CGM users: When you have a sensor that does not last for its full approved session duration, on average, how many days early does your sensor fail or fall off?
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Most of the time it is only 1 day early, although I have had sensors fail 2-3 days early as well.
The sensor itself lasts the full 7 days, but sometimes the transmitter battery fails, so I recharge it and keep using the sensor. I have a new transmitter on back-order.
The only time my CGM does not last for the full session is if it accidentally gets ripped off
same for me. Usually by the side of a doorway.
I selected Other because it varies widely. It rarely fails or falls off but I’ve bumped up against a door jam and knocked it off on Day 1 and I’ve also had the adhesive finally loosen during exercise on a hot humid Day 13. There’s not been a pattern, it’s been totally random
Was having a lot of sensors fall off.. I work outside in Florida and would sweat them off.. I wear a minimed guard 3 that come with overtape. Minimed is great about replacement but quite inconvenient to lose my sensor in the middle of a work day. After testing every tape I could find I have found the freestyle Libre 14 day tape sticks no matter how much I sweat. It is pretty cheap on Amazon
Mine also varies widely and I never have adhesive issues but Medtronic tape and the design is horrid. I use IV3000. My sensors do not work in my stomach where they are supposed to go. Live alone so arm is hard to do but when I have gotten help to put one there, they are about the same as stomach. Usually go on the 4th day. I have had zero issues using upper leg so that is where they go and last 7-10 days.
My sensors do not work on my belly either. I use my upper buttocks. They work very well there. When I wear them on my legs they tear off. I cannot wear them on my arms because I cannot reach my arm (calcium in my shoulders).
I usually purchase an extra box of the sensor tapes. I am going to try the IV3000 now!
Mine will usually either encounter some kind of error within the first day and need to be replaced immediately or the adhesives will fail and they’ll fall off after more than 10 days. It’s really unusual for something to happen between days 2 and 10.
I have been on the Freestyle Libre 2 for more than a year now and my sensor only failed to start up once and did not ” fall off” but “ripped off” 2xs. The thing that is annoying is that they do not send me any extras. I get 2 per month so if the second one fails, it takes a few days to get another one. Also, it lasts 14 days….that’s 28 days. Last time I checked, most months have more than 28 days…..but what do I know!? 😉
Thanks for the comment. I started using Dexcom G6 about 2 months ago and am having constant sensor errors. When I started reading your comment I was thinking maybe I’ll switch to the Free Style Libre, but after reading your comment, I said “nope”.
I find the same kind of faulty calendar calculating with other medications, especially insulin.
I use the Dexcom CGM 6 and would get sensor errors constantly until a Dexcom tech support worker reminded me that it’s measuring interstitial fluid glucose. He said when users are not hydrated well enough that is most likely the reason for the errors. Ever since that day and staying well hydrated I’ve NEVER gotten anymore sensor error messages! I place my sensors only on my arms after always getting very inaccurate readings elsewhere.
1.5 days, almost every time, like clockwork. Your first choice should have read less than 2 days.
95% of time stay on. Rare exceptions have occurred when I manage to knock it loose.
I’ve had a good run of luck with my sensors lasting the full length of time. In the past, I wore the sensors on my belly (as directed by Dexcom/Tandem). However, I got rashes, and the sensors kept failing. I answered “2 or 3 days early” for sensor failure. Once I stopped wearing the sensors on my belly, I have very rarely had problems with failure. I wear the sensors on my upper buttocks.
Agree totally. Dexcom has never worked on abdomen. For me works best on upper arm. May try the upper buttocks when I switch back next month. Thanks
Upper butt also my preferred location! I have more padding there and since the area doesn’t bend /fold like the abdomen, less irritation. Just need to avoid the beltline.
My FSL gets wonky about 3 days before the 14 day expiration. I have never had a sensor fall off or even become loose. I place a new sensor a few days before the old one expires and I find that it is accurate as soon as I activate it. Switching to Dexcom G6 next month. When I had Dexcom before I was able to restart same sensor if I wanted to. Happy new insurance will cover Dexcom
I usually have to replace the G6 sensor at 8 days. Sometimes at 9 days, rarely at 10 days. I often get bad readings and repeated error messages at 8 days.
I haven’t had one fail in a long time. Learned long ago the way to keep them from falling off is to scrub the area really well with a rough washcloth to remove dead skin cells before using the adhesive/alcohol mix.
My dog’s Libre isn’t quite so secure, but he’s a lot hairier even when I try to shave him :*}….
I put “other” because I’m a newbie and have only had 3 sensors so far. So far so good, lasting the full time.
I checked “other” because it has been too variable to check just one box. I’ve had them fail as early as day 3, but more frequently day 9. They don’t always fail completely on 9, but they become more erratic. I’ve also noticed that some, but not all, are more erratic for the first day, but I attribute that to differences is sites (i.e. whether or not the site is a bleeder). In my experience, the G5’s were much more reliably robust — and I often got two full weeks, rather than the recommended one week (G5’s could be rebooted unlike G6’s — Dexcom wised up, I guess). To Dexcom’s credit, they have been very good about replacing ones that fail prematurely (by which I mean before day 9 — I don’t complain about losing less than 24h of function).
Oops. I should have put other. I’ve never had my Dexcom G6 sensor fail, but they have rarely fallen off early when I’ve placed them too close to my waistband and catch.
I was told to use SkinTac, which epoxys my sensor in place. I exercise in a warm pool four days a week, and my Libre 2 sensor stays put for the whole two weeks.
It’s a toss up between 1 day before the session is SUPPOSED to end and 2 or 3 days before the session ends.
Very occasionally, I have a sensor that lasts the full session.
Usually it is the first day. I give it time to adjust but if it is still acting wacky I replace it.
I should have added it’s rare and I use skin tac and an over patch so I’ve never had one fall off.
My Dexcom 6 almost always lasts the full 10 days, but, there have been times in the last 2 1/2 years when I started to get 20-40 minute periods of no readings after about 8 days. If enough of that, I’d get it replaced. I’d guess about 8 times? Once, just recently, I had a sensor that from the beginning kept reading low, and they replaced it when I couldn’t get it to stay up after the 2nd calibration.
Something similar to that happened to me a few years ago. I found out that my telephone Dexcom app was causing the problem. When I took the app off of my phone, I stopped losing my signals.
I knocked one off less then 24 hours after I started it. I’ve also had one conk out on me halfway through my session.
They have quit any number of different days, even had a few that would not start
Either the Dexcom G6 sensors are good all 10 days or they give bad readings from the start. I recently had a whole box that was bad. The first one wanted me to calibrate it everyday the whole 10 days and was not giving good readings. The other two just gave readings that were way off the whole 10 days, even though I calibrated in hopes it would straighten out. I should have called Dexcom, but I had thrown out the box the sensors came in. As far as getting knocked off, that seems to only happen if I have put it in a spot that’s too exposed to my running into things. 😩😩😩😩
I find with the Dexcom G6 it is amazingly accurate up to day 8, then things go haywire. Often on day 8 it goes on and off frequently then completely dies and I get a big red X on my tandem pump. The phone app will say replace sensor. I usually call Dexcom about every 3rd sensor for a replacement to make up for lost days.
My sensors have stopped working all together or giving bad readings at different times, no set pattern.
Never failed or fall off.. BUT using G6 for 17 months now and have it bleed when inserting 3 times and Dexcom sent replacement very fast… When checking G6 with finger sticks I get from almost same reading to way off either direction, but thats okay since they are not reading the same fluids that raise and fall in both directions at different times etc !!! It is still better than droping a pill in a test tube of pee and checking the the color.. What joy it was when we got the test strip that we just peed on and checked the color !!!
And, usually, just disposed of it in the toilet.
I chose other as it varies between immediately, from too much bleeding, and 1 day before the session ends.
They do not fall off.
I have bee using a Dexcom G6 for slightly less than a year and so far sensors have always lasted the full ten days. I have changed some a little early for convenience sake.
When one fails it is usually 3 days before it should have. Dexcom is great about replacing these each time it happens. I always keep the box and sensor package until I replace it just in case I have one fail.
Two to Five days (2-5). However, just “E” Mail Dexcom (DEX) and they will replace it. I have had a few sensors have fail in a row; this cuts your MEDICARE part “B” time if you don’t have DEX replace them.
I rarely have an issue until about day 8 when my G6 gives erratic readings. Then things get squirrely and I have to change the sensor. Dexcom is good about replacement.
Im an active guy. In the Texas heat, using the sensor overlay, I often snag my Dexcom G6 of something. 1 to 10 days vary. D3xcom us really good at replacing a sensor. They have access to your transmitter/ Sensor usage. Tom R
I use Medtronic and my sensors always last the full 7 days. The readings can be a little crazy the first few hours on Day 1 but then they fall in line. The last time I had to pull a sensor, and it was a few years ago, was when it read low constantly for 8 hours straight. I think the insertion may have messed it up.
Exact same!!
My Dexcom G6 almost always starts giving wonky numbers on Day 8, although it doesn’t necessarily fail.
Very occasionally within 2 days or less, the numbers become erratic.
The times vary greatly, fortunately does not happen a lot, but sometimes a complete shipment will not work properly, like my last order.
They tend to fall off and it happens at any time.
On the 20th day my Dexcom gave erroneous low readings. I always double check with One Touch fingersticks. Erroneous readings can be sign it’s the last day for a sensor.
My sensors last the entire 10 days 99.9% of the time. Mine don’t fall off because I check each morning for peeling adhesive and put an overpatch on if necessary. I’ve had 1 or 2 fail in the past 2-1/2 years, but usually it’s on the 9th day.