Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
I don’t watch sports events but sometimes I feel like my blood sugar goes up during an intense film. Sitting for an extended period while viewing a film to TV show also seems to be a factor.
I am a fairly avid pro & college sports fan, and I don’t have high BG levels when watching games, either in person or on TV. However, when watching my son play in a youth soccer match, my BG will rise. I try to bolus, walk, and do mindfulness practices to relax.
I would not choose to watch sporting events, but if I am in that boring scene, very rarely, and the environment is too loud and irritating along with unknown foods, it can raise my BG due to noise and carbs.
Rarely watch sports so no. However subject to overnight lows upon arising need additional insulin once I start eating usually that day. Endocrinologist says that’s adrenalin from the low raising my insulin requirements.
I guess I’m in the minority on this, but I actually have a programmed basal pattern with 3X my normal basal for watching my local NFL team on TV, especially near the end of the season, playing a rival and in the playoffs for sure. I can consistently feel the internal stress rising at gametime and until the game is decided. I will typically change basal pattern an hour before kickoff and switch it back in the 4th quarter. Although I have definitely over corrected and have to eat more snacks to bring up a low. 🙂
I can relate to Greg as I have had my CGM spike when my kiddo is doing sports or a play, too.
I don’t have any sports I bet, or care about enough for it to stress me out. My bg stays the same so long as I eat reasonably.
I don’t watch sports events but sometimes I feel like my blood sugar goes up during an intense film. Sitting for an extended period while viewing a film to TV show also seems to be a factor.
I am a fairly avid pro & college sports fan, and I don’t have high BG levels when watching games, either in person or on TV. However, when watching my son play in a youth soccer match, my BG will rise. I try to bolus, walk, and do mindfulness practices to relax.
BG rise is caused by sitting for extended time.
I don’t watch sporting events!
My husband watches football on tv, I don’t really care.
I never watch sports
I could care less about sporting events. LOL
“other” for me… Another non-sports-watcher here, so I don’t know what my BS does during a sporting event.
I really have no idea but don’t think so.. The last three times I watched our team play an MLS game my bs has been low.
I would not choose to watch sporting events, but if I am in that boring scene, very rarely, and the environment is too loud and irritating along with unknown foods, it can raise my BG due to noise and carbs.
I don’t really follow sports and would very rarely watch it on TV.
Rarely watch sports so no. However subject to overnight lows upon arising need additional insulin once I start eating usually that day. Endocrinologist says that’s adrenalin from the low raising my insulin requirements.
I guess I’m in the minority on this, but I actually have a programmed basal pattern with 3X my normal basal for watching my local NFL team on TV, especially near the end of the season, playing a rival and in the playoffs for sure. I can consistently feel the internal stress rising at gametime and until the game is decided. I will typically change basal pattern an hour before kickoff and switch it back in the 4th quarter. Although I have definitely over corrected and have to eat more snacks to bring up a low. 🙂
I can relate to Greg as I have had my CGM spike when my kiddo is doing sports or a play, too.
It’s not the stress that raises my BG, its the sitting and not moving much.
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