How often do you typically change your insulin dosage settings outside of T1D-related appointments (e.g. basal rates, insulin-to-carb ratios, etc.)?
Home > LC Polls > How often do you typically change your insulin dosage settings outside of T1D-related appointments (e.g. basal rates, insulin-to-carb ratios, etc.)?
Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
I do not change Lantus dose except on advice of doctor. I use a sliding scale for the Humalog boluses based on doctor’s advice adjusted by my own evaluation of several factors. A variation of Humalog may be as little as a half unit.
I use MDIs so my short term insulin is dosed on a sliding scale based on my food intake. I do not change my long term insulin except on direction from my PCP.
Right now experiencing dawn phenomenon so will give whole dose of toujeo at night instead of twice a day. Am on MDI so adjust meal dose as needed. I don’t change ratio.
I answered once a month, but the real answer is “however often it needs done.” My son has grown 10″ over the last couple years and he needed weekly adjustments for most of that. He’s slowed down a lot in his growth but still experiences growth hormone related InsulIn resistance sometimes and also the fact that he’s bigger now means he needs more. We’ve been adjusting on our own since the beginning, first with the help of his CDE and now with my knowledge.
Fortunately my 670g has multiple basal patterns. I switch between a few as needed.
1. normal work day.
2. excessively physical work day.
3. night shift
4. Sick day…
being able to vary my basal rates helps alot
Only once a month, on weeks that I have chemo – it messes up my sugars so I need to increase my basals for about 4 or 5 days. Then I go back to normal.
2-3x per year, although switching to Tandem with ControlIQ I don’t find myself fidgeting with settings as much now that I got my pump set and it self-adjusts the rest.
I experiment constantly to find the best way to accommodate exercise. I understand that the next Tandem t:slim algorithm will have new options to minimize those stealth boluses that knock down the BG increases that I meant to work down with aerobic exercise. Until then, I try different things.
Since starting with the Tandem CIQ app almost three years ago I wait until appointments with my endo to make any setting changes. She does the math much faster.
I guessed every few months. I upload my data (Tandem X2, with BIQ and Dexcom G6) and look for troublesome patterns. If I see a couple months of patterns I don’t like, I make adjustments. I don’t usually “obey” the changes from the Endo. The practice I have to use has lower standards than I do (meaning they want me at an A1C of 7, I want to aim for labs of the “normies” and I am willing and able to do the work).
Since starting pump therapy in 2000 until 2021, I didn’t change settings unless my endo reviewed projected changes and approved. Now, over the past 2 years, my stress level is the worst it’s been my entire life I think….. so I will tweak settings and delivery options about once a year (bolus vs extended bolus, prebolusing) in attempts to control my rapid changes in BG due to brittle diabetes. I always report the changes to my endo for his blessing.
Wish there was an “other” category. I temp basal when needed, frequency varies depending on many different factors, Change basals as needed as well as I:C ratios.
When pumping temp basals daily, now on shots? Seems like every 3-4 days to get a better lead between basal and bolus dosing, trying to stay active, eat a varied diet, working part-time. Never waited until a doc appointment for adjustments.
I have been working with my endocrinologist due to my weight loss! Hit 50lbs last visit. So, now I am becoming more insulin sensitive and with each visit seems like it needs to be adjusted more. Almost to my goal weight, hope it will help with better control of my type 1, A1C and daily ups and downs of my blood sugar. So far so good!
I have zero use for 99.9% of “white coat” so called medication checks/appointments period. If they want to change my insulin to a new variety, call me on the phone, do not waste my time coming into your office(s) clowns.
I can do the daily math far better than you always and your interference is not welcome ever!
Never been a fan of their BLACKMAIL either “….you must come in or we will NOT renew your mandatory prescriptions which keep you alive…”
Be truthful, say you have to pay the bills for your rent, boat payments, that at least is truthful
How often do you typically change your insulin dosage settings outside of T1D-related appointments (e.g. basal rates, insulin-to-carb ratios, etc.)? Cancel reply
I do not change Lantus dose except on advice of doctor. I use a sliding scale for the Humalog boluses based on doctor’s advice adjusted by my own evaluation of several factors. A variation of Humalog may be as little as a half unit.
I said a couple of times a month. I’m a recent Tandem/Dexcom user and am still tweaking my settings.
I use MDIs so my short term insulin is dosed on a sliding scale based on my food intake. I do not change my long term insulin except on direction from my PCP.
When traveling.
Right now experiencing dawn phenomenon so will give whole dose of toujeo at night instead of twice a day. Am on MDI so adjust meal dose as needed. I don’t change ratio.
I picked 2 -3 times per year because I tweak infrequently as my personal situation changes: more or less exercise for an extended period, travel, etc.
I answered once a month, but the real answer is “however often it needs done.” My son has grown 10″ over the last couple years and he needed weekly adjustments for most of that. He’s slowed down a lot in his growth but still experiences growth hormone related InsulIn resistance sometimes and also the fact that he’s bigger now means he needs more. We’ve been adjusting on our own since the beginning, first with the help of his CDE and now with my knowledge.
Fortunately my 670g has multiple basal patterns. I switch between a few as needed.
1. normal work day.
2. excessively physical work day.
3. night shift
4. Sick day…
being able to vary my basal rates helps alot
Only once a month, on weeks that I have chemo – it messes up my sugars so I need to increase my basals for about 4 or 5 days. Then I go back to normal.
If you include temp basal rates, I’d say daily (Minimed 770G).
2-3x per year, although switching to Tandem with ControlIQ I don’t find myself fidgeting with settings as much now that I got my pump set and it self-adjusts the rest.
These aren’t exactly “settings” for MDI. My answer is “as needed.”
I experiment constantly to find the best way to accommodate exercise. I understand that the next Tandem t:slim algorithm will have new options to minimize those stealth boluses that knock down the BG increases that I meant to work down with aerobic exercise. Until then, I try different things.
I use an InPen and only change the therapy settings during appointments. However, I sometimes adjust the amount of insulin I take on the fly.
As needed most likely when I…
eat high fat foods
do high intensity cardio exercise
Since starting with the Tandem CIQ app almost three years ago I wait until appointments with my endo to make any setting changes. She does the math much faster.
I guessed every few months. I upload my data (Tandem X2, with BIQ and Dexcom G6) and look for troublesome patterns. If I see a couple months of patterns I don’t like, I make adjustments. I don’t usually “obey” the changes from the Endo. The practice I have to use has lower standards than I do (meaning they want me at an A1C of 7, I want to aim for labs of the “normies” and I am willing and able to do the work).
Since starting pump therapy in 2000 until 2021, I didn’t change settings unless my endo reviewed projected changes and approved. Now, over the past 2 years, my stress level is the worst it’s been my entire life I think….. so I will tweak settings and delivery options about once a year (bolus vs extended bolus, prebolusing) in attempts to control my rapid changes in BG due to brittle diabetes. I always report the changes to my endo for his blessing.
as needed, but I definitely don’t wait for my next appointment
Wish there was an “other” category. I temp basal when needed, frequency varies depending on many different factors, Change basals as needed as well as I:C ratios.
As needed don’t keep tract so many variables. Traveling, stress, not feeling well. I do what I need to without Dr. I’ve always been in charge.
I find this question a bit strange. Surely you change any of the settings whenever needed.
My Insulin dosage has been the same for over the last two years, however I do change my basal setting at least 2-3 times a month.
When pumping temp basals daily, now on shots? Seems like every 3-4 days to get a better lead between basal and bolus dosing, trying to stay active, eat a varied diet, working part-time. Never waited until a doc appointment for adjustments.
I alter the settings as I see a continuous change in bgs that necessitate a change in settings and notify my dr.
Whenever I need to, depending on circumstances.
I have been working with my endocrinologist due to my weight loss! Hit 50lbs last visit. So, now I am becoming more insulin sensitive and with each visit seems like it needs to be adjusted more. Almost to my goal weight, hope it will help with better control of my type 1, A1C and daily ups and downs of my blood sugar. So far so good!
I have zero use for 99.9% of “white coat” so called medication checks/appointments period. If they want to change my insulin to a new variety, call me on the phone, do not waste my time coming into your office(s) clowns.
I can do the daily math far better than you always and your interference is not welcome ever!
Never been a fan of their BLACKMAIL either “….you must come in or we will NOT renew your mandatory prescriptions which keep you alive…”
Be truthful, say you have to pay the bills for your rent, boat payments, that at least is truthful