Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
I said 7, about one a day. Nut my lows are mild, in the 6o to 70 range. Never feel them, but alarm warns me. 1 to 2 glucose tabs fix the problem. T1d 61 years, age 73 , 90% TIR . Prett active, still kickin’!
My answer is similar. I would count 14 if you count when I am around 70 and need to top up. If you only count when I go below 60, my answer would probably be never.
My lows come primarily from exercise. I use the exercise feature on my OmniPod but the algorithm is not robust enough. Tandem did a better job – I would suspend my insulin and that would mostly keep me from dropping.
I swing low but to the point where I need a a glucagon shot. That happens once every 4 years or so . Otherwise I have a low requiring juice or something 5-6x a week
It really depends on what you consider “low.” If you mean between 65 and 70 then at least two or three times everyday. If you mean between 54 and 65, then about once everyday or every other day. Below 54, I experience about two or three times a week.
I choose 7 per weeks but they’re mild. It depends what hits my blood stream faster whether the food or the insulin. Usually just annoying but inconsequential.
Im on a tandem with IQ and Dexcom 6 sensor so the alarms beep, otherwise they’d go unnoticed
I never need any assistance or have any serious problem.
Since I switched from Medtronic 723 pump and Dexcom a year ago, my incidence of lows has gone down dramatically. I checked two or three per week that are actually below 70. Sometimes I will eat a bit of something when I’m between 80 and 100 and dropping very fast and this along with control IQ generally prevents me from actually getting low.
Assuming that a low is anything below 80, I probably have 2 per day or so. So I put 14 or more. But for a low that has even a minor physical impact (below 65 or so) I would say one every 2 or 3 months.
I said 6-7 because I am a brittle diabetic. Mornings are a very rapid rise (100 points in 15 minutes regardless of type of breakfast (small cup of whole grain cereal with almond milk), then just as rapid drop 45-60 minutes later. My endo says it is a pattern with me (even if I don’t eat breakfast). Adjusted basal rates, carb factor and prebolusing do not control the problem. Dexcom’s trend arrow does not recognize a slow (< 2.0mg/Dl per minute) drop so continues to give basal until I reach BG of 90). Although adjusted basal is not going to stop a rapid drop. Hot showers after bolusing drop the BG immediately and rapidly so I'm low before the shower is complete.
I said 7, about one a day. Nut my lows are mild, in the 6o to 70 range. Never feel them, but alarm warns me. 1 to 2 glucose tabs fix the problem. T1d 61 years, age 73 , 90% TIR . Prett active, still kickin’!
If you define lows as below 70, I usually average about two each day. So, I answered “14”.
Not having serious lows often. Most lows are hardly noticeable.
My answer is similar. I would count 14 if you count when I am around 70 and need to top up. If you only count when I go below 60, my answer would probably be never.
My lows come primarily from exercise. I use the exercise feature on my OmniPod but the algorithm is not robust enough. Tandem did a better job – I would suspend my insulin and that would mostly keep me from dropping.
I said 4-5, but they are mild and infrequently at night on Dexcom G6 w Control IQ…
I swing low but to the point where I need a a glucagon shot. That happens once every 4 years or so . Otherwise I have a low requiring juice or something 5-6x a week
But there really is no consistency from week to week for me
Sometimes I sleep on the sensor and get compression lows. I don’t count hose.
It would be nice to have a numerical value attached to “low”. I work with another diabetic whose low is my normal range.
Good point – we need a definition of low to accurately answer
I put 2/3 times, but I have wanna be lows daily. I catch them in time, though.
Like your term “wanna be lows”
It really depends on what you consider “low.” If you mean between 65 and 70 then at least two or three times everyday. If you mean between 54 and 65, then about once everyday or every other day. Below 54, I experience about two or three times a week.
My lows (around 54) happen during exercise. I lose concentration and strength. So, I have a juice box.
I have lows but the. sensor catches most all of them.
1 or 2, on ICQ Dex G6, A1c usually Low 6 but hit 5.4 a few weeks ago – Working on TIR to 85 -91% T1 59 yrs, 74 YO
I often run my BG down to 3.6-4(65-72) before eating. I use CIQ and prebolus by 30-45 minutes. My A1c is is usually around 6.
I choose 7 per weeks but they’re mild. It depends what hits my blood stream faster whether the food or the insulin. Usually just annoying but inconsequential.
Im on a tandem with IQ and Dexcom 6 sensor so the alarms beep, otherwise they’d go unnoticed
I never need any assistance or have any serious problem.
I answered 0-1. It’s easy to find them on t:connect. But don’t ask me how many highs. I’ll actually have to count that!
Since I switched from Medtronic 723 pump and Dexcom a year ago, my incidence of lows has gone down dramatically. I checked two or three per week that are actually below 70. Sometimes I will eat a bit of something when I’m between 80 and 100 and dropping very fast and this along with control IQ generally prevents me from actually getting low.
Mild or predicted low by pump/cgm. No severe lows.
I have my G6 set to alarm at 70… It buzzis at least once a day.. I usually feel it before alarm, even while sleeping..
If lower than 70, probably 2-3 times per week. No lows under 55 in recent weeks, thank goodness.
If my definition is 5 / 90
The number drops if I adopt a lower definition
Since switching to Dex 6 & t:slim earlier this year, Clarity is reporting 1%. Thats a big improvement
Assuming that a low is anything below 80, I probably have 2 per day or so. So I put 14 or more. But for a low that has even a minor physical impact (below 65 or so) I would say one every 2 or 3 months.
I said 6-7 because I am a brittle diabetic. Mornings are a very rapid rise (100 points in 15 minutes regardless of type of breakfast (small cup of whole grain cereal with almond milk), then just as rapid drop 45-60 minutes later. My endo says it is a pattern with me (even if I don’t eat breakfast). Adjusted basal rates, carb factor and prebolusing do not control the problem. Dexcom’s trend arrow does not recognize a slow (< 2.0mg/Dl per minute) drop so continues to give basal until I reach BG of 90). Although adjusted basal is not going to stop a rapid drop. Hot showers after bolusing drop the BG immediately and rapidly so I'm low before the shower is complete.
Some weeks I have no readings less than 70. Another week I might have 2 lows.
On principle, I refuse to do so. Looking back is not living…. Patterns sure, but worrying, fearing, not useful so I do not and will not.