Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
I only bolus for carbs……… If I have more than 10 fiber in my meal I subtract the fiber from carb amount to prevent a low. Was never told to bolus for protein!
When I was first diagnosed with LADA, I calculated my bolus with the precision of an Algebra exam. Now 18 years later, with increasingly temperamental beta cells and a better understanding of how the carb count on packaging is derived, I aim for the magic number I think will work, based more upon what has worked in the past.
I answered “No”. But, sometimes I hedge up the amount of insulin I’m taking for certain items, like greek yogurt, which is very high in protein. I don’t use any calculations, just an educated guess.
Yes! For me, every 8g protein=1g carb. Add that to net carbs to get my total ‘carbs’ for the meal.
Then, using extended bolus on my Tslim, I bolus the %net carbs now, and the rest (protein) over 1.5 hours.
I wait 20-25min before I start eating, because Novolog needs 35 min to take effect.
This method has worked well for me for several years.
No. For my son, age ten, diagnosed at 18mos, we dose for protein, usually, one to two hours after he eats. Turkey, roast chicken, lean pork require no extra insulin. Beef does, and things like pizza, pasta dishes, tacos,etc.
When I are very low carb I did, but now having to limit animal protein so eating more carbs Sand the protein doesn’t seem to affect my bg. Protein is limited as well.
Only when my digestion is acting very slowly.
Not consciously. But I sometimes look at a keto meal and bolus more than the carb count without thinking any reason or math calculations.
i don’t eat large amounts of protein, so i don’t, but if i did, i would bolus for it if needed.
if I would eat more than 3 oz of protein in a meal, I would add .5 to 1 unit yes. rare for me
I only bolus for carbs……… If I have more than 10 fiber in my meal I subtract the fiber from carb amount to prevent a low. Was never told to bolus for protein!
When I was first diagnosed with LADA, I calculated my bolus with the precision of an Algebra exam. Now 18 years later, with increasingly temperamental beta cells and a better understanding of how the carb count on packaging is derived, I aim for the magic number I think will work, based more upon what has worked in the past.
I answered “No”. But, sometimes I hedge up the amount of insulin I’m taking for certain items, like greek yogurt, which is very high in protein. I don’t use any calculations, just an educated guess.
Yes I do, however, I use R insulin to cover fat/protein.
Yes! For me, every 8g protein=1g carb. Add that to net carbs to get my total ‘carbs’ for the meal.
Then, using extended bolus on my Tslim, I bolus the %net carbs now, and the rest (protein) over 1.5 hours.
I wait 20-25min before I start eating, because Novolog needs 35 min to take effect.
This method has worked well for me for several years.
No. For my son, age ten, diagnosed at 18mos, we dose for protein, usually, one to two hours after he eats. Turkey, roast chicken, lean pork require no extra insulin. Beef does, and things like pizza, pasta dishes, tacos,etc.
What is your sons age now ??
No, I have never needed too. 34 years T1D
I don’t play that game… 70 years T1D…
You dose for calories or carbs period.
It covers a period of time, not a particular or unusual breakdown of them caused by type of food intake.
I can eat non carbs (eg, steak, broccoli, cheeses, low carb nuts like almonds, salads with low carb vegs all day long and bolus 0 units.
When I are very low carb I did, but now having to limit animal protein so eating more carbs Sand the protein doesn’t seem to affect my bg. Protein is limited as well.
I find steak and/or baked potato (1/2 only) require extra for protein/fat, and similar need it!
Only while pregnant, when I am more resistant to insulin and need for very tight control
Only when I’m eating fatty meats, i.e., Skirt Steak etc.
Only when I am eating low carb.
I was told to subtract the grams of fibre from the carbs and use the result to calculate insulin dosage.