If you use a CGM, how often do you use adhesive wipes to help your sensors stick?
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Technically I don’t use wipes, but I use the liquid form of Skin-Tac. I actually use it for two reasons 1) It helps my CGM stay on for the 10-day wear, and 2) It acts as a barrier between the CGM adhesive tape and my skin as the CGM adhesive tape can make me itch.
I checked “Rarely” but like you I never use “Wipes”, much cheaper buying the Bottle with the Swab, been doing this since 2009
I don’t use adhesive wipes any longer. I did for about the first 15 years but they dry my skin out too much. i.e. my skin becomes ‘scaly’.
I now use a barrier spray called Cavilon. (It’s made by 3M, which a fellow diabetic on here informs me is an American company.)
I don’t use adhesive wipes but sometimes I will use an overpatch to make sure it sticks (e.g., during yardwork or playing with my grandkids).
I use a skin barrier wipe and then skin tack wipe
As long as I don’t bump into door frames, everything stays in place.
I use skin tac on my daughter. But I do have to clean and scrub to get it off and then lotion the heck out of it when the sensor is removed.
Believe it or not, I use Neutrogena oil-free eye makeup remover to easily get rid of the residue when I remove my sensor.
When I started wearing a sensor in 2008, I was told that the adhesive in the wipes affects the sensor. I use an overlay patch, Smith & Nephew’s IV 3000, to hold everything in place.
I do use a cotton ball with rubbing alcohol to remove the “ring” on removal and preparation, but no particular product to assist the adhesive otherwise.
They changed the adhesive a few years ago and they stick better now.
I always do, G6 with Skin Tac. I rarely have them not stick that way.
I always use SkinTac. Ran out and Dexcom stayed on just fine. Will continue to use as makes me feel confident won’t come off.
Since your question is directed toward CGM’s only, I answered “Never.” I clean the area with alcohol wipes, and use the Overpatch, supplied by Dexcom.
However, I do use adhesive wipes for my insulin pump cannula insertion.
Do you mean an “overpatch”?
No, there are wipes (like an alcohol pad) that have adhesive them to apply to your skin so that the sensors will stick better.
I answered never. But…I use alcohol to prepare my site – make sure the skin is really dry. I “paint” SkinTac on the adhesive patch prior to inserting. I only use SkinTac wipes when traveling (heaven forbid the bottle should break while traveling). I like the bottle form of SkinTac, it has an applicator wand in the cap and I don’t get sticky fingers (all day). I use the overpatches from Dexcom. They are better than others I’ve tried.
Like others, I don’t use an adhesive wipe, but paint the sensor patch with Skintac because it adheres so well.
I used Skin-Tac wipes for years, after cleaning the area with alcohol and marking a spot to keep clean for the sensor insertion with an eyeliner pencil. These days I skip the Skin-Tac and eyeliner and use an overpatch. The overpatch seems like less hassle and works well to keep my sensor on in the water.
I use SkinTac in liquid form not wipes, but yes, every time. Hate it when sensors come off before their time.
Never needed to use anything other than an overpatch to keep the sensor/transmitter on for 10 days. The only times I’ve had problems it was because I accidentally ripped it off removing clothing or with a towel after a shower.
I never used to with Medtronic but when I moved to Dexcom it was recommended, so I do. Not sure if it helps but I have requested over-patches.
I use adhesive wipes for my pump site, but I have had issues when I used them for CGM AND switched back to go old isopropyl alcohol.
Nope, but I do use a patch over my Libre. Without a patch, I will accidentally rip my Libre sensor off within hours by walking against a doorway too fast, putting on a sweatshirt, or dragging a bag down my arm…it just happens! Clearly, I’m not very graceful!
The Dexcom G5 sensor sticks very firmly, so I never have to use anything for that. However, I do use adhesive tape for for the Medtronic SureT infusion set.
I use a barrier wipe to protect my skin..not really to help it stick.
I don’t use a wipe as described, I utilize “skin tak” and apply it before setting the tape. I have the curse of sweating at work, this helps keeping the devices on (pump infusion set too), and if I notice any loosening later can reapply as needed.
I always use them, not only to help the sensors stick, but to help protect my skin from the adhesive from the sensor.
I use an overlay patch it works for me
I use IV Prep wipes as I am very sensitive to the adhesives some tapes have. I also use an overlay for both pump infusion sites and CGM sensors.
I use Skintac liquid
We use IVPrep wipes for our son.
With IV3000 over
Never, but I should because they always come unstuck in the last day or two.
I understood adhesive wipes affected the sensor. So I rely on over tape.
I only need it for my Dexcom sensors, not my infusion sets. And I just leave an empty spot where the sensor is going to be inserted. I must add an overpatch as well, or they fall off. The overpatch alone does not hold well enough. It peels off from the edges.
Never, adhesive allergy. Felt like it took forever for my endocrinologist & I to figure out I wasn’t only allergic to MedTronic’s adhesive but also the actual sensor that is inserted into you.
Always, plus the Dexcom overpatch…and still has a difficult time making it 10 days. I swear the overpatch makes things worse.
I use SkinTac wipes and then clean a small spot with an alcohol wipe to insert the sensor in. Works great, no over-patches needed!
I never use wipes or patchs… But I clean [ scrub ] the area with large alcahol wipes… I often get bleeding into the transmittter contacts area .. Do you think the scrubing is causing the bleeding?? My sensor really stays on and I feel like the skin is going to tear when I remove it.. I have been using G6 for less than 2 years, and nothing else that is taped on.. I only use my tummy area..
I’m pretty sure this question has been asked before. T1DExchange might want to do some research for new questions!
When I used one I ALWAYSused adhesive prep… always