi Gary Taylor. I’d also love to to hear about your experience with the updated Medtronic sensors and 780 pump. I have a T1D colleague who started this year and has been getting impressive 90%+ TIR. As like the idea of the more aggressive automated dosing, but worry about the Medtronic sensor based on my past experience. Hopefully the system is an improvement for you around!
Yes. I went from Medtronic to omnipod5 and Dexcom.
Upgraded G6 to G7 and Eros to Dash
and of course they cost more
Warranty expired on t:slimx2 so they replaced it with a new one. Also pump was updated with G7 software.
Although I selected “No, I made no changes to my insulin pump or CGM this year” I’d like to clarify that I still use the same pump and CGM that I’ve been using, but I have the basal rates on my pump. 😉
Changed from Dexcom G6 to G7 which means I am having to do manual operation with my Omnipod. I am hoping they integrate G7 soon as well as integration with IPhone.
Went from MDI (2.5 yrs) to omnipod 5. Some days I almost forget I have T1D now. 😊
Abbot, maker of Libre sensors, created an excellent product that is no longer supported by phone software that made it easy and convenient. Either keep system software that is more than a year old and doesn’t support other apps or upgrade and carry a CGM reader. Abbot didn’t link its products to the newer IOS. I’m blown away by this omission.
Went from Dexcom G6 to G7. Like some aspects but not others. Lots of compression lows. A few came off easily. One wouldn’t insert. Love the half hour warm up and 12 hour extension.
Will start on the G7 December 25!
Wow What an Xmas Holiday Present That will be, Santa won’t Arrive Until the 28th with my G7 🙂
Ha! I answered no, I had forgotten that I switched from G6 to the G7! Oops. I guess it was so seamless that it didn’t cross my mind. I have an endo appointment in early January, I will be seeing about adding Afrezza to the mix.
I changed from Dexcom G6 to G7 and from vials and syringes to insulin pens.
My phone
Though, I did complete the software update on my Tandem t-slim X2 pump to be Dexcom G7 compatible when I run out of my current batch of G6 sensors.
When I retired stopped pumping to shots (February), now with the VA make to pumping (September). My a1C was 5.2 & 5.3 on shots, on the Medtrt780G was 5.7 with virtually no lows.
Nothing new this past year. But, I am looking forward to the new Dexcom G7 CGM. Does anyone out there know if Medicare covers the Dexcom G7? I’ve been getting the G6, which is covered by Medicare.
I’m on Medicare and I just arranged to have my supplies company ship G7 sensors rather than my normal order of G6 sensors in my January shipment. My supplies company (ADS) would never have agreed to that unless G7 sensors were fully covered so I’m confident that Medicare does. cover them.
Medicare Part “B” covers the G7.
I chose “other” because I did get a new insulin pump this year, but it is the same make and model as my old one. It was simply out of warranty and my insurance covered a new one. So, it wasn’t really a “change.”
I went from Medtronic pump/CGM to Dexcom/Tandem this year!
Just updated/upgraded my tslim pump.
Upgraded to the new Dexcom G7 version.
I changed from the Freestyle Libre 2 to the Dexcom G7 CGM system early in 2023. Although I miss the 14 day wear of the Libre 2, the Libre was frequently giving me failure (“change your sensor now”) messages in the first 12-24 hours. The G7 has never done that, so I’m sticking with the G7.
I upgraded from Dexcom G6 to Dexcom G7 CGM.
I may update to the Dexcom G7 but not sure since the supply company just shipped out my last order for the year. Waiting to see which version shows up. Pretty sure they will try to get rid of the G6’s they have on hand.
I will be going to Dexcom G7 in about 20 days. I have three (3) G6 sensors left and one transmitter to use up. But the new I phone Pump program you can inter-change between both Sensor types.
I want to move to the Dexcom G7 asap with a 30 min warm up but not there yet. Supply company just shoots out supplies. I called to ask them to reach out each order. This is something they just started doing. They used to text me each order.
I changed meters due to less expensive test strips. I’m not thrilled with the new meter (Verio Reflect) as it doesn’t seem as accurate vs the lab test. I’m still adjusting to it. I liked my Meditronic Bayer Contour Next meter but it is so old it is beginning to wear out.