If you use an insulin pump, how long have you this brand/model of pump?
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Less than 3 months ago I got my first Tandem pump, after using Medtronic for 18 years.
It’ll be 25 years using MiniMed this August, but since Medicare won’t cover both MiniMed and Dexcom next time, I’m planning on switching to Tandem in August.
I think I’ve had my tslim with Control IQ for 2 years, it maybe just a year. I switched from Medtronic to Tandem in 2015. Started with Minimed in 1997.
I’ve been using a Tandem t:slim X2 pump since it first became available in 2018. Although it’s the same pump model, the software has been updated with new features at least twice. I’m not aware of any other pump out there now that would tempt me to switch.
Warranty is up in ten days, so just shy of four years. Everything in place for new pump, but insurance does not allow until current one fails.
I have used an AutoSyringe pump, Disetronic Pump, Animas Pump and most recently a Tandem pump. In total, more than 30 years of pumping.
Precisely 1.5 years since I switched from Medtronic 670G to Tandem Tslim2.
I was a Medtronic user for 20+ years and credit Medtronic with saving my life. I had lots of severe lows on my original R and NPH insulin injection routine. I started my first Medtronic pump in 2000 and didn’t have another severe hypo for 12 years. Also helped me manage two healthy pregnancies. Forever grateful for that.
In the end, it was CGM issues that led to me switch to Tandem. Reliability of the Dexcom G6 and easy use (no tape, no fingersticks, little/no false alarms) help reduce the burden of managing this disease. Had a small reduction in A1C (~0.2%), and less lows. Favorite Tandem pump feature: sleep mode. So nice to wake up in range every morning!
Good news is the technology continues to improve. When my next warranty period is up, I’ll have to decide what model best addresses my T1D challenges.
23 years with Medtronic. I looked at Tandem but decided against it because of my difficulty with the syringes being so hard to fill and plunge.
Once you get the hang of it, there really aren’t any issues (at least for me) sometimes change is a bit hard in the beginning.
Switched to Tandem X2 with CIQ 2 weeks ago after 10 yrs with Medtronic. Set change is a bit of a pain, but other than that I’m loving it. I was super skeptical of the whole AID thing after a frustrating experience with the 670G. But CIQ makes it feel like I’m still in charge of my pump, rather than my pump being in charge of me.
I’ve been using Tandem for what seems like forever. As long as there’s still no cure, I’m glad there’s the tslim. I’m grateful for the technology that’s available, but am running short on time left for that promised cure. I’m going to celebrate 70 years, and so many improvements, in June. Old and creaky, but still pumping!
Yes we were promised to cure probably 25 years ago as long as the pharmacy companies can make money I don’t think we are going to be cured nothing in for him if they do I don’t mean to sound bitter but it’s realistic I’ve been type one for 62 years and now I am 76
Switched from Medtronic to Tandem. My warrantee (Medicare) just expired. Hopefully my new Tandem pump is on its way soon.
I was on Medtronic Minimed for many years (10+), then moved to the Omnipod (and was with them for 10-ish years. Now, in days, I will be switching to Tandem X2!! 😀 I am very much looking forward to it. Since I am so close to being on a Tandem, I answered “less than 1 year.”
33 years with med Tronic various models just switch to Tandem in January love it
Over 20 years on Medtronic, including using hybrid closed loop with two different Medtronic sensors. The accuracy of the sensors stunk, as did the pump’s algorithm. When I complained to Medtronic that I couldn’t achieve morning BG under 150, their response was that was good enough, since it is “in range”.
I switched to a Decom G6 and achieved better results and greater satisfaction with my Medtronic pump and no closed loop. Once the OmniPod 5 came out I switched to it with the Dexcom. To my surprise, I love the tubeless design. If I go to bed with a stable BG, I wake up in the 110-120 range.
I have two concerns about my Omnipod 5 – the algorithm isn’t aggressive enough to treat rising BGs, and the pump makes a horrible mark when I remove it. I may try the Tandem at some point. But I’m waiting for pumps to work with the Omnipod 7, and I’m waiting for Omnipod app to work on my iPhone.
Omnipod 11 years
Although back on insulin pens this past several months used a pump 6 years. A CGM the first and last year.
Used various Medtronic incarnations for 8 years, then switched to Tandem 10 years ago. Have been much happier and in better control with Tandem.
30 years on Metronic Pumps, two years on Tandem X2.
I used the Omnipod along with the Dex G6 for 4 years , then the government funding was cut off.
Omnipod for 4 years, then funding stopped. That was 6 years ago.
Omnipod for 4 years.
I was privileged to become the first person, in the area that I live in the UK, to have been issued with an insulin pump. That was in 1989.