Have you ever participated in a charity fundraising event that benefitted a diabetes organization (i.e., a walk, marathon, gala, etc.)?
Home > LC Polls > Have you ever participated in a charity fundraising event that benefitted a diabetes organization (i.e., a walk, marathon, gala, etc.)?
Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
A fund raiser true story. All is not sweetness & light in these things.
It was a Saturday morning race with a $20 entry fee. I was in charge of the wee metal box in which I stuffed $20 bill after $20 bill. At the end of the day there were several thousands of dollars in that small box.
Banks, being traditional and proper 10 to 2 people only worked Monday through Friday. I asked the lead person what I was to do with all that money? She replied, “Stick it in your trunk and hope nobody steals your car by Monday.” 🤔👮♂️
I participated in several ADA walks not long after being Dx with T1D. As Ahh Life points out large $ are rased, but where do they go? I stopped supporting ADA for that reason. I think JDF is much more open on where the funding goes.
I have led a team for the JDRF OneWalk annually since the late 1990’s. We have been able to raise a lot of funds for JDRF…and I have enjoyed doing it. Good cause!
Once I “participated” in a JDRF Xmas Gingerbread House “contest” at a local suburban shopping mall. Kind of ironic: Cute sugary gingerbread house decorated w/ icing & candies! No one entered to compete w/ the elaborate house the organizer brought, but a few people stopped to chat. Didn’t raise much. But JDRF “Beat the Bridge” Run attracts many more folks, has prominent business sponsors & makes many $. A casual acquatence, after learning I had T1D, participated. I never have. Yrs of jogging 9 miles/wk & not buying new running shoes every 6 months must’ve worn away too much cartilage?
At the urging of my former CDE, now friend, I donated a $600 gift certificate for a couples portrait to a JDRF Gala/art auction. I contacted the organizer, asked if there was an interest in including my T1 , Joslin 50 YR. Medalist story with the certificate and was told “no”. At that point, since I had already agreed to the donation I just included a catalog sheet with four of my couples/family portraits to indicate what the certificate was offering. There was a winning bid on the certificate, but it wasn’t used and that was my last contact with JDRF.
Not yet, but I really wanna do a diabetes walk! I keep an eye out every year, but it’s usually poorly timed. Two years ago they did one the week of my honeymoon!
I don’t think so. I have a bad memory!!!
A fund raiser true story. All is not sweetness & light in these things.
It was a Saturday morning race with a $20 entry fee. I was in charge of the wee metal box in which I stuffed $20 bill after $20 bill. At the end of the day there were several thousands of dollars in that small box.
Banks, being traditional and proper 10 to 2 people only worked Monday through Friday. I asked the lead person what I was to do with all that money? She replied, “Stick it in your trunk and hope nobody steals your car by Monday.” 🤔👮♂️
I participated in several ADA walks not long after being Dx with T1D. As Ahh Life points out large $ are rased, but where do they go? I stopped supporting ADA for that reason. I think JDF is much more open on where the funding goes.
JDRF only.
I like knowing that my contributions are going specifically to T1D.
I have led a team for the JDRF OneWalk annually since the late 1990’s. We have been able to raise a lot of funds for JDRF…and I have enjoyed doing it. Good cause!
Once I “participated” in a JDRF Xmas Gingerbread House “contest” at a local suburban shopping mall. Kind of ironic: Cute sugary gingerbread house decorated w/ icing & candies! No one entered to compete w/ the elaborate house the organizer brought, but a few people stopped to chat. Didn’t raise much. But JDRF “Beat the Bridge” Run attracts many more folks, has prominent business sponsors & makes many $. A casual acquatence, after learning I had T1D, participated. I never have. Yrs of jogging 9 miles/wk & not buying new running shoes every 6 months must’ve worn away too much cartilage?
At the urging of my former CDE, now friend, I donated a $600 gift certificate for a couples portrait to a JDRF Gala/art auction. I contacted the organizer, asked if there was an interest in including my T1 , Joslin 50 YR. Medalist story with the certificate and was told “no”. At that point, since I had already agreed to the donation I just included a catalog sheet with four of my couples/family portraits to indicate what the certificate was offering. There was a winning bid on the certificate, but it wasn’t used and that was my last contact with JDRF.
“Other”. The answer is No except that I did participate in two studies because I was a diabetic.
Years ago when in college I participated in a car wash raising money for the American Diabetes Association
Not yet, but I really wanna do a diabetes walk! I keep an eye out every year, but it’s usually poorly timed. Two years ago they did one the week of my honeymoon!