Do you currently use any of the following insulin pumps?
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Although I answered the question as queried, my real answer is “the following insulin pump uses me.”
The tSlim X2 uses whatever interstitial fluids it senses. It feeds that data to whatever complicated algorithm contained therein. Then it decides to up the dosage or notify me, the owner of the pump, to do something. It occasionally gets very impatient and asks me to do it really fast. (┼д┼;
I always enjoy your posts.
Medtronic 530G
I switched from Medtronic to Tandem about six years ago. I loved my Medtronic pump, but I found their Continuous Glucose Monitoring system to be inaccurate. I think Medtronic would do well if they allowed Dexcom to communicate with their pump system. Otherwise, I am very satisfied with my Tandem X2/Dexcom G6 Control IQ system.
Hmmm. I had a physicians asst tell me that I could use a dexcom CGM with a Medtronic pump. I didn’t pursue it at the time, not on a CGM, but will question that again.
Patricia, I am on Medtronic 670G and it does not integrate with my Dexcom G6. So I have to enter the BS manually. I’m switching over to Tslim next week
I am currently using the Tslim after being on a Medtronic pump for around 18 yrs. Although technology has improved over the years and as good as this pump is, it still doesn’t do what I want it to do.
Counting down the day actually year that I get my hands on the Omnipod. I love the Tandem I’m just fed up with the tubing. Hopefully by the time I do switch they will have improved on the algorithms and the pump will almost mimic the pancreas. Hey there’s no harm in dreaming🤞🤞🤞
Vintage Medtronic 515, If anyone has a similar vintage Medtronic pump model 522, 523, 722 or 723 laying around, please reach to me.
I’m currently using the 770 upgraded from the 630. At first I had to fight (2 years) insurance to approve the CGM. My first pump I nicknamed it “Bubbles”. Because I had trouble with air bubbles in the line. New pump is nicknamed “Niñito” because it’s waking me up mostly when I’m in a deep sleep! Such is life as a diabetic!
I call m770 the nagometer. I find that if I start a new sensor I can get 3 calibrations in before bed so it will make it through the night. I have actually gone off the sensor to restart in the AM.
I’m currently on the 670G, but have my training for my new Tslim on Thursday
Currently using Minimed 770g. I paid to do the Pathway upgrade from the 670g last year. I am one of the lucky ones who has very good luck with the Guardian sensors. Generally very accurate and they last the full week. I can extend after a week but only get 2-5 more days so I don’t usually bother. I run in manual mode because I dislike high BGs and the fact that I can’t do a dual/square bolus. My warranty is up later this year and it depends on the status of the 780g whether I stick with Medtronic or jump ship. I’m just not a fan of most of what I’ve read about the Tandem pump.
I love the tandem pump, it has square wave and Control IQ is amazing, especially overnight.
I originally was using Omnipod Dash but l lack patience and gave up on Onmnipod 5. I think 3 weeks after I switched to Tandem FDA approved Omnipod 5. I have no regrets though.
I am in talks with Insulet, insurance co, etc., to get a free 30-day trial of the Omnipod Dash in hopes of sliding into a 5. I always said when FDA approves a system like Omnipod 5, I will try it. Otherwise, MDI for me! T1D since 2013….
Tandem t:slim X2 w Control IQ app
I have used a Medtronic pump almost exclusively. Not happy, but… My Dexcom G6 is the real lifesaver. Hope to soon get the tandem closed loop system. Will have to pay for it out of pocket as Medicare will only replace an insulin pump after five years! A year past the manufactures warranty. I tried an Omnipod but was extremely allergic to the adhesive and the size was very awkward. Around and around and around we go!
Have a Medtronic 723 Revel for a long time. It “just keeps tickin'” so I keep it. At 82, not looking forward to learning new tricks.
After 61 years of MDI, I switched to the Omnipod Dash last fall. I like it but I don’t love it. I don’t even like that it’s covered under Part D rather than Part B.
I still use a Paradign 522 connected via Riley link to my Dexcom g5. Looping has been the best thing to happen to me and my A1C and my TIR since going on that Minimed 506 back in 1993.
Wish my dog could have a Tandem/Dexcom, too!
I have been using Medtronic for the past 10 years – Thinking of switching to the Tandem T Slim in the near future – It seems to be the pump of choice on this site. As I don’t want a machine making decisions on my behalf, I will continue with the Freestyle Libre and not switch to Dexcom. [Dr. is okay with this as I am able to make the insulin dosing adjustments as necessary, and stay in a healthy A1C range routinely.] I also don’t want yet another appendage on my abdomen, that would be required if I switched to Dexcom.
Still using Eros pods because I use a DIY Loop system. When the Omnipod 5 becomes available to the general public (and hopefully the kinks have been worked out of the system) I will most likely switch to that – only because building and rebuilding the Loop app was a huge headache for me (I’m not tech savvy / Mac savvy at all)
I use a Tandem slim X2/Dexcom G6 Control IQ system. Love the whole thing and have learned to almost make the pump dowhat I want.
Nights are a breeze by allowing the Control IQ to be in charge. At 8am I usually turn off the CIQ and manage the pump myself until after dinner time. if I need to use it during the day, for example when doing sports, I turn it back on and use the exercise mode. If I need for some reason the Control IQ during a regular day, I use it on the Sleep Mode, that way it doesn’t try to keep me over 140. I’ve Been doing this for about 40 days steadily and it’s keeping me at 90% in range (70-180).
It has taken me almost 5 years to finally make the system work for me the way I like it.
I’m on MDI. My first 2 week period using Dexcom 6, I was 94% in range (70-180 mg/dL. Next period I slipped down to 89% in range. Comments on pumps and closed loop systems are intriguing and helpful. I need to learn more about them.
I use the original OmniPod, which was not called “5”, but it was the closest one!
Medtronic 670g for a few more days as my tslim was shipped yesterday. I’m hoping this is an upgrade! Happy to get rid of the 1990s pager look.
Omnipod dash. My first and only pump. I wish it could loop but not having to deal w tubing and clipping on a pdm was most important.
Not 100% happy with the X2, due to the small writing on the screen. I was told that before I ordered it that I was easy to see and it’s not.
77-year-old eyes.