If you wear an insulin pump that requires charging the battery, do you have a particular time or activity during which you charge your pump?
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I charge the battery first thing in the morning when checking email and having my coffee.
Ditto. 0530 for email, coffee, headline scanning, and pump charging.
Same here. Charge myself with my cup of coffee and my pump with the charging cord. But I do the crossword at the same time. Not check email.
I usually charge my battery during the time I am on my computer. I also load my pump info into my Tandem Tconnect account at the same time
Charge while driving.
I charge while I am sleeping.
I plug my Omnipod DASH in about every third day while I shower. By the time I’m dry, it’s fully charged.
I usually charge the pump while changing the infusion set and working in my office.
Usually while I’m eating a meal. Occasionally at night while watching television.
When I wore an insulin pump that required a battery I changed it when it messaged low battery.
I charged when I take a shower.
I do not wear a pump. And although my Echo’s battery is dead, it still delivers insulin better than the InPen.
I charge at night when pump is at 20%.
While I sleep.
I charge during shower each day
I charge while I’m in the shower, or when I’m in the car, if I need to.
Either when I’m at my computer, driving in my car, or at bedtime while I’m trying to fall asleep.
I charge my t:slim X2 when I change infusion sets and when I replace a reservoir.
Omnipod takes 2 triple As, last about 20 days.
I keep close tabs on my battery status. I charge while working in my office, while changing reservoirs, or anytime I think I need to. Love not having to find a recycler for dead batteries.
I use a Tandem X2 with CIQ. Depends on when the battery needs a charge. Sometimes I plug in to recharge while watching the evening news or overnight while I sleep. Sometimes I plug in and recharge when I take a shower.
Ironically, I’m suffering with a bad Omnipod Eros that resets EVERY time I change the batteries. I could just have them send me a new one, but then I won’t be eligible for Dash for another full year and I’m currently fighting with insurance to get the Dash covered (well the Dash Pods -they’ll cover the Dash itself, but not the pods. Insurance sucks). The Omni works fine except for the battery change which then means I can’t see IOB for several hours. Drives me
crazy, but nobody said T1 was supposed to be easy.
I do not wear a pump and never will.
In the mid-80s I started my pump life with a Cardiac Pacemakers pump that used a proprietary NiCad battery that had to be charged outside of the pump every night. So, I had a set of these batteries, and would simply change the battery to another. This was fine most of the time, but did create some issues, such as the time the power was out for 5 days. In any case, my next pump was a Medtronic, and I was overjoyed to have a pump with a battery that would last several weeks, and that I could buy anywhere. I don’t know how I would like a pump with a battery that needed to be charged these days. I suppose I would figure out solutions when needed.
I charge the X2 with CIQ every morning when I shower.
I charge when I read my email from T1DExchange
I always charge my pump when sitting in front of the idiot box aka TV.
I charge the battery every morning when I take a shower.
When I shower.
In the evening usually while watching tv.
Sleep with a magnetic connector cable.
Typically will charge while I sleep to get a full re-charge. If I need a little boost I’ll charge while I shower. I used to prefer charging while driving to work but my current car’s USB port is very slow at charging so not really worth it.
While I’m in the shower at night
I charge my t:slim while reading emails and news headlines.
my pump has a replaceable battery.
I usually but not always charge in the evening while in bed reading.
When Tandem’s battery tells me it’s low, I plug it into the PC and play or read until it is to a reliable energy level depending on how much time I have.
Showering or swimming
During my shower
When I shower I plug in the pump to charge
I charge it while I’m in the shower.
I recharge it while I am sleeping every night.
while showering
I frequently charge my pump right before bedtime when I finally sit down for 30 mins or so! LOL! If I don’t get that segment of time to be ‘tethered’, then I charge it in the car or during my shower (which usually is not enough time for a full charge).