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I keep a low treatment on my person (either in my pocket or in my backpack). I used to keep stuff in my car but it often expired before I got around to eating it.
I live in Florida. I would never keep anything edible in my car.
No but I keep a low treatment on my person and I take it wherever I go, including my car.
I don’t keep low treatments in my car, but I keep them in my purse, which is always with me in the car!
I answered yes because I always have glucose gummies and granola bars on my person, mostly my purse or backpack. I don’t keep them in my car, I just always have them with me.
As others have said, IF you are a woman who carries a purse…as I do….I ALWAYS have something with me, in the car or out!
In my vehicle, in my purse, if I go for a walk in my pocket. In other words always have something, usually glucose tabs, with me.
Yes because my purse is always in my vehicle with me. 😂
In my purse
Like Patricia Dalrymple, I live where she lives, and it gets too hot to keep food in my car. However, I carry a “stash bag” with me at all times, a backpack type of bag, that has all or my snacks. So, No, I do not keep a low treatment in my car. But, Yes, I always have my stash bag with me.
I never leave home without my Glucose tabs. They are in my pocket, car and any other place where I can keep them. My wife also carries a Glucose tube.
Always have a box of sweetarts in my car. Fast acting, way cheaper than glucose tabs and fairly tolerant of hot weather.
I have an empty glucose tab jar that I have refilled with skittles.
I don’t keep a treatment in my car but always have my purse or gym bag with me and they have my low supplies. Too hot in TX to leave anything in the car.
I keep a treatment (small plastic bottle of ordinary sugar) in my pocket when driving.
Yes. When my son is with me in the car, he also has his supply bag which contains several types of low treatments. I also keep Trader Joe’s fruit strips, buttons (no dyes), and a few Costco fruit bars just for something different.
I do not keep food items in my vehicle but I do keep them in my purse and back pack at all times.
If I’m not using either, I carry something with me in pockets. Always.
I said yes, but it’s really in my purse which goes everywhere with me.
same here
Me too!
I keep Smarties in every nook and cranny, be it car, purse, backpack, coat or pants pocket!!!
Small bottles of Gatorade.
Fruit snacks and a glucagon kit.
Yes. I keep a stash of Transcend glucose gel packs and a jar of glucose gummies in my car at all times. Also carry stuff, including Baqsimi, with me in my purse wherever I go.
When I did have a car, I kept A bag of peppermint candies in glove compartment in addition to carrying roll of lifesavers in pocket. Usually only needed a couple. Once while driving from Seattle WA to Lexington KY, at a grocery store suddenly I felt hypoglycemic. I realized I was going to have to sit down before I fell down even after eating some lifesavers I had in my pocket. Despite my embarrassment I grabbed a big Payday candy bar from a shelf, sat down on the floor and gobbled it down. I stood up, resumed shopping, and paid a cashier for the food including the candy bar. Remarkably, sitting on the floor to eat an unpaid for item didn’t attract any notice from other shoppers or cashiers! Being a clean shaven adult white male wearing clean jeans and a clean polo shirt driving a car in good condition probably helped.
I’m with you! I have desperately chugged a juice or soda right off the shelf during a low (also thankfully without being reported to the authorities).
More concerned that no one approached you while you were on the floor to check if you were ok.
I’ve been the grateful recipient of a stranger’s hypo help. If I ever come across someone looking unwell, I always stop to ask if they need anything. Have helped a few folks having hypos or just dehydrated that way.
Love this man’s awareness of his privilege 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼also like another commenter, very concerned no one asked if you needed help. This whole myob movement goes a bit too far sometimes.
I keep applesauce pouches and juice boxes in the car. I live in a warm climate and they do ok. Not delicious warm, but still do the trick. Like others, also keep a stash in my bag/purse. I have had moments of panic when I’ve used my fast carbs on one outing and realize I forgot to replenish my stash while going low during the next one. 😨
Smarties in console, no matter how hot, how cold, how wet outside, or how dry, they are the same and pure dextrose…and unlike glucose tabs don’t turn T dust.
I keep certain snacks with me everywhere I go for low sugar times. I keep my Gvoke hypo pen only at home.
Like MT, I have a box of sweetarts, in the glove compartment. And, a small bag of them or smarties in my left pocket, as well as a bigger one in my purse, which also has gel. If I go low in the car, I am well prepared.
When driving I need my purse to put my license and other necessities in, so I use that. It can also go on walks or on public transportation.
Always leave the house with a pocket full of lifesavers.
I don’t keep them in the car because I always carry some with me (2 tubes of glucose tablets).
I keep a bag of fruit in my car and some Gatorade…and extra water.
I keep something on me.
Where ever I am are also low BG treatment solutions…..
I answered ‘yes’ but that’s not 100% true. I have to carry misc. and sundry other medical items in a backpack whenever I leave the house. So I have a variety of snacks & glucose tabs that live in my packs. So if I’m in the car, low treatments are too.
Although I keep hypoglycemic remedies to raise my blood sugar if needed in my purse, I also keep glucose tabs in my car just in the outside chance I would forget to replenish my supply in my purse.
juice boxes
I don’t keep it in my car due to the wide temp fluctuations in my area through the year. I do however keep in my purse which I need to carry while driving so I have it on hand while out.
I ALWAYS have multiple items to raise and sustain my blood sugar in multiple locations not to mention in my purse & tote I carry everywhere I go. Small purses have never worked for me; instead, I’m known to have “luggage”…..
I have always kept one within reach for 70 years!! even while skin diveing [ in a plastic bag ] years ago..
yes, I keep carbs with me at all times regardless of where I am.
I keep glucose tabs in my car, and also carry a tube of 10 glucose tabs in my pocket.