Does your diabetes care provider discuss/bring up goals from a previous discussion/visit?
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Admittedly my doctor I’ve seen seeing knows kitty of TYPE 1, I’m okay with that. Waiting for a required appointment with an endocrinologist through the VA, unsure how that will go.
In TX? Look for Dr Joseph Milburn and say Hi to a Great Doc.
Only if I bring it up – and they think my goals are too “high” meaning my standards and goals are tighter than theirs – I aom for “normie” goals.
More than that she discuses readings from my G6 and X2 and how my goals are progressing. Looking forward to the G7 and better readings and results!
My usual Endo knows that I keep up with things. I am an RN. Last visit I went to another physician in office. She was surprised that I split my long acting insulin dose. So I tried ones per day. At first felt like was not covering me all night. But then was having overnight lows. So now once per day in am. Working well. Will bring up Tandem Mobi pump next month. Only pump that appeals to me and would make me switch from MDI. Being able to dose from phone and not pull out of wherever it is to dose. Tiny and can get pads to stick anywhere on body. Not sure if Medicare covers.
I said, “Not Sure.” Usually, my goal is to just keep what I am doing. Sometimes we make adjustments to my pump during my visit. But, I don’t remember too many specific goals.
No, because I am achieving all my goals.
As others have said here, I am achiving my goals, except maybe loosing some weight. My PA is happy with were I am at.
My A1c ranges 5.8-6.5 so they never set goals for me.
She always brings up her goals for me, which are to let Control IQ do its thing with one basal rate all day and a 50:50 basal/bolus ratio. Doing things my way (higher basal overnight) keeps my BG between 80-170 more than 95% of the time without waking up for overnight correction boluses so we keep having the same discussion.
he asks me if I have any questions. he asks is I am content with TIR etc. I feel very comfortable talking with him but I am an RN that helps
Sometimes, wish that had been an option.
My answer choice would be a combination of 2 and 3. Sometimes I bring the subject (goal) up and sometimes she does. Her chart notes mention goals and discussions/concerns, so that information isn’t lost in the records.
My goals from the start of diagnosis have been to have fewer lows and highs and these have always been discussed by my provider(s).
Small insulin adjustments are almost always made after looking at the data provided from my pump, CGM and sometimes my diet diary. I am slowly spending more and more time in range.
My doc’s view is pretty much the same as mine. I’ve had T1D for sixty plus years and if I hadn’t figured out how to manage it, I’d be dead. So, he and I chat about addressing other health conditions that I’m running into as I get older.
My provider(s) and I have not set goals as far back as I can remember, so nothing to review.
There are rarely stated goals. My HbA1c has been in the 6’s and 5’s for the past 4-5 years and my TIR is 99% above 80%.
After 55 years of T1D, 40 years on a pump and 11 years on a CGMS
(Metronic and Dexcom) there are not too many Goals to strive for. Now, I’m just trying to get by Day by Day.
My endo does not know who I am from one visit to the next. One of the main reasons I am looking for a different doctor even though it means they will not be covered by my insurance.
Choked laughter, small tears streaming down my face… if I EVER saw the same person twice… in a row (w/ ANY of the white coats I see), would think I was in the Twilight Zone