Which of these best describes how often you typically change your lancet?
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I think I’ve said this before (or something similar), i I change lancets as often as Haley’s comet comes around. ¯\_( ͡눈 ͜ʖ ͡눈)_/¯
Other. I rarely use lancets any more since I started using Dexcom as CGM. However, on the rare occasions that I do prick a finger to obtain a BG level, I change the lancet after each fingers stick. In the old days before CGM, I would change it once or twice a week.
Wait–you can change those things?
Do people really change those? How do you even do that? 😀
I picked other because I only do finger sticks about 3 days per month. I skip a day between Dexcom sensors, so if my prescription takes longer to fill than usual, I don’t have as many finger-stick days in a row. I change the lancet when it gets dull and starts to hurt.
Don’t remember the last time I changed it. Used to change twice a year when the clock changed. Now (using Dexcom) I change when it starts to hurt too much.
Rarely have to use it due to CGM
Sounds like some are unsure of what a lancet is. One finger poke one lancet. Mine has a cartridge with six lancets and you rotate to an unused one after each use. Infections are a real thing.
I’ve always used a new, clean lancet each time I do a blood test. I believe reusing lancets is unsanitary.
CGMs have changed the lancet finger sticks with meters, so I used to change lancets twice a week. Now with the Freestyle Libre, it is once a month. Forward we go, one day at a time with this T1D. Happy Birthday Insulin turning 100 years since discovery!!!!!
I checked once per week but that is because I only use it once a week on the average- just to confirm my cgm reading or during the 2 hour warm up period.
Thanks for the reminder. Maybe I’ll remember to do it now
You mean you aren’t supposed to Re-Sharpen them like I used to do with Syringes?
I change it when it hurts (more). To be fair, I rarely use it now that I have my libre.
Same changing frequency for pen needles.
Used to change every few weeks when checking daily, now it’s more 1x per month after switching to Dexcom and only check bs a few times during a month.
Not currently using lancets as I’m trying out a CGM, but when I was using lancets I changed them every time I opened a bottle of test strips, or about weekly.
After using a CGM for six months, I use my rotating drum lancets rarely, so I change it each time.
My real answer is “when it hurts”.
when I was using strips, I would change my lancet daily. now that I use the Libre2, I test once or twice per day so I only change lancets once or twice a week. change pen needles daily too.
Test a lot so sharper lancet is best for me.
It depends on how quickly it starts to feel dull… sometimes a few days, many times I can’t remember when last I changed it. 😂
I change my lancet every three days when I change my Omnipod. My fingers are happier this way.
When it hurts or I can’t draw blood.
I typically change it every time I test with a test strip now that I have a cgm. Before getting a cgm, I used to change the lancet when I emptied the container of test strips which contain 50 strips.
When I realize that I’ve pushed the plunger on my MultiClix device 3-4 times and still can’t get more than a microscopic speck of blood, I finally turn to a new lancet in the drum. Usually every few months or so.
When I remember to. It varies incredibly. I do not use my glucose meter often compared to before Dexcom G6.
As others are
saying, I have a Dexcom, but unlike others, I trust every reading and rarely do a fingerstick to check behind it, so I don’t know how often I change it.
I don’t use my blood glucose meter every day, but I do change the lancet every few weeks.
I rarely check especially with Dexcom accuracy.
I don’t test with my meter much anymore since I’ve started using the Dexcom G6. Every few months if it seems dull