Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
A question for those of you using tConnect Uploader, is there a way to aggregate data by day or weekend yielding a standard deviation? Or must you just eyeball it?
I agree with you. My numbers have much less variability then when when I was working. I thought that might be because of considerably less stress now that I am not working at a job. But the do move around.
With my tongue firmly planted in my cheek and a chuckle, I must ask: Are most T1 diabetics retired? Yes, I am retired, and I work everyday (around the house). I have never noticed a change in patterns of my blood glucose from weekday to weekend. That was also true when I went to work (somewhere other than housework).
Maybe us retired have more of an inclination to answer the daily question because 1. We have more time to do so and 2. The closer we get to the final sleep we are even more interested in learning to stay as healthy as possible?
I’m not retired but when covid hit my company closed and I haven’t gone back to work. I’ve considered it but as a family we have decided to wait awhile longer. I’ve really enjoyed my time at home with my family. I started volunteering at a cat sanctuary. My weekends are different in the morning as I’m not up listening to make sure my son is up on time for school during the week.
Well I am still a working stiff and my blood sugars are pretty stable during the week as I eat pretty much the same and do the same exercises every day. The weekend blood sugars are more variable as I am more active and my diet is more varied.
I tend to sleep later on the weekends. So I have issues occasionally with lows waking me up. I have a weekend basal program but I usually forget to switch it over. Other than the mornings everything else is the same.
No, because I’m blessed to be a stay at home mom and my weekdays look similar to weekends. Only time I have more lows is when I get busy doing house and yard work and forget to turn on “Exercise” Activity on my TSlim pump.
Through the week I eat lunch and dinner, on weekends it’s a late lunch (or early dinner?). I keep busy at home and eat when needed/hungry but at work we all sit to eat so I guess I join the party.
Since I no longer work a standard job with weekends off, my BG patterns do not vary weekday vs weekend. They vary according to my stress levels and days I am dedicated to caregiving. The more stress, commitments, and chaos the more my BGs fluctuate. My life is not my own these days, thus I never have a structured day. Makes it hard to keep BGs in range.
I am retired weekends are same now
This question should have asked if your activity varied weekday vs weekend. My activity does not nor do my patterns.
No. ┌( ಠ_ಠ )┘
A question for those of you using tConnect Uploader, is there a way to aggregate data by day or weekend yielding a standard deviation? Or must you just eyeball it?
I just eyeball mine by looking at recent pump history.
The pattern of my blood sugar is constantly changing.
As others have stated, being retired my numbers are not based on work versus non-work activity. But they do change from day to day just because!
I agree with you. My numbers have much less variability then when when I was working. I thought that might be because of considerably less stress now that I am not working at a job. But the do move around.
for me it varies depending on stress, so it is generally less on weekends. unless something stressful happens to shoot it high.
With my tongue firmly planted in my cheek and a chuckle, I must ask: Are most T1 diabetics retired? Yes, I am retired, and I work everyday (around the house). I have never noticed a change in patterns of my blood glucose from weekday to weekend. That was also true when I went to work (somewhere other than housework).
Maybe us retired have more of an inclination to answer the daily question because 1. We have more time to do so and 2. The closer we get to the final sleep we are even more interested in learning to stay as healthy as possible?
I’m not retired but when covid hit my company closed and I haven’t gone back to work. I’ve considered it but as a family we have decided to wait awhile longer. I’ve really enjoyed my time at home with my family. I started volunteering at a cat sanctuary. My weekends are different in the morning as I’m not up listening to make sure my son is up on time for school during the week.
I am retired and there’s not much difference in my “work days” and weekends.
Not sure butI have higher blood glucose attending meetings and during longer car rides. Stress and inactivity are my enemies.
Glad to be among my Retied Diabuddies
Well I am still a working stiff and my blood sugars are pretty stable during the week as I eat pretty much the same and do the same exercises every day. The weekend blood sugars are more variable as I am more active and my diet is more varied.
I Picked “other” since, being in retirement status, I have no weekend. Everyday is the same!
I tend to sleep later on the weekends. So I have issues occasionally with lows waking me up. I have a weekend basal program but I usually forget to switch it over. Other than the mornings everything else is the same.
No, because I’m blessed to be a stay at home mom and my weekdays look similar to weekends. Only time I have more lows is when I get busy doing house and yard work and forget to turn on “Exercise” Activity on my TSlim pump.
No- retired
I am retired, so weekends mean nothing related to bg patterns.
I’m retired, so there are Six Saturdays and a Sunday in my week!!
Through the week I eat lunch and dinner, on weekends it’s a late lunch (or early dinner?). I keep busy at home and eat when needed/hungry but at work we all sit to eat so I guess I join the party.
I’m retired, so my routine is basically the same every day!
Since I no longer work a standard job with weekends off, my BG patterns do not vary weekday vs weekend. They vary according to my stress levels and days I am dedicated to caregiving. The more stress, commitments, and chaos the more my BGs fluctuate. My life is not my own these days, thus I never have a structured day. Makes it hard to keep BGs in range.
More variability because both eating and activity are more varied…