Has the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) ever asked if you’re insulin dependent when obtaining or renewing a driver's license?
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It was 1993 in Escondido, CA. I had an appt to take the behind the wheel driving test. I showed up and when the instructor saw my medic alert bracelet, she inquired what it was for. I told her I was a T1D and the test was immediately halted. I then received a letter saying I had to get my Dr. to sign off before rescheduling. When I took it to my next appt., my then juvenile Endocrinologist said my A1C had to be below 9 for an entire year before he would sign. I was 17 and had to work my butt off but I am grateful it happened because it took me down the road I have been on that’s led to personal responsibility and ownership in the management of this I call “My Constant Companion”. Almost 39 years and no complications. It was the wake up call I so desperately needed ☺️
Alabama only asked, and put “Insulin Dependent Diabetes” on my driver’s license. (I lived in Alabama from 1996 until the end of 2018.)
Minnesota never asked prior to my move to Alabama, but when I returned to Minnesota in 2018, Minnesota asked and I had to get a letter from my doctor that needs sending in on an annual basis despite my having never had hypoglycemic reaction that I needed any assistance to handle.
I don’t drive car in power wheelchair ♿
I need another option: N/A because I don’t live in the USA, so the DMV has no jurisdiction where I live. Come on, T1DExchange, you’ve been getting better about putting BG measurements in both scales — please stop assuming that everyone you’re surveying is in the US.
For the record, yes, I did declare my T1D when I got my driver’s license in Ontario, Canada.
In PA, a doctor must report to the DMV any condition that would impair driving. There should be no need for such questions here when renewing a license. I have never been asked any medical questions.
Yes, many many years ago when I was first diagnosed with Type 1. California.
Virginia code 9
If they don’t ask I don’t tell No and it’s nobodies business
When I first got my license, I lived in NY. I don’t recall if I was asked but I was not diagnosed with T1D until I was 25 so I wouldn’t have registered it in my mind if they did. I moved to NJ after I was married and was not asked when I got my license there.
I’m in New York and have never been asked.
In the UK we are required to notify the DVLA if we are T1D and have to get medical recertification every 3 years that we are fit to drive.
Are you required to notify them if you are an alcoholic?
I was recently asked this for the first time in my 50 years of driving. This was for a renewal in Florida. I was asked if I was, and then if I wanted it noted on my driver’s license. I was a little shocked by the question. I answered it honestly as YES but I do not want it on my DL. I’m feeling conflicted. Yes, T1Ds could be dangerous if we drive low. But there are so many other types of people far more dangerous. How about putting on the DL: I am an alcoholic. Why not that? And what is the reasoning for putting it on a DL? To help first responders? That’s why I wear a medic alert bracelet 24/7. I’m just not sure I want people jumping to conclusions or requiring a doctor’s note. I haven’t sorted out in my mind yet whether I think other people have a right to know this information. Am very interested in your responses. My first thought was: this is none of your business. Second thought: do you already know the answer? Do you ask this of everyone?
P.S. I submitted this as a possible question a couple of weeks ago after this happened to me. Thank you Exchange for including it.
After thinking about this, could it be because sometimes T1Ds are suspected of being intoxicated instead of low? I just want to know the intention behind it. I might call them and ask.
I was asked in MA, FL and TN which is where I presently live. Each time I have not marked that I am diabetic. 67 years Type 1.
My son is not quite 12, so we haven’t run into that situation yet.
I live in California, I was only asked once and I had to pay for a bunch of additional testing or have my license revoked. I had to have reaction time and visual acuity tests.
When I renewed my driver’s license last year, DMV asked if “since your last issuance of you license had there been any changes in your medical condition?” Since I had been a diabetic since I was 17 (and already had my license) my answer was “no.” To my recollection, they didn’t ask that question back when I had to first renew my license when I was 20. 😏
I’ve never been asked even though I wrecked a car about 30 years ago due to hypoglycemia.
Well, yes, kinda-sorta. The question asking “Do you take any medication that can interfere with your driving ability” pops up in some states I’ve lived in. I answer “No,” because when properly administered insulin doesn’t have any effect on driving ability. But I admit it’s kind of an equivocation.
After being asked if I was T1D they also asked if I was insulin dependent! 🤣 I had to bring a letter from my Doctor so I could get a renewal even after passing exam! This was before being diagnosed as T1D! I was diagnosed as T2!
Not recently, but they did 40 years ago in Wisconsin and Minnesota.
Michigan is no
Florida license shows INSULIN DEP on it.
No, but my insurance was canceled once because of diabetes. Nationwide was not on my side 40 years ago.
The DMV didn’t ask, but I volunteered the information. I wanted to ensure that I wouldn’t be arrested as a DUI when it is actually a diabetic low.
When originally licensed, however, the application asked if I took any medication which potentially could affect my ability to drive. That was approximately fifty years ago. Never asked again.
Idaho. I volunteered T1D and was asked if I wished the info included on my license.
Ohio – The BMV form includes a question about having diabetes (and/or other medical conditions). Checking it as “yes” means a doctor must complete a form indicating that you are physically fit to drive. Your driver’s license includes a “Medical Restriction Card” that must be carried with your license and must be renewed each time you renew your license.
I went through that once in Ohio, but more recently I have not had to, and there is no indication on my Ohio license about diabetes.
I asked my Endo years ago if there was a stamp the DMV would put on a license so if i was low they wouldn’t automatically assume I was drunk. He said the DMV was against that as people would lie to get the stamp, and then try to get way with driving drunk.
Having not been asked that specifically before in any of the states I’d had a license, when I turned 70, my next renewal was much more clear in its question, and has required both medical and vision forms from me, currently every other year.
NO, and my entire 68 years with an operator’s license I’ve been insulin dependent and never been asked that question – Massachusetts & Florida – current license effective until July 4, 2028.
I voluntarily had “insulin dependent” imbedded in the personal information and notification electronic strip on my license card – this added information does not become not part of my operator permit.
I needed an “I don’t remember.” But, I don’t think that specific question was asked.
However, when the California DMV got wind of my T1D, they made me and my doctor fill out a 10 page questionnaire about my responsibility and ability to and the safety of me doing so.
(10 pages might be a slight exaggeration… it was a long and very intrusive document… more intrusive than it needed to be IMHO.)
Yes, in Utah if you indicate that you are a type 1 diabetic, they send a driver function form that you must complete yearly. This form is used for multiple different types of disabilities, and the severity dictates how frequently you get sent the form and have to get doctor permission saying you are permissible to drive. Being insulin dependent automatically means you have to get approved via your doctor every year. If you don’t complete it in 70 days, you lose your license.
Missouri when I first took the test, eons ago. Had to have a letter from my physician. Alaska and Wisconsin didn’t ask.
Because I had a vision problem it was noted on my report that I was a diabetic then they asked me if I took insulin I said yes then they said I need to get a report from my doctor and speak with a special representative
It took forever, held up my license for three months, basically a nightmare that I didn’t need at the time, finally got resolved, and was noted in my records
Minnesota used to directly ask something like that. Now it’s rephrased. When is the last time you have not had voluntary control…needed help from others. Depending on the time length you need a doctor’s note renewed depending on how long ago it was.
NJ, NY & Fl over the last 35 years
I put “yes,” because when it was time to renew my CDLs license 25 years ago I stupidly said “I can’t drive professionally anymore, on insulin.” A few weeks later got a letter from the state for a write up on my risks in control of my glucose and driving. The frequency has declined through the years.
One year my doc made nasty comments “An extremely healthy; non-drinker; non-smoker; with absolutely no impairment….” Another year the letter came with the submission date 3 weeks before my appointment. A call to the state, she sent an email delaying the time and rather than mailed could be responded electronically (fax or email).
Personally since I still drive several hours a day between tasks I’d like to see more evaluations!
I do not recall being asked by MA, CA, IL or KS which is where I have had licenses in the United States. However, in the UK, they knew, and I was required to take frequent eye tests and renew my license more frequently than the other drivers in my family.
No, but my endocrinologist (The BEST is LA) told me that he would hold me back from my DL and informed the CA DMV. Finally after I was about 17.5 years he told me that I had accepted T1D and was doing well. He wrote the approval letter to CA DMV. I think it was a wise move. This was from 1971-1973.
Never asked, “period”!
Texas has a field asking what chronic diseases you might have. One box is ‘Diabetes’.