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A1Cs of 6.8 to 6.4 this year – TIR 80 to 88%. Best year in years for those numbers. Credit to due diligence on my part and the excellent workings of Tandem CIQ with Dexcom G6 as my artificial pancreas. Completed nearly 60 years living with T1D – celebrated year 59 as of 12/26/2021. Next year this time I shall be at year 60 and still going strong! Inshallah – God willing!
Connie and Wanacure – I’m at 57 1/2 years with T1D and doing great! We’ve come a long way!! 🙂
Congratulations to you, ConnieT1D62, for having lived for so long with diabetes. Long may you reign.
Connie, congratulations. I’ve completed over 50 years as T1D. But I can’t really take much credit. Credit goes to my mother, brother for turning me on to low carb diets via Bernstein, doctors, and genetics. I just followed advice of people in the know. Salaam alaikum, peace.
Congratulations to you, Wanacure.
Was gonna comment that while we’ve gotten new employees the initial response is “my uncle,” or “my friend” followed by a sad tale. Than it’s “You don’t act like a…”
I don’t pull the hours I used to, and honestly hate to admit I’ve slowed down (62?) but a pair of younger kids complain at the pace we work. I work as hard as I can with the attitude only a small part of me is damaged, the rest does pretty well.
But I’m a baby compared to “WANACURE” and “Connie.” Thank you and all those long-term folks, you’re my example.
Gave birth to my second healthy child while maintaining A1c of 5.5 the entire pregnancy.
Congratulations to you, Amy Jo.
I bet your gynae team were impressed with your results.
At age 54, I hit my 50 year mark with Type 1 diabetes.
Congratulations to you, Rafaela.
Well done for continuing to thrive even though you’ve had diabetes for such a long time.
I finally feel like I am getting a handle on my blood sugars after @5 years on a pump. I’ve always had excellent control on MDI and Humulin. Since going on Humalog and then a pump I’ve been on a perpetual roller coaster. This year, I finally got the correct settings and my blood sugar readings are much better. In fact, for the past 2 weeks I’ve had 80% time in range.
Well done, PamK. I’m glad it’s ‘coming together’ for you. 😉
I am still alive at 75 years old
Good for you, Randell Cole.
I’m catching you up. I’m 63 now. lol.
My husband lived with T1D until he was 85 years old, so keep on keeping on! Never give up.
Got out of bed each day. ( ͡─ ͜ʖ ͡─)
I can’t even join you on that one, Ahh Life. 😉
Happy 2022, sir. May the new year bring you health, wealth, and a preponderance of good fortune.
Abandoning the pump for my own mental health and improving TIR and a1c. Now just waiting for a non-invasive CGM!
41 years of type 1 and no complications!.
Congratulations to you, Meekat.
I wish I could say the same. I’ve been diabetic for 41 years and started developing complications after just 7.5 years. (That’s when retinopathy was first ‘picked up’.)
Long may you reign without ANY diabetes-related complications starting.
Transitioned to Dexcom and its calibration option and now am getting some decent accuracy while still taking cgm breaks semi-regularly between transmitters. Other than that have refined my low carb eating options and keeping those spikes low/non-existent most days. Ability to stay on the “cheaper insulins” with MDI to keep things affordable. A1C 5.5 to 5.8.
I maintained an A1c below 6.2 the entire year. The last one was 5.6. This is inspitbof stress from my husband’s battle with cancer the past 2 years, and as of Nov I now am receiving chemo for cancer .
Started the Tandem X2/Dexcom G6 Control IQ program this year. I guess it’s referred to as a closed loop system? Seems to be working pretty well. One more step forward.
Weight loss without going hypo (just slow and steady).
Do you have any weight loss tips Peter?
Getting my SD in mid 20’s and Eliminating All Hypos!
I got my A1C down to 5.6, thanks to my Dexcom!
I completed my first year dx’d w T1 at 67, started on Omnipod at the 1 year mark (happy birthday) after doing MDI for a year (my choice). I’m humbled by those that have dealt with T1 for 10, 15, or 50+ years. You all put my outbursts to shame and give me hope of continuing for the duration.!
I know you can do it TomH!!
Yes, actually I had a HUGE milestone in December. During an event I was attending in Chicago early December I was able to create mental balance with an issue I’ve had with parental love for 60 years. Creating that balance also release feelings of shame and guilt from other experiences. Those 2 emotions around those events created my autoimmune disorder also known as type 1 diabetes. Returning to a state if mental balance around those 3 issues, baggage, my body is currently able to bring blood sugar back within range WITHOUT CORRECTION INSULIN. That means I am taking approximately 2-4 units less daily and have gone from TIR of 60% to 70%! Having my own body correcting by itself is a huge milestone. My a1c went from 7.8 3 months ago to 6.9 last week.
Alive, but slower at 82. One retinopathy bleed this year. Slow and steady wins the race.
Slow, steady, and persistent!
I’ m alive
I had two, I achieved. Y lowest A1c = 5.9% and started using time in range to assess my management. I have a few 90% days.
After 59 years of t1d, I am still here. I am pleased about that, and somewhat proud. New technology and knowledge have come along just as I needed them. I hope this luck continues.
After 30 years of A1C 20 years of pumping, and 3 years of CGM, and 2 years of modified closed loop control I dropped my A1C to below 7 for the first time.
This past year I learned to let go. My pump still give me more than 10 alarms a day, and my a1c went from 6.7 to 7, but I learned to be ok with it.
I’ve been a T1D for over 60 years now the last 32 on an insulin pump and the last year with the CGM. In 2021 I had consistent A1C under six usually 5.6 to 5.9. I contribute this to the CGM and just knowing where you are at all times is absolutely amazing.
Switched to TSlim and Dexcom and had better control with much less alarms! My glucose had started to creep up on Medtronic, back down and in control now!
Not this year, BUT May 2022 will be my 50th year with T1D.
A continual 6.1 HbA1c from Tandem CIQ and Dexcom. I tried myself years ago with the old Medtronic pump and could never achieve this.
40 years of type 1 diabetes and a Gastroparesis diagnosis 😢
I made it 47 years.
I’m very pleased to often see 90 to 100% TIR thanks to Tandem’s Control IQ app and Dexcom G6 CGM. After 66+ years living with T1D and celebrating my 75th birthday half-way through this year, I’m grateful for every day.
My achievements include TIR low 90%, A1C’s 6 and completion of 13 state high peaks/points. Only 8 left to complete all 50.
I’m not dead yet. Being my own best healthcare rep, has proven to be beneficial…
The same with me Andrew..
The same with me Andrew. So in a way it motivates me to keep healthy bc if I am in a hyper or hypoglycemic coma I cannot help myself😉 And get drs to be aware of my T1 needs!
Not T1D related per se, but I received a kidney transplant. Due to having to be extra careful watching my diet and insulin I had an A1C reading of 5.2, the lowest in my life. I’ve been put on NPH due to some of the transplant meds. I’ve had to relearn how to manage that type of insulin. I’ll be glad when i can go back on glargine.
My best to you, Sue Martin, for your kidney transplant and having to be on NPH! The glargine is such an amazing thing as it allowed a moveable lunch time!
This was year 50 as a T1D for me!
I find myself telling everyone… it’s the people in line at the grocery store that are the most confused. ;p
I’ve gotten a lot of help this year to tighten up my control which I’m very happy about. It’s not the amazing control I see some of you are achieving with hard work and tenacity, but it is better now than it was and will continue to get better and that’s great as far as I’m concerned!
Started the Tandem + Dexcom Control IQ system last month and had 3 days in the 90+% time in range this week for the first time ever! I was so excited, I texted screenshots to my family and friends. Haha 26 years with T1D but still plenty to celebrate! I l loved reading everyone’s milestones. Very inspirational. Go team! 🙌
I finally got my A1C in 7.3%.
My 55th Diaversary was Dec. 19th and I’m still fairly healthy
I made it through another year intact as a member of the club no one wants to belong too, and did not lose a single T1D patient to severe hypoglycemia
NICE going Dr. Nick, from Sweet Charlie !!
Participated during the #dedoc symposium during the ISPAD 47th conference; participated at the ATTD conference as a #dedoc voice; presented during the commemoration of World Diabetes Day at the American Diabetes Association; participated at the #insulin4all workshop hosted by T1International
After working closely with a new CDE I improved my time-in-range and lowered my a1C into the 6-6.5% range.
It took me 2 years and 17 endos in Los Angeles area ( most all at UCLA and CedarsS and Providence refused to even speak to mannkind rep. All at ucla gave false info) to get Afrezza prescribed. Reaching out to celebrity T1s and a LATimes journalist finally Optum had modern thinking endo! It is a great advancement after 54 yrs w T1. My a1cs dropped 5.8. No rollercoaster. Inky 7 min to bring down a 200. Life changer! No bad side fx. I was worried all the false narratives I received it would be bad for me- 9 months now. Lungs n BGs r great. Lost weight too! Afrezza Makes me exercise more! I am so proud of my tenacity. I was so discouraged and at 1 zoom presentation it reignited me. Thank you Mannkind and Optum. And me!
2021 is the year that brought me BACK IN TO support groups! Due to CoVid! Everyone is on zoom- so much more accessible! 54 yrs T1 and I stopped going to a local monthly group bc it was mixed T1&2s. Then the Athletic Diabetics group stopped years ago. Now I attend monthly Diabetes Sisters. And a Canadian group z ANd these TCOYD festivals online from UCSanDiego where the 2 drs are T1s! Meeting t1s frim Australia and all over. Got great tips w cgm rash that my previous UCLA endo never even heard of but FB has 45k sufferers group. After 54 yrs T1 and still must fight to get latest tech bc drs r behind is sad. But zoom groups r the best. Accessibility is a priority finally!
I finally got my HgA1c below 6.7. I’m planning to try to get it even lower this next year.
I reached A1c of 6.2. Yippee!
I managed to survive changing to Medicare.
I finally got my omnipod insulin pump and have my sugars stayin in the 100’s for the first time in a long while.
With my uncontrollable diabetes to be able to get 70% time in range instead of 60%
To increase my ‘in range from 82% to 90%
I managed to stay out of the hospital
Achieved my 62nd Dia-versary and still have very few side effects !!!! Was 8 1/2 at diagnosis and had only testape and a couple kinds of insulin in my glass boiled (to sterilize) syringes and mom sharpened my needles. SO So grateful for the progress and tech we have NOW !! Have only had 2 eye laser treatments 15 years ago and needed none since, kidneys still doing well, have recently become hypo unaware but have my trusty Dexcom, the biggest life changer for me after getting my first meter at age 32 that was shoebox size! I am a very LUCKY diabetic.
Got down to 7.0 A1C after switching to Tandem with Dexcom; hoping to lower it further! 57 years with T1D since age 4 – it’s been a long haul and yet I’ve been fortunate with 2 wonderful children, a cat, a partially-trained DAD who’s sweet as can be, and a new puppy.
50 years – Memorial Day weekend. Got both the Lilly and Joslin recognitions. As part of that process, I had to come up with my original medical records. That was amazing. So glad I have them now – as I was way too sick at the time to have any recall of what was going on for the first several days in the local children’s hospital.
Kept A1c in the mid 6s in spite of multiple surgeries and the dreaded cortisone, thanks to Tandem/Dexcom.
55 years of T1D in Dec 2021. Even with the stress of caregiving an elderly non-parent relative, I have lowered my A1C from 6.7 to 6.5 over the past 4 months.
Staying alive was a good goal!
I started to count carbs more carefully. I do this to help the pump algorithm work better. It is frustrating because after 29 years of being a diabetic i do well enough to be able to look what I’m eating and know how much insulin I need.
being able to look at a plate and knowing how many units I need to take.