Which of the following celebrities/professional athletes were you aware had a personal connection to T1D? Select all that apply! If you know of others, please share in the comments.
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Halle Berry isn’t a type 1.
Hadn’t seen your post—or heard about the controversy—before posting my response. So thanks for the info. And yeah, looks to me like she shouldn’t be on this list. Seems like it would be easy enough to settle if she had antibody and c-peptide tests. But I guess a negative result wouldn’t be great for the claim that she “cured” her T1 with diet and exercise. So unhelpful….
Agreed, disappointing that T1Dexchange is listing her here, it’s a pretty visible issue.
This list totally missed Bret Michaels!
I thought that too! Every time I see a Poison video on MTV Classic, I say to my husband, “I wonder what his blood sugar was as they filmed this?” Or “it amazes me that he survived the 80’s rock scene.”
Also missed Sam Fuld-centerfielder for the Tampa Bay Rays and now General Manager of the Philadelphia Phillies.
Also missed Ron Santo Chicago Cub 3rd baseman.
Usual message with this stuff is “See? You can still be a big success with T1!” Which is a good message. But for me, personally, having been dx’d as an adult (age 28) the message that “You can get T1 at ANY age!” is more significant. The whole “juvenile diabetes” thing leads to so much confusion about that, so high-profile cases like Moore—and now I learn Halle Berry—can help ameliorate that misunderstanding. Though “I thought only kids get that?” persists in the public at large and even in the medical community. Who certainly ought to know better, but often don’t, leading to people being misdiagnosed and put on pills-n-exercise treatments that don’t/can’t work.
Actually, 1/2 of all cases of T1D are diagnosed in people over the age of 30!
I was diagnosed at 19 and had a Doctor 2 years later couldn’t believe I was T1 and tried pills only for 6 months before he realized the error. That was in 1969, hopefully that rarely happens today.
Kate Moss’s daughter
James Norton (Grantchester)
There wasn’t a choice for none. I didn’t know about any of them let alone they were diagnosed with T1D!
Same here. I chose Mary Tyler Moore as my answer in order to make a comment.
Bobby Clarke, captain of the Philadelphia Flyers
First was Bobby Clarke of the Philadelphia Flyers and Ron Santo of the Chicago Cubs.
I didn’t know about Robin Arzon, but just read up on her – what an amazing woman! Actually all of these people are quite extraordinary given the hurdles they had to overcome to reach such heights.
Here are a few more I know about (some may not have had True T1D but they were diagnosed and put on insulin):
Arthur Ashe, Billie Jean King, Babe Ruth, Thomas Edison, Mikhail Gorbachev, Alexander Zverev, Gary Hall, Sir Steve Redgrave, Adam Morrison and Charlotte Drury
Halle Berry has T2 diabetes. She was wrongly diagnosed and now takes no insulin.
I’ve always wondered if she has another type of diabetes, given her history. A handful of my patients have been erroneously diagnosed with T1D diagnosis later changed to other less prevalent types of DM which sometimes may not require insulin. For instance – Monogenic Diabetes has many variations (ie MODY).
Only familiar with three but Bobby Clark nor Max Domi weren’t on your list who are T1D.
The list missed out on the actor Victor Garber who is T1 and does work with Beyond Type 1.
I specifically didn’t choose Halle Berry as I don’t believe she even knows which type of diabetes she has, especially when she talks about reversing her type 1 diabetes by adopting a keto-style diet, and in doing so she managed to “cure” herself of T1D and magically weaned herself off insulin thanks to that healthier eating style.
If Halle Barry really is Type 1, then I want to know
who her endo. is. Either he is a genius or completely negligent.
Moreover, if she is a spokesperson for Type 1 and advocates
that you can “cure” type 1 with a paleo/keto diet and someone dies,
I’d like to hear from an attorney whether she and her sponsors can
be held responsible under the truth in advertising laws?
Bret Michaels and Jordan Morris (MLS).
Sonia Sotomayor and I were born in the same year (1954) and were both diagnosed at age 8 in
late Fall/early Winter of 1962. I didn’t know anything about her until I read an article about her after she was elected to the Supreme Court. I have wondered if we were affected by the same mumps virus that was going around that year. She lived as a kid in the Bronx NY and I lived as a kid in Toledo, Ohio.
Jimmy Kimmel’s son