If you drink caffeinated beverages, do you bolus for the caffeine itself (in addition to any carbohydrates in the beverage, such as sugar, milk, etc.)?
Home > LC Polls > If you drink caffeinated beverages, do you bolus for the caffeine itself (in addition to any carbohydrates in the beverage, such as sugar, milk, etc.)?
Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
I answered yes but not sure if it is caffeine or just morning cortisol. I only drink coffee in the morning. My BS is starting to rise normally and I bolus. So could be either or both.
I am one of the weird people who can’t stand coffee. I do drink iced tea and once in a while I will drink hot tea but even if it is caffeinated, I do not bolus for it.
I usually have a coffee for breakfast lunch. When I was on a Minimed G3 sensor it would report a sizable bump in my BG. With that I bolised for it. That may have led to poor BG control.
Since being on Dex 6 sensor sinse February, I haven’t seen the bump in BG. So I stopped bolising for it.
I have one cup, first thing in the a.m., lifetime habit. Splenda, not sugar, and light cream not half and half or milk, so virtually no carbs to speak of. But early on after dx I found I have to bolus for it quite a lot–like 32 carbs!–or it hits like a carb freight train. Time of day may have something to do with it: I have always had pretty severe dawn phenomenon. Seems like a lot, but it works, so that’s what I do.
I’m a heavy coffee drinker. Never had to bolus for coffee. I drink it strong and black. If I have coffee that is flavored from a coffee shop, I will ask about carb additives or bolus a 5-10g if it tastes sweet and then carefully watch my CGM values.
No, I do not bolus for coffee or green tea caffeine, because it does not contain any calories. Like others have commented, humans are hard-wired to secrete blood-sugar-raising hormone(s?) at dawn. If I get up, get dressed & make breakfast BECORE 6 AM, then take my Lantus (glargine) and Humalog (lispro) exactly at 6 AM, & then wait no longer than 15’ to eat about 30 grams net carbs…I can contol for & preclude dawn phenomenon. If I wait longer than 15’ to eat, bg will go too low after eating. This usually works. 😎
I really need that 200 mg caffeine to feel energized along w/ my antidepressant. To counter caffeine side effects like dry-mouth or dehydration,
I sip water through the day. Side note: 10 cups of coffee + 2 packs of cigarettes per day helped us “win” WW Ii. That much was consumed by a US military honcho during a critical battle. 😎
No and I add 1/2 & 1/2 in my AM coffee. I’m no longer drinking as many caffeinated beverages as I did prior to my Chronic Kidney disease dx because of the need to limit potassium. Now I have a 2 cup max on coffee, down from 6 a day.
After lots of experimentation, I don’t believe the occasional spikes in BS in the morning are related to hormones and not caffeine… so, I don’t bolus for caffeine!
I drink regular coffee in the morning. And, yes I bolus but it could just be because just getting up and getting ready makes my glucose fish. Not so sure it’s the coffee.
I am a real deal coffee drinker and generally don’t bolus for the caffeine content. Occasionally I will have a flavored coffee and will give an extra unit or two for the additive ingredients that usually contain some kind of syrup and/or sweetener added to enhance the flavor. Otherwise I drink unsweetened medium or strong dark roast with a slice of lemon or a wee bit of milk.
I love coffee. I drink it fully-caffeinated and black. I dose (0.57u per mug). I know it is the coffee because I need the bolus throughout the day (so it isn’t morning hormones). I am very. very aggressive in my T1D mgt, considering everything that is pant-based a carb – so I count things like broccoli, brussels sprouts, asparagus in my meal boluses.
If you drink caffeinated beverages, do you bolus for the caffeine itself (in addition to any carbohydrates in the beverage, such as sugar, milk, etc.)? Cancel reply
I drink various caffinated drinks but the only one that requires a bolus is regular coffe.
Only in the morning for my first cup of coffee
I drink several cups of black coffee daily and have never noted an increase in blood glucose levels due the coffee, so I do not bolus for it!
I answered yes but not sure if it is caffeine or just morning cortisol. I only drink coffee in the morning. My BS is starting to rise normally and I bolus. So could be either or both.
Thanks, Jane, for sharing most realistic example in answer to this question, imho.
I never bolus for my coffee even though I have half and half in it!
I am one of the weird people who can’t stand coffee. I do drink iced tea and once in a while I will drink hot tea but even if it is caffeinated, I do not bolus for it.
No. I have never bolused for caffeine in any drink. Generally, I try to stay away from caffeine. But, occasionally indulge.
Sometimes spirit or Orange juice
Anytime I drink caffeinated beverages, my sugar level goes high, which seems like it is from caffeine. I do not consume them anymore.
Yes! Caffeine raises my blood sugar. I have to enter 25 carbs for 10 oz of coffee or tea.
I usually have a coffee for breakfast lunch. When I was on a Minimed G3 sensor it would report a sizable bump in my BG. With that I bolised for it. That may have led to poor BG control.
Since being on Dex 6 sensor sinse February, I haven’t seen the bump in BG. So I stopped bolising for it.
One unit particularly if I drink a coffee without food.
I have one cup, first thing in the a.m., lifetime habit. Splenda, not sugar, and light cream not half and half or milk, so virtually no carbs to speak of. But early on after dx I found I have to bolus for it quite a lot–like 32 carbs!–or it hits like a carb freight train. Time of day may have something to do with it: I have always had pretty severe dawn phenomenon. Seems like a lot, but it works, so that’s what I do.
Coffee, even black, consistently launches 20-40 glucose jump for me. Espresso is better. Flavored coffees are even worse than dark, black.
I have never bolused for my coffee!
I’m a heavy coffee drinker. Never had to bolus for coffee. I drink it strong and black. If I have coffee that is flavored from a coffee shop, I will ask about carb additives or bolus a 5-10g if it tastes sweet and then carefully watch my CGM values.
I count caffeine no matter if it’s in diet soda or coffee. I have to guess when it comes to meat. Everything has carbs in it.
I drink black coffee or herbal tea, nothing added so no need to bolus
No, I do not bolus for coffee or green tea caffeine, because it does not contain any calories. Like others have commented, humans are hard-wired to secrete blood-sugar-raising hormone(s?) at dawn. If I get up, get dressed & make breakfast BECORE 6 AM, then take my Lantus (glargine) and Humalog (lispro) exactly at 6 AM, & then wait no longer than 15’ to eat about 30 grams net carbs…I can contol for & preclude dawn phenomenon. If I wait longer than 15’ to eat, bg will go too low after eating. This usually works. 😎
I really need that 200 mg caffeine to feel energized along w/ my antidepressant. To counter caffeine side effects like dry-mouth or dehydration,
I sip water through the day. Side note: 10 cups of coffee + 2 packs of cigarettes per day helped us “win” WW Ii. That much was consumed by a US military honcho during a critical battle. 😎
I only add 10 g of carbs to my breakfast total when I drink coffee in the morning. Otherwise for soda etc, no.
I only drink diet soda so I never bolus for the caffeine. It’s not s carbohydrate.
No and I add 1/2 & 1/2 in my AM coffee. I’m no longer drinking as many caffeinated beverages as I did prior to my Chronic Kidney disease dx because of the need to limit potassium. Now I have a 2 cup max on coffee, down from 6 a day.
After lots of experimentation, I don’t believe the occasional spikes in BS in the morning are related to hormones and not caffeine… so, I don’t bolus for caffeine!
My grammar is terrible!
I meant to say I believe the spikes are due to hormones, not caffeine. *sigh… I think I need more caffeine!
I drink regular coffee in the morning. And, yes I bolus but it could just be because just getting up and getting ready makes my glucose fish. Not so sure it’s the coffee.
The caffeine issue appears to be bad/pseudo science. Unless the beverage has sugar in it, there is zero need to bolus anything extra.
The carbs come from glycogen stored in the liver. Not bad science.
I don’t take milk or sugar in my caffeinated beverages, and I do NOT bolus anything extra for the caffeine I imbibe.
I am a real deal coffee drinker and generally don’t bolus for the caffeine content. Occasionally I will have a flavored coffee and will give an extra unit or two for the additive ingredients that usually contain some kind of syrup and/or sweetener added to enhance the flavor. Otherwise I drink unsweetened medium or strong dark roast with a slice of lemon or a wee bit of milk.
Yes- in the morning only. I drink black coffee. While black coffee has no carbs, caffeine can cause the liver to release sugar and raise blood sugar.
I only bonus if I drink coffee, caffeinated or decaf, and I quit drinking coffee years ago. Not worth the insulin nor acidic stomach.
I love coffee. I drink it fully-caffeinated and black. I dose (0.57u per mug). I know it is the coffee because I need the bolus throughout the day (so it isn’t morning hormones). I am very. very aggressive in my T1D mgt, considering everything that is pant-based a carb – so I count things like broccoli, brussels sprouts, asparagus in my meal boluses.
Zero is the way to go!