When you go away for the weekend (2 nights), how many low snacks do you bring with you?
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Make sure I have a few bottles of glucose gummies.
I always bring glucose tabs or gummies. Only need one to bring sugar back up. I very rarely snack. Need too much insulin. Have to cover everything I eat.
My go-to is juice. Two days = two bottles of juice just in case. I get the Naked juice 15.2 fl oz bottles.
I carry glucose tablets with me at all times. I put extra in when I go away for the night.
I am not sure
I don’t really pack for a trip for lows, I struggle more with highs.
I have skittles in my car and a few gel packets in my travel kit but I don’t pack beyond that. Usually just hit a vending machine if I need anything more.
I just carry a tube of chewable dextrose tablets with me
I carry a “stashbag” with me everywhere I go. It is filled with honey, juice, water bottle, rice cakes (several varieties), cracker jacks, pop corn, a banana, dried fruit. I also include replacements cannulas, cartridges, alcohol swabs, IV Preps, etc. etc. etc. My bag is big and heavy. But, I carry it literally everywhere I go, even on walks. The only time I don’t have it with me is when I run.
I took, have glucose tablets in all three vehicles. I have a man purse I take with me almost every where I go. In that I have two tubes of glucose tablets and when I go on any trip I take two cracker packs for each day I plan to be away.
Usually, we worry the most about the necessary snacks for the dog.
I just make sure my glucose tablets tube is full.
I always have glucose tablets on hand. I never felt comfortable carrying juice because it is less compact and easily spilled by shaky hands. Snacks (SOMETHING TASTY) is amazingly attractive to others who are not in need of a blood sugar boost, so they have occasionally disappeared.
Snacks? I just bolus for meals and adjust with jelly bellies as needed. I don’t consider the candy that I use to adjust a “snack.” If I “snack” it is for pleasure, and I add insulin to compensate.
I always bring “more than enough”.
Whenever and wherever I go, long stays or short stays I always have a backup snack with me or plan a stop along the way. 60 years as a T1D has taught me that. I am not always on top of my needs but I try to be.
I have glucose tabs in every jacket, cardigan, coat, and purse all of the time. Haven’t traveled anywhere beyond the grocery, pharmacy and medical clinic since 2020.
The longer I’m going to be away, the more items I take. I keep glucose tablets and or candy corn/jellybeans in all purses and bags and suitcases and around the house. Snacks to prevent low blood sugars should I find myself being more active than expected while away from home include dried fruit, granola bars, crackers. One of the first things I was taught 63 years ago when diagnosed was to always be prepared and not rely on anyone else or being able to get to a store to get what I needed.
I selected “I don’t count the number of snacks, I just bring what feels like “enough””, but that’s because I haven’t been away for a weekend for 40+ years now.
Fascinating to read how varied we all are! I always have jellybeans, fig bars and fruit bars in my purse/car, and carry a fruit bar (like fruit leather) wherever I go for a walk. For an overnight, I take extras of everything for each day. I have a couple lows a day, so like to be prepared with healthy options!
I just bring glucose tabs and watch what I eat. Works for me.
I almost always leave the house with two large bottles of glucose tabs and a bag of peanut butter pretzels. The “almost” is that, when I finish a bottle of glucose tabs, sometimes I forget to replace the extra bottle.
The purpose of the trip affects the number of snacks, for a relaxed sit around kind of activity I don’t need many, but if the intent is hiking or other vigorous outdoor activities I will pack more!
I don’t actually count as I always carry several life savers or dextrose type carbs (smarties, nerds etc). I know it is always more than six servings however.
I always have extra snacks (4 or 5 snack bars) and 3 or 4 Welch’s gummy packs in the car and in my purse. A 2-night overnight stay would definitely mean 6 or more to be safe.
I take lots of glucose tablets with me always