Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
YES, but not only to help manage BP; I currently manage with a small 10 mg dose.
I began the reginem of Ace Inhibitor in 1996 when my BP Systolic was approaching 140, but the primary reason was to protect my kidneys after 40 years living with diabetes.
I take both Lisinopril for hypertension (high blood pressure) and Fludrocortisone for postural hypotension (low blood pressure on standing). (The Fludrocortisone is a steroid that stimulates the adrenal glands to raise blood pressure.)
About 35 years ago my doctor prescribed Benazepril to “armor my kidneys” from the long term affects of T1D. I think it’s for hypertension, but my blood pressure has always been normal.
My endo started me on 10 mg lisinopril shortly after I began seeing him 25+ years ago. My BP had gone up slightly and he didn’t want to take any chances. My BP has been perfect ever since. Can’t say the same about my blood sugar but that’s another story!!
Yes, I have been taking ever since my endo prescribed for a slight microalbumin in my urine. Now that I’m older, my cardiologist has kept my dose and med appropriate for my BP as well.
i have taken a low dose BP med for 30 years b4 BP increased requiring regular dose. My physician said a low dose was pro-active and could prevent other complications
1st I hate doctors and pretty much use them to get scripts. Like any diabetic over 50 I am of course prescribed a blood pressure med. I lie and take the scripts but I don’t take the pills because I have perfect blood pressure… I an a mechanic and believe if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.
I chose “other” because I had a doctor in the past who put me on a low dose blood pressure med because my blood pressure went from 90/60 to 120/60. Still not high, but she suggested I try it to see. Well, I started feeling dizzy/light headed and went to have my blood pressure checked. It was low, too low. So, I stopped taking the medication. Have not needed it since. My blood pressure remains at 110 – 120/60 – 65. Slightly higher than when I was younger, but nothing to be concerned about.
No significant BP issues, but have been taking Valsartan for years as a kidney protectant. No significant kidney function issues either. Have lived with T1D in my body since Nov/Dec 1962.
I DO NOT have and never have had high BP. My endo told me decades ago, he wanted me on the ‘cardiac meds’ (statin, pril, and aspirin). A study had shown an 80-85% reduction in complications if T1Ds are on cardiac meds. 55 yrs T1D and no complications.
No high blood pressure – but I do find it highly concerning how many of the people who are responsible for taking blood pressure readings in medical facilities don’t know the first thing about doing it correctly…Legs crossed? NO! Sleeve pushed up like a tourniquet? NO!! Like so many other elements of “care”.
10 mg lovastatin daily
That is a cholesterol medication. 🙂
I can’t do anything about medical gaslighting, so I take medication to counteract how it raises my blood pressure.
YES, but not only to help manage BP; I currently manage with a small 10 mg dose.
I began the reginem of Ace Inhibitor in 1996 when my BP Systolic was approaching 140, but the primary reason was to protect my kidneys after 40 years living with diabetes.
I take both Lisinopril for hypertension (high blood pressure) and Fludrocortisone for postural hypotension (low blood pressure on standing). (The Fludrocortisone is a steroid that stimulates the adrenal glands to raise blood pressure.)
About 35 years ago my doctor prescribed Benazepril to “armor my kidneys” from the long term affects of T1D. I think it’s for hypertension, but my blood pressure has always been normal.
My endo started me on 10 mg lisinopril shortly after I began seeing him 25+ years ago. My BP had gone up slightly and he didn’t want to take any chances. My BP has been perfect ever since. Can’t say the same about my blood sugar but that’s another story!!
I take 2 for BP, bystolic and edarbyclor
I take Midodrine twice a day. Too keep my BP above 125/75 and flowing through my brain graphs.
Only on an as needed basis…not a daily thing.
Yes, I have been taking ever since my endo prescribed for a slight microalbumin in my urine. Now that I’m older, my cardiologist has kept my dose and med appropriate for my BP as well.
I have taken blood pressure medication in the past, but not currently.
i have taken a low dose BP med for 30 years b4 BP increased requiring regular dose. My physician said a low dose was pro-active and could prevent other complications
Having survived quadruple bypass, I dutifully take my meds.
Do I ever! Lots of them. But heck, I’m 82, so there’s that.
Low dose to protect kidneys 20 years
I take a low dose of Quinapril and it works well unless I POed at idiot drivers or people that believe the election was stolen from Trump.
I do but I wish I didn’t because it makes me so tired. :/
1st I hate doctors and pretty much use them to get scripts. Like any diabetic over 50 I am of course prescribed a blood pressure med. I lie and take the scripts but I don’t take the pills because I have perfect blood pressure… I an a mechanic and believe if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.
I have been taking Lisinopril for over 25 years, although never diagnosed with HTN. It was prescribed as a preventative for kidney disease.
I chose “other” because I had a doctor in the past who put me on a low dose blood pressure med because my blood pressure went from 90/60 to 120/60. Still not high, but she suggested I try it to see. Well, I started feeling dizzy/light headed and went to have my blood pressure checked. It was low, too low. So, I stopped taking the medication. Have not needed it since. My blood pressure remains at 110 – 120/60 – 65. Slightly higher than when I was younger, but nothing to be concerned about.
Lisinipril — Not for blood pressure specifically but as an ACE inhibitor.
I’ve taken both an ACE inhibitor and a Beta Blocker on a daily basis for decades.
No significant BP issues, but have been taking Valsartan for years as a kidney protectant. No significant kidney function issues either. Have lived with T1D in my body since Nov/Dec 1962.
10 mg lisinopril daily as preventative. Never had high bp.
I do but it is to protect my kidneys not because my Blood pressure is high.
10 mg lisinopril the past couple years; but only to counteract my white coat syndrome when I skyrocket in the Dr. office.
I DO NOT have and never have had high BP. My endo told me decades ago, he wanted me on the ‘cardiac meds’ (statin, pril, and aspirin). A study had shown an 80-85% reduction in complications if T1Ds are on cardiac meds. 55 yrs T1D and no complications.
20 mg 2X per day since heart attack in 2004
Lisinopril to protect kidney.
No high blood pressure – but I do find it highly concerning how many of the people who are responsible for taking blood pressure readings in medical facilities don’t know the first thing about doing it correctly…Legs crossed? NO! Sleeve pushed up like a tourniquet? NO!! Like so many other elements of “care”.