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I take a multi-vitamin on the suggestion of my eye doctor, vitamin D on the suggestion of my endo and a flaxseed supplement on the advice of my endo.
1. Vitamin C 2000mg
2. Vitamin B complex
3. CoQ10 100mg
4. Aller-Tec allergy
5. Aspirin 81mg
5. CBD
6. psyllium husk 4 tsp
I take prenatal multivitamin iron-folic acid 29-1 MG because of the Iron deficiency anemia I have,
Vitamin D due to all the anti-seizure medications I take which lead to bone loss,
cyanocobalamin (a form of B-12) to help its deficiency,
and melatonin to help me fall asleep.
There are many more medications and pills on the list that don’t fall under this category.
Your tastebuds can definitely let you know when you are deficient in things you need!! Three different times for me and the first time was a bizarre PICA craving.
In addition to those listed, I also take Lutein and Move Free.
Fish Oil, 81mg Aspirin
Fish oil, B-complex, presevision
Benfotiamine and Trimethylglycine.
Just started in December
In addition to Vitamin D and a Multi-vitamin, I take Omega 3 Fish Oil.
Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) for neuropathy in my feet. my endo is NOT a vitamin guy since the FDA doesn’t regulate what is in vitamins.
I order from a place called Fullscript in Canada. Vitamins and minerals are regulated as a subset of drugs there.
Areds 2, Vitron C after giving blood for about 2 weeks, CoQ10, allergy pill when needed.
D3, coQ10, juice plus, B12
Areds for eyes also selenium. Have thyroid eye disease. Also gummies for sleep. And fish oil. Think that’s all
Bit A
Bit C
Alpha Lipoic Acid
and that completes my list!
In addition to calcium, which contains vitamin D, I take l-lysine to prevent canker sores, B12, AREDS, and biotin.
I also take folic acid , cq10 and Lutien
I take Vit D, B12, and C. I also take Vit B Complex, Metformin.
I also take Vitamin C. Seemed like it helped last year but this year, I seem to be catching everything!
I have chewable elderberry supplements I’ve been taking. I also occasionally take Vitamin C.
CoQ10/Ubiquinol to balance the low dose preventative statin, B12 sublingual, and Alpha Lipoic Acid for nerve endings.
Vitamin K
Digestive enzymes with every meal
Fish oil, biotin
Alpha Lipoic Acid
Areds 2-Preservizion, alpha lipoic acid
Vitamin D because of a low “D” on my blood tests. Also, recently started Iron, because my hemoglobin count has always been below range. I try to eat nuts in my diet for extra magnesium because I exercise a lot.
My endocrinologist recommended I take a vitamin B complex.
Niacin, B complex, C
CitraCal Plus – has Magnesium & D3; CoQ10; alpha lipoic acid; Vitamin A, B12 drops and SloMag
I’m wondering if anyone else uses ADS for their Dexcom and pump supplies?
In addition to a multivitamin and probiotics, I also take extra folic acid while trying to get pregnant
I also take vitamin C and sleep supplements.
On top of muli, vit D, magnesium, pre/probiotics, I also take iron, AERD, & digestive enzymes,
Psyllium husk fiber capsule pill.
Omegas, Collagen
Iron and omegas
B complex and fish oil
I take D3 and B12
I also take a 600 mg Alpha Lipoic Acid daily
Why do you take? My foot doctor prescribed this but I am not taking it as he didn’t say what it was suppose to do.
@Patty Harris. You might like to take a look at the following webpage from WebMD about “Alpha-Lipoic Acid – Uses, Side Effects, and More”. https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-767/alpha-lipoic-acid
@Patty Harris my foot doctor also did but told me why. He said CQ10 400mg and ALA 200mg twice a day help to prevent neuropathy and maintain a more steady blood sugar level.
Vit C and fish oil for omega 3
Bee Pollen
Glucosamine arthritis, and a low dose aspirin.
I also take CQ10, Zinc, Glucosamine with MSM, Biotin, and Zinc
I also take Aloe Vera for my stomach, and Vitamin C for healing.
Just melatonin as needed as I struggle to fall asleep.
I also take Taurine, glutamine cystine, fish oil, all prescribed by Doctors at the Cleveland Clinic.
In addition to vitamin D and a probiotic, I take a vitamin B Complex and iron supplement.
I’ve been taking DHA for many years as it’s supposed to keep my brain sharp as I age. And fish oil for my heart.
Also Vitamin C and D3
Collagen, creatine, electrolytes and protein.
Vit C, CoQ10, Alpha Lipoic Acid
Also Vit B12 and Biotin
In addition to magnesium and vitamin D, three, I take vitamin be six and 12 collagen and wheat grass
In addition to the what I picked from the options, I take ALA, Glutathione, CoQ10, mixed vit E, Acemannon Aloe supplement, Iron, adrenal support, Cardio Miracle & Ninxga Red
Vitamin D and Iron. My nephrologist took me off the other supplements I was on.
Salmon oil, costco
I take alpha lipoic acid to help with diabetic neuropathy.
Im interested. I have horrible neuropathy. Does it help greatly for current issues, and does it help PREVENT future damage ??
I agree my neurologist told my husband and I the same thing it has helped another with the pain.
Fish Oil
Krill Oil/ Omega 3
Flax Seed Oil
Hair & Nails
Super B Complex
Alpha Lopoic, vitamin b-12, Vitamin D3, and Iron
Also super b complex vit c cranberry pill
I started taking magnesium after being dxed with cluster headaches and it helped almost immediately. I also take B12 for hair, skin, and nails.
Hi KC! Were you experiencing any dizziness or fainting with the cluster headaches? My husband has uncontrolled drop attacks and just was diagnosed with a somewhat rare type of migraine. I’m so glad to hear the magnesium helped!
R-alpha lipoic acid
I also take cranberry and glucosamine supplements.
C0Q10 fishoil D3
Only Vitamin D and that was a recent event based on my OB-GYN’s recommendation. Age soon to be 64. My endo always has said that people don’t need supplements if they eat healthy. I realize some medical conditions require supplements, but as a rule I think my endo is correct.
I also take digestive enzymes and vitamin k.
OTC Prevagen; Calcium with Vit D (2 chews in the AM, and 2 chews in the PM); a Prolia injection q 6 months.
Benfotiamine, ALA, saw palmetto, beta sistosterol, calcium polyascorbate