If you are an adult with type 1 diabetes, have you also been diagnosed with kidney disease?
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No. But, kidney disease is my GREATEST fear. My father was on kidney dialysis at the end of his life. I figure it is in my genes. I really don’t want to do dialysis. So far, my urine tests have been within normal ranges. I’m keeping my fingers crossed.
66 years T1 and no kidney disease to date! My husband has CKD from multiple insect stings a couple of years ago.
Dx after 62 yr of T1. Now at 66+. Wasn’t shocked by dx. I wish your survey broke it down by longevity.
I said “other” because my numbers are not good, but they are not quite in the range that requires a kidney consult. I don’t like this limbo, but it is better than being in the definitely bad zone.
Kidney disease is what took most of my friends in the younger days.
Not yet, only 57 years a T1D so maybe still coming
Type 1 for 53 years, diagnosed last year with kidney disease. Switched to plant based diet and increased my water intake both of which have improved my kidney functions. Terrified of dialysis but my doctor says I’ll never need it. Kidney functions at 40%_last test.
My nephrologist told me (and lots of research confirmed) that you should give up most “brown soda” (diet coke, pepsi, dr. pepper because they have astronomically more phosphates that appear in foods naturally. I have stage 3 CKD (stable for last 4-5 years). Rarely drink soda but if I get craving, its ginger ale, sprite, etc… or root beer all of which do not have phosphates added. Also started reading labels for it as a preservative. I only drink plant milks and some have it and some don’t, Always need my strong reading glasses for trips to supermarket lol! Good luck.with it all.
I had a kidney transplant 1.5 years ago.
Yes, dx close to 3 years ago with CKD 3a. It will soon be 68 yrs since my T1D dx. I’m trying hard to reduce potassium and sodium levels in my food choices, finding it difficult.
I’ve been able to reduce sodium by making everything from scratch but reducing potassium has been almost impossible – there’s very little left to eat!
Apparently I’m fairly close to issues with my Kidney’s due to lack of good control during the bulk of the 34 years I’ve had it….On a Tandem X2 now…which is SOOO much better than Medtronic garbage, I’ve actually been achieving an A1C in the 7% for the first time in years…
I was born with poor kidney function, reached close to stage 2 at 15 years old. I was Dx’d with T1D at 30 years old – which of course doesn’t hep things. I’m in my 70’s now and won’t do dialysis (it’s expensive – I don’t qualify for Medicare and wold really impact my lfie and work in a bad way. I’ve lived with poor kidneys for 70+ years now so I figure what happens will happen.
FYI if you have the need for dialysis, you will automatically go on Medicare. Not sure how it works but it does.
Yes. I also had to have a kidney removed in 2016 due to a tumor. Wasn’t diagnosed until about 2 years ago. 49 years this June.
My test results have always been great, never have they been abnormal, but my doctor told me all people who ate diabetic as long as I’ve had it (61 years) are considered to have stage 1 kidney disease even if they show no signs of it and every thing is fine. Like WTF???
Jillmarie62–Grrr! My main objection is to the physician’s phrase “all people with …” I would immediately challenge him to provide references, correlation coefficients, margins of error, et al. Most professionals are much more conditional and guarded in their assessments.
Knock on wood, I haven’t yet. I have a history of NS when I was 4 years old and not T1D, yet.
I am classified as CKD 3b but my kidney function has been stable for some time. I’m a T1D for 38 years and diagnosed at 35 after surviving Thyroid Storm.
Other was my answer as I have common kidney stones from an epilepsy medication I take and need to take potassium citrate to help prevent this.
I answered no, but it depends on what you call kidney disease. I have a large stone about to get pulverized, I have a cyst, and one of my kidney related readings is marginal.
After 42 years of T1, I had my first abnormal kidney check at my last routine physical. I go back in March to have it rechecked.
63 years if t1d and so far so good! I consider myself very lucky!
My test results are not looking good and it is stressing me out a bit.