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I think the “Juicebox” podcast is superior for everyday control…once you accept that parents of children predominantly makeup most of the folks on it. But the steps for improving control are the same no matter the age. There are adults diagnosed for decades: some with complications, some with personal concerns, and includes professionals from the diabetic support community (Tandem, Inslet, Lilly…), educators, therapists, doctors, and celebrates.
Also listen to “Diabetes Connections,” while mentioning some steps for control is excellent for information in the field with various guests.
No, but will check back for recommendations. 🙂
Juice box
Juicebox Podcast!
Juicebox is excellent!
I like the “Diabetes Connections” podcasts by Stacey Simms.
I love the JuiceBox Podcast! There are series within the podcast where they dive into special topics. Pro Tips, Newly Diagnosed, Variables, etc.
Insuleoin podcast!
I listen to Inslueion podcast, We are T1D, Diabetes Connection, Type One Talks, Diabetech, Gabbabetic
As many have already mentioned, I love the Juicebox Podcast and have gotten lots of great ideas from listening. I also like Diabetes Connections and the TCOYD Podcast. Both Juicebox and Diabetes Connections are hosted by parents of TID children and a lot of the people on it are also parents/caregivers but the TCOYD podcast is hosted by two endocrinologists who also have T1D themselves.
I’m a big fan of everything TCOYD, including their podcasts.
I don’t listen to T1 podcasts but I do follow a few T1 folks on YouTube.
Juicebox Podcast all the way!!!!!!
I have but not regularly.
TCOYD podcasts
TCOYD is great!!
It’s faster to read transcripts of Taking Care of Your Diabetes (TCOYD) than to listen to a podcast or watch a video.
The Juicebox podcast which is done by the father of a T1D is good. Empowering Health which is done by an adult T1D is also good.
TCOYD and Diatribe
Diabetes Connections with Stacey Simms!
TCOYD is a favorite as is Diabetes Strong
Dexcom Warriors and various websites. I can always learn something new even after 42 years with Type 1!
I listen to The Juicebox Podcast. It has helped me tremendously in learning how to better control my diabetes as well as make me feel not so alone in this.
Juicebox, the diabetes psychologist, diabetics doing things, tcoyd
Dr Bernstein’s Diabetes University on YouTube!
Most are from Juicebox and also Matt Vande Vegte
Yes. Juicebox podcast and Stacey Simms podcast. Scott (Juicebox) has a daughter that has T1D that he helps manage. Sometimes his discussions that get a little sidetracked, but for the most part provides very good info. My A1C has fallen into the upper 5’s since I have started listening to him (2+ years ago). He also has a licensed endo (Jenny Smyth, RDN, LD, CDCES) that is also on the show to support diabetic topics.
I have thought about it, but never have.
Crime podcasts
TCOYD and Diabetes Connections.
Type One Talks on YouTube
Yes! Juicebox Podcast and Diabetes Connections
Pardon My Pancreas
Yes I do
When I commuted, I listened. When I retired, I read. I prefer the latter.
I have but I prefer to read
2.Diabetes Connections
3.Taking Care of Your Diabetes
I enjoy the “Juicebox Podcast.”
Juicebox podcast 😊
TCOYD – very helpful!
TCOYD, Diabetes Connections, Nerdabetic, Type 1 Talks, Diabetech, and Diabetes Daily Digest are my most frequent but I check others occasionally too.
TCOYD is my favorite. I listen to some episodes of The Juicebox Podcast, mostly the ones with Jenny Smith but some of the interviews with adults are very interesting. I also started following Diabetech.
Not a tech person, always far prefer written pages. William Pollanky (the Behavioral Diabetes Institute Director) anytime someone can get him on their podcasts is always good stuff. Elliott LeBow (out of NYC) the same. Like Mark Heyman (the Diabetes Psychologist) podcasts equally well and he does regular podcasts and some specialty stuff too. Hoping more evolve and gain serious traction. The generic diabetes (common stuff) are all over, the mental or psychological podcasts re: D exclusively are far too rare. MORE, more….!!!
No was my answer, too busy to listen to them. I’m on Medicare, so I see my Endo every three months along with once in a while see my Diabetes Educator. (Three hours a year on Medicare.)
Diabetes Connections
JuiceBox sometimes
TCOYD podcast
I listened to one YouTube video (TCOYD ) about diabetes after seeing the link on DiaTribe. It was very interesting and I would like to listen to more of these. Uninterrupted and quiet time to listen is my current problem.
Diabetes Connections
Dave and Amber Show
Diabetics Doing Things
Just My Type
Pancreas Pals
Talking Type 1
This is Type 12
Type 1 Movement
Type 1on 1
I’d like to know what I am missing