If you use an insulin pump that requires charging the battery, do you have a particular time or activity during which you charge your pump?
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I usually charge mine while sitting at my computer
I always try to remember to plus in while I’m sleeping, but a few times I had to do it during the day.
No, I keep myself so busy that charging my pump is a last minute thought. As a matter of fact, I’m charging my pump right now because this question reminded me to check my pump; I’m on 30%. Sometimes I charge while watching TV at night, sometimes while eating, sometimes while in the shower, and sometimes while in bed. There is no rhyme or reason to it. I have noticed that because I’ve had my pump for a long time now, that I have to recharge more frequently as my pump gets older.
I, also, am right now charging because I’m sitting at the computer reading my emails, and was reminded to charge by this one. My 2 cords are at the computer and by my bed.
While driving or watching TV at home.
I usually plug mine in before I go to sleep, when I plug in my phone.
I charge mine at anytime using a portable battery bank. I plug it in and put the battery bank in my pocket. I don’t usually sit still long enough to be connected to anything.
I charge when I am reading.
My answer is that I SHOULD have a particular time when I charge it! Like Lawrence, sometimes I look down at I’m at 20%! Yikes!
Most often while I shower and get ready in the morning, but if I’m running really low I’ll plug in while I sleep. Occasionally via the USB in my car while I drive.
10-15 min fir t:slim, I use a magnetic connector cord an connect when I sleep, no issue if it’s pulled off.
I charge every evening when I get home from work
My pump takes a AA battery that I change as soon as I get the alert that it’s time to do so.
I used to charge when needed, which was every 2-3 days. Lately, when it gets down to 80%, a couple hours later it’s 5%. I really have to keep a watch on it now. I was going to call Omnipod, but before I did, I received an email saying they were having problems with the batteries. Apparently, a lot of them are overheating, so they are sending everyone a new controller.
I charge my pump when I upload my data or from a power bank when I sit to eat.
I charge my pump along with my watch, my laptop, and my phone while I’m drinking coffee and checking emails in the morning.
I plug my pump controller in every night along with my IPhone.
I have an Omnipod 5. While I don’t have to charge the pump, I do have to charge the PDM. I plug it in while I’m sleeping, the same as I do for my phone.
How does everybody prepare for power outages? My house has been without power for days at a time.
Usually while sleeping. I plug it in when I go to bed. Occasionally at computer, occasionally while driving.
Mostly as needed.
I charge the battery while I’m sitting in my chair and on my computer.
It varies. I charge when needed. If I am working at the computer, I’ll charge to top it off. I also pay attention so that when I hit – say 50% – I charge. Because I have my Tandem X2 pump integrated iwth my Dexcom G6 I turn on the pump to check my BG, and always do it when I am going to drive somewhere (when I was working, there were too many responses for auto accidents caused by impaired driving) so that could be turning on my pump 10+ times a day!
I also turn it on to “light my way” to use the bathroom in the middle of the night. I live with a slob, his giant size 14 shoes everywhere. I cold get killed tripping over his mess! That does consume battery power.
I charge our son’s PDM for his Omnipod at night while he’s sleeping.
I answered that I charge my pump as needed. Often I charge while sleeping using a long cable. Sometimes at my desk while working. Sometimes while in the shower.
I charge whenever I am changing my pump site, which is every 3-4 days. The Tandem holds a charge long enough that I haven’t needed to charge more frequently.
I usually charge while sitting at my computer reading emails. This question reminded me that I hadn’t done that this morning, so I’m taking care of it now.
I have never liked the concept of the pump and have never tried one. My wife and I and a friend of 40 years do not like the use of a pump. The thought of someone else pumping short term or quick acting insulin into me causes a lose of BS control.
I am using Omnipod 5 now. The PDM needs charging while the pod does not. I charge the PDM in the evening.
Thank you Carol. I am going for Omnipod 5 training on 11/14/2022 and you just answered a question that I had. How do you like the Omnipod 5; does Dexcom going off line (sensor not working) cause major issues? I feel like Dexcom has many sensor issues.
I do it as needed, often when plugged into computer, but I prefer using Anker- a portable charger that allows 4 charges from it being fully charged. I put it in my pocket rather than plugging into computer because I tend to forget I am plugged in to computer and can yank the charge cord when getting up without disconnecting.
Every morning while I’m putting on my makeup. It charges in about 5-10 minutes. No problem.
Yes, when showering and, if needed, during set changes.
I charge my pump every day while eating. I do not use a computer every day. At home I charge while eating lunch. When away from home, I do it while eating breakfast.
I usually charge first thing in the morning when eating breakfast and reading the paper. This is about the only time I’m sitting in one spot long enough to do a complete charge LOL!