Sarah Howard
Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
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Which of these best describes how often you typically change your lancet? Cancel reply
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Since I started using the Dexcom G6, I only test a few times a month to either verify CGM readings or calibrate a sensor that is off track.
Like Bob. Since starting my Dexcom G6 CGM, I only test if or when my feelings disagree with CGM data.
Wearing an Abbott Freestyle Libre helps me avoid lancing fingers, and I try not to confuse myself by doing both. However when I think the sensor is inaccurate, usually towards the end of 14 days, I get out the meter and lancet. My fingers thank me every day for wearing the cgm.
I haven’t changed a lancet since Noah marched the animals two by two onto to the big boat. ツ
I change it when it starts to hurt more than normal.
Used to change it with every site change. Now, only as needed, like on day one of Dexcom 6 when readings are totally wacky.
When the spring wears out on the lancing device and I have to get a new one. 37 years of this never got an infected finger
I think if you looked at a lancet tip under a microscope you’d likely change your lancet more often. Like needles, the sharp tips get blunted and does more skin damage on the way through the skin surface if you’re using them several times. I change my lancets daily for that reason and test anywhere from 2-4 times per day. I have a Medtronic 670G with CGM.
I only check now when my Dexcom G6 is in the 2 hour warm-up or when it seems to be inaccurate. I used to test 7 times per day for many years and now my fingers are so happy with the G6 sensor.
I agree with the other G6 users. I change the lancet when I insert a new sensor, but more often if I get a sensor that has calibration issues (relatively rare occurrence).
When I get a new Lancing Device with the 10 year supply bag of lancets.
I rarely perform a fingerstick tests anymore since I started using a Dexcom. However, I do keep a meter on hand as a backup to test when I need to. When I was meter testing I used to change the lancets a few times a month, usually when my fingertips started to smart with the dull lancet.
When it’s dull or needs to be pushed on hard to get blood. Rarely changed.
Like many other Dexcom G6 users, I now rarely use the meter so I rarely do a fingerstick. The result is not many lancets used. I used to check BG with my meter 4-6 times per day. The result was to change to a new lancet once or twice a month. The change was driven by dullness of the lancet. I still follow the dullness standard, but now that means the changes are months apart.
I change it when it gets painful. Have G6, so don’t necessarily test every day, but don’t rely solely on it either.
I changed it before and after getting my Dexcom the same way; when it becomes too painful or no longer works, it get’s changed.
“every time I measure my BG” (I don’t use the T word, it’s not a test to pass/ fail, it an information gathering exercise) but that is also “every free weeks” as I now use a calibration free cgm (and am usually measuring ketones rather than glucose).
I have a g6 and I test about 5 times a day. I would never bolus before a meal without doing it. Sometimes it’s close and sometimes it’s off. Like in the teens to 50 apart. I also test before bed. It’s scary enough not knowing what it really is. I do go low a couple of times a week during the night
I rarely use my glucose meter any more. It can stay in the closet for many months. When I need to see if my CGM is working properly I will start with a new lancet and then use this lancet if needed until it feels blunt.
I use the accu-chk fasclix and it is a breeze to use
With the Dexcom G6 sensor I’ll only test 5 to 7 times per week to make sure the sensor is accurate. I change the lancet a few times a month as others have said when it hurts or makes it more difficult to get blood or I feel that it has been too long and need a new sterile Lancet.
I used to change it once a month when testing 10-12 times a day on the Medtronic pumps. However, I’m now on the Dexcom/Tandem TSlim X2 system and very rarely test using the meter. My estimate would be 1 or 2 times per year.
I change my lancet when I open a new package of test strips, which works out to about one a week.