Which of these best describes how often you typically change your lancet?
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I use a CGM, so I infrequently use a lancet anymore meaning I no longer have the burnout associated with changing it. I still don’t change it EVERY TIME, but basically every time.
Please check your finger stick OFTEN… do not fully trust your CGM!!!!!
I use the Tandem x2 IQ insulin pump so I test my blood sugar infrequently.
Definitely not nearly as often as I should. I change it when I remember to. I don’t use my glucometer on a regular basis or often.
This question is a good reminder to keep the lancets in a visible location with my meter and only insert them before I use it when/if that occurs.
I have Medtronic so I still have to test a minimum of twice a day, more often on the first day of a new sensor. I rarely remember to change my lancet. When I finally do I can tell the difference when I poke myself but that’s still not enough to get me to change more often.
I rarely check my blood sugar using a meter thanks to my Dex. Been using since 2008 yet I make sure I have unexpired test strips & lancets available for when I do need to. My lancing device has cartridges of 6 so it can be over 6 months before I need to change it out. For the record, I have never reused a lancet.
I seldom use my lancet as use cgm
I think the Plank constant might be the smallest thing in physics – ten to the minus 34 power or so.
That’s about how often I change a lancet. 🦖
When I was using 780g, slept thru every nite. Back on 770g, CGM pumps requires BG every 4 hours !
pre CGM, I would change my lancet daily.
I use a new, clean lancet every time I do a blood test. Sanitation is very important to me. When I first started became a diabetic, one of the first things my doctor told me is that sanitation is always important.
I change it when it starts actually hurting. This is sometimes every couple months and sometimes (more often since I have the CGM and only test a couple times a month) every couple years. But if I do a test and it really hurts I move on to the next needle!
I keep a lancet a long time if it doesn’t hurt. I know I shouldn’t but I’m in range 90% of the time so my pump/CGM are doing the job.
You can change them? (sarcasm) I still have boxes of lancets from the 1990s if that is any indicator of how often I change them.
Rarely use them anymore on Dexcom. When I do it’s maybe once a month… probably less…
CHANGE my lancet? Why would I ever do a crazy thing like that?! :p
Using a DexCom G6, so very rarely need to use a lancet except once in a while during the two hour warmup.
I try to change it every time I check my blood sugar, but sometimes get lazy and change it ever 2 times. I also don’t check my sugars often since having my cgm–usually if I can’t wear a CGM for a few days because I am scheduled for an MRI in the next few days, or if my CGM is giving me unreliable numbers and I want to double check with a blood glucose meter.
Having worked with testing equipment for over 20 years, I know I to always calibrate the instrument.
I check my CGM vs my meter, calibrating when necessary, once per week. Sometimes that’s coincident with a CGM change, other times I’m checking the CGM is still accurate. CGM accuracy drifts, sometimes a lot!
Give me 10 minutes with the &@ing imbecile who came up with this Middle Ages leeches let’s bleed to test someone’s health ignorance… bloodless would be the only standard within days, and I wouldn’t require the whole 10 minutes to change their thinking 👺
Every time it bends e.g. getting blood is impossible. Anytime it takes two or 2/3 tries to get blood, averages out to a couple times a month lancets get changed typically.
For the last few years it’s almost never which is same same for how often I do a finger stick BG test.
For those that don’t trust the CGM technology, are you still using urine strips? I didn’t think so.
I use a cgm as the main way of monitoring. I rarely stick myself so I don’t change the lancet unless I see the need to.
Since I use a CGM and Tandem Pump, I only check my BG to calibrate or if I feel something is off. I only change the lancet about once every 3-4 sticks.
In the context of accurate CGM use I answered once a month. I have high confidence in my Dexcom and know other companies have also provided good devices. That said before CGM I checked bgs 8-15 times a day and would change lancets daily when they began to hurt.
Since beginning to use a CGM and following that with a Tandem pump I am using the lancet much less so I do not change it often. Prior to this I changed it regularly, but not daily or weekly, perhaps monthly or as I felt it should be changed.
Other, I change the lancet when it hurts. If I question the Dexcom 6 results I’ll use my meter to check. Since that hasn’t happened that often I’m not using the lancet that frequently. At the most I might change the lancet once every four months.
Have Dexcom so only when I change device or reading seems off.
If it grabs skin or I have to push hard to get it to bleed, >once a year.
When I was testing about 12 times per day, I would change the lancet when it began to hurt, once or twice a year. But with my Dexcom, it is every few years, since I rarely need to do a finger prick.
I think this question should have also included how many times a day (week) we do a finger stick.
Whenever I have to reset the clock for daylight savings…LOL
Funny, I was looking for this option, but didn’t see it!
With a CGM, I hardly use my blood glucose meter anymore.
I very rarely use my meter since my Dexcom is spot on for me. I never calibrate it. But, if I were checking my blood sugar regularly with a meter I would likely only change the lancet every couple of months.
I change my lancet with every Omnipod change—every three days.
I change my lancet each time I replace my Dexcom…every 10 days.
I change my lancet every time I need to use my Meter, but i rarely use it b/c I never have issues with my Dexcom G6.
Wait, you can change those things?
I chose “other” because I don’t use my meter/lancets every day. I use a CGM and only check my blood glucose with my meter when necessary. When I was using my meter every day, I would change the lancet once a week or when the point was too dull to puncture my skin. Now, it’s once every few months to a year.
Since I started using a CGM I rarely use lancets. Pre CGM I normally changed lancets when I opened a new set of test strips, usually a couple times a month.
Really?!? You’re kidding right? Once a month, if that. I have a cgm, don’t check unless something seems really amiss.
I rarely use a BG meter anymore since being on Dexcom. However in the days when I did use a meter I would change the lancet when it started feeling dull to prick my fingers – maybe once a week or so. Nowadays? Since I rarely use a meter unless my CGM is having an issue I change it once a day since I may have to prick my finger 5 times or more while waiting for the CGM issue to be resolved.
I seldom use alcohol wipes before using lancet device. Years ago from another T1D I learned NOT to draw blood from finger pads where nerves are really dense. Instead i use backs and sides of finger tips for less pain. Also suspect fewer.germs on those areas compared to pads of fingers.