If you wear a CGM, if it alarms in the middle of the night, does it wake up other people living in your house?
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The only saving grace is my wife is quite subject to diminished auditory ranges, significant otorhinolaryngologic aging deterioration, and enough vanity to eschew hearing aids. Pity. She misses all the night time fun of a stentorian pump with a mind of its own.
The libre 2 app is the worst…it comes it at full volume and you can’t turn it down. Really looking forward to ditching it and trying the Eversense which has a vibrate mode so it only awakens me.
The Libre3 is supposed to be a lot better and it’s finally in pharmacies in the US now.
That’s funny, because I seldom hear it. My husband does.
“I live alone” might have been a good choice for an answer
My husband always hears it. Poor him but lucky me. I’m hard of hearing and don’t always hear it, so it’s my husband who alerts me.
My wife usually wakes me to tell my CGM is alarming.
My husband often hears my CGM in the middle of the night before I do
same here. I am glad the alarm wakes him up.
I always feel guilty about waking up my husband with my middle-of-the-night diabetes management needs. He’s always supportive, but I know the man would sleep through the night effortlessly if it weren’t for my T1D!
My son, age 10, T1 since age 18mos, does not hear the alarms. My husband does not always hear them.
I live alone
I live alone so I wish that was provided as an answer. I said no anyway.
My Tandem is always on vibrate so I’m able to take care of any alert without him waking up. UNLESS I sleep through the vibe until it gets angry and shouts. Then my husband wakes up! These days with Control IQ working better for me, that is a rare occasion.
I have always been a sound sleeper. It wakes my husband immediately. It takes longer to wake me. He usually wakes me.😜
The CGM alarms via my smartphone are very loud and obnoxious. Especially irritating when their false lows and I’ve been woken up for nothing. There are times I have to turn my phone all the way off because even though I have turned off all alarms, low alarms will still show up shrill and irritating.
I put no because I live solo
I think my wife usually sleeps through my pump alarms. But, I’m not sure. Sometimes she says in the morning, “I heard your pump alarm go off last night.” I usually just either take insulin, or eat a snack and go back to sleep.
I said no. But I live alone
I said I don’t know since I live alone
My spouse and I both wear hearings aids when we’re awake. I keep pump and CGM on vibrate, but if I’m asleep the vibrations only wakes her up, I rarely am aware. She’ll give me a nudge and ask if I’m OK. That wakes me up and depending on the reason for the alarm I’ll take care of what needs to be done. Fortunately, Control IQ has eliminated many middle of the night lows.
I changed CGM to G4, since I hav not had single nite low. Prior G3, wife moved out of bed most nites
We’ll, my husband and I sleep in the same bed, so yes, sometimes it wakes him up.
Only if I’m sharing a bed, and even then only when it produces an audio alarm, but usually I wake up on vibration.
We all sleep with our doors closed. Also, others have been warned that “it’s only my alarm”.
My DAD service dog wakes me before my G6 does.
I totally didn’t read the question correctly, lol. Long night with lows.
So does mine, sometimes!
The reason my alarm doesn’t wake anyone else up in the household is because I sleep in a purpose-built bedroom on the ground floor and everyone else sleeps upstairs, on the first floor.
Only my partner, not those sleeping in other rooms.
I said NO because I am awake and at work overnight, and everyone else living here is awake during the day already when I’m sleeping so even if it goes off while I’m sleeping it can’t wake up anyone else since they’re already awake.
I said sometimes because it is not consistent. I am thankful for the alarms, particularly the low ones, as I am prone to sleep through them and don’t always hear them over my CPAP machine.
Wakes up everyone but me
Only my dog.
Dexcom alone doesn’t wake anyone else up. Dexcom Follow, by design, does wake us as parents up. 😊
I am on a different level of the house than the other people so no, they don’t hear it. I am sure I sleep through some alarms as the screen sometimes shows I have been low for awhile before I wake up. Not sure if it is me just waking up or the alarm waking me. Luckily, I don’t have that happen very often and the alarm from my phone is much louder than my pump alarm.
As I’m a light sleeper, and have good hearing, I always keep my CGM on the lowest volume, so it wakes me, but no one else in the house.
If it signals that I went high I can usually give myself insulin without waking my husband. However if I go low he will wake up about 50% of the time.
I answered “yes” because that seemed like the least misleading reply. But actually, my wife and I sleep in separate bedrooms because of this issue, so the literally correct answer would have been “no”.
When I did, it woke us both.
Her paws wrapped around the pump tubing, chewing, attacking the hell out of it playing with the new “invisible string” daddy brought to bed…. just for her
Baaad kitty!
My husband is right next to me so yes of course it wakes him as well! It’s the crying for a bg every 2 hours that is so frustrating when that happens!
Yes, always my husband and rarely my sister whose rooms are on another level will wake. Uninterrupted sleep is hard to come by at our house. My OB-gyn husband gets calls most nights…has to go in often, so he generates plenty of noise getting up and ready to go in the middle of the night. My alarms are heard by him first however and he has almost always been sweet waking me and asking me is everything is ok. And when I know he needs some consistent sleep, I’ll move to the couch or another bedroom if I know its going to be a night of alarms or if he knows he’s going to get called a lot.
I am not sure if my alarms wake up members of my household, however, if we are traveling, camping, sharing rooms then the answer is yes! I also share my numbers with 2 family members and my urgent low does wake them up, but on their phones.
Yes, if it is a low less than 55. However, I keep the pump on vibrate, so sometimes it will wake up my husband but usually it is because of me making noise getting carbs that wakes him up.
I will sleep through anything so it has to be loud and annoying to wake me up so my wife hears it all.
I keep my CGM set to vibrate so that it doesn’t wake my spouse. Otherwise, it constantly woke him!