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I don’t presently have thyroid issues since my thyroid was removed in 2002.
Oh yes!! Last year my thyroid went wacky and I ended up with Graves Disease. Have some eye involvement so no radioactive iodine. Which I didn’t want anyway. Have been on anti thyroid medication and doing well. My eye disease is minimal. Just puffy lids.
Other – I suspect I have a thyroid problem but have not been formally diagnosed. Many of my general health complaints are symptoms of thyroid malfunction.
I answered other. I had hyperthyroidism at diagnosis, but no issues ever since.
I was diagnosed with Graves Disease years and years prior to getting Type 1. I did have the radioactive iodine treatment at age 18. I was diagnosed at age 12 with Graves, diagnosed at age 20 with type 1. I still take Synthroid, and will continue with it for the rest of my life.
I have Hashimoto’s antibodies, but the levothyroxine does nothing but mess with my blood sugar and cholesterol levels, nothing positive, and my endocrinologists have been unwilling to note any symptoms, preferring to ascribe them to gluttony and sloth. I have changed endocrinologists several times with nothing changing.
My thyroid problems started soon after my T1D diagnosis in 1977. I’ve been on Synthroid ( or some generic) since. I believe that I am hypothyroid, although, I’m not really sure. My Endo checks my thyroid every 3 months, and occasionally makes adjustments.
I noticed that deleting soy from my diet, and taking iodine helps my thyroid numbers. Recently, I started adding soy to my diet because my Endo wants me to have more protein in my diet. I’m feeling more exhausted. So, I’ll be curious to see what my thyroid numbers look like in my next blood test in March.
Hypothyroidism for many years, controlled with Levothyroxine.
I was diagnosed at age 9yrs in 1973 with D1 and I believe I was diagnosed with low thyroid about age 12 yrs. I have been on the same amount of levothyroxine since then.
Other , but now that I’m thinking about it I guess I should have said “yes.” Subclinical hypothyroid during and after pregnancy, but thyroid dysfunction is present in my mom/grandma/all my aunts. I think I got the short end of the autoimmunity stick with T1!
same. :/
I was diagnosed withT1D in 1961 a year later hypothyroidism. They have been trying to get it right for 61 years. I seem to do best on a compounded formula.
Hypothyroidism earlier in life, as well as my mom and sister. Mine is well controlled with levothyroxine. Dx’d LADA at age 50.
I answered yes. I have had 3 rouns of hyper thyroid starting right befor 9/11/2001. I had the radioactive iodine and thist time when my TSH dropped to 0.1. Methimazol has has rased my TSH back to normal. Additionally I have a non cancerous nodule on my Thyroid. Watching both carefully now.
I started with thyroid conditions about 15 years ago. Nobody wanted to remove my thyroid, but wanted to biopsy it every 6 months. Ouch! I found a doctor at Johns Hopkins who removed my thyroid 10 years ago. It was a good solution because I had cancer.
I was diagnosed with T1D first at age 18. Diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (autoimmune hypothyroidism) in early 30s after birth of my second son. Took a few years to get it right, but I’ve now been stable on the same dose of Synthroid for many years.
Lots of thyroid issues on my maternal side. My aunt (no T1D) also developed Hashimoto’s after childbirth. My mom developed T1D late (age 57) and Hashimoto’s even later. We suspect my maternal grandmother had Graves, as she had her thyroid removed in her early 20s and had hyperthyroid eye involvement, but this is unconfirmed.
Almost 40 years ago I was diagnosed, as diabetic. Soon thereafter was diagnosed with papillary carcinoma. My thyroid panels were normal coincidental with the diagnosis. So, I think if individual baselines were created that would alleviate some of the complications of thyroid disease, 1 of which might be diabetes.
Dx hypothyroid in 2004 , have taken varied amounts of Levothyroxine since.
Endo found a nodule that he described as pretty large but not cancer about 5 months ago. He put me on levothyroxine but after no cancer and no symptoms I asked if I could quit because I was irritated with people on general, more so than normal, on it ☺️. He said I could cone off it. Just watching it with blood checks.
Hashimoto’s was diagnosed shortly after I started to see an excellent endocrinologist. My Levothyroxine does has stabilized over the years, and I’ve taken the same amount for about 20 years.
I was just diagnosed and started on levothyroxine two weeks ago.
I have had an underactive thyroid for last 15 years and have been a T1 diabetic foot 53 years since I was 15 years of age
Yes, have had an underactive thyroid for over 25 years, Type 1 diabetic for 53 years, also have been coeliac for last 15 years, all auto immune diseases
I was diagnosed with type 1 41 years ago, Hashimoto’s somewhere between 15-20 years ago.
I’m always on the low end of normal.
I’ve been a T1D for 45 years this March. A year ago, my thyroid became enlarged. Luckily, that is all that it has done. Had an ultrasound done, and blood tests – the scan showed enlargement and a couple of nodes – the blood test showed everything to be in the normal range… To date, there has been no other impacts from this anomaly – but the doctor continues to monitor it, and so far, so good.
After almost 70 years with diabetes, I was recently diagnosed with Graves. I’m taking methimazole now, to tide me over until I have my thyroid removed in March. Never expected another auto-immune disease, but this one seems easy in comparison. Lots of symptoms before treatment, but easily corrected, and NO dietary limitations. (Big grin!) I’m actually smiling through this one, just wondering what’s the underlying reason for of two autoimmune diseases. Very curious.
I have had several nodules, for years now, but blood levels of hormone okay. Used to keep getting pressured to have nodules removed.
I am surprised that the results are so even! I’ve had Type 1 for 35 years. Maybe 22 years ago, not long after I finally got insurance, I was diagnosed hypothyroid but it had probably been that way for much longer. I was never told I have Hashimoto’s, just that it was autoimmune. My sister was diagnosed hypothyroid very shortly after her Type 1 diagnosis.
Developed Graves disease about 2 years after my T1D diagnosis, took synthroid for years until Medicare started, now on generic levothyroxine and liothyrinone.
I assume my GAD antibodies kept increasing and caused my epilepsy first at 19, hypothyroidism at 21, then type 1 diabetes at 30.
An endocrinologist told me this would occur some years before it did. Said it was a given and she was correct. I’d estimate I had been Type 1 roughly 40 years before I had to begin taking a daily thyroid pill for Hashimoto’s.