If you use an insulin pump, how many times in the past month have you had to change your pump site more than 24 hours before its session was over?
Home > LC Polls > If you use an insulin pump, how many times in the past month have you had to change your pump site more than 24 hours before its session was over?
Sarah Howard has dedicated her career to supporting the T1D community ever since she was diagnosed with T1D while in college in May 2013. Since then, she has worked for various diabetes organizations, focusing on research, advocacy, and community-building efforts for people with T1D and their loved ones. Sarah is currently the Senior Marketing Manager at T1D Exchange.
Only once and that was unusual because I got my flu shot a few days ago and had my infusion set on my arm and my CGM on my other arm. The only other times I have had to change my pump sites was when ever I had MRIs
I have had 4 PET Scans in the last 4 years and the technicians assured me that you don’t have to remove anything except the pump for a PET Scan. All other types of Scans yes, you must remove all.
Rip-outs are a pain, and certain locations are more prone to that than others because of clothing interactions. Upper thighs particularly susceptible to getting snagged on my jeans or biking wear when dressing/undressing. But I can’t afford not to use what real estate I have. So I try to be careful, but every so often it happens. More frequently in the summer time, too, because perspiration affects adhesion. My DME supplier is pretty good about replacements when it happens, so at least there’s that.
5 or more times/month, assuming all sites should last 3 days. I am extremely sensitive.
If using the Autosoft30 set (when I can’t reach with both hands) that lasts about a day, Varisoft (when I can use 2 hands) lasts about 2 days. I use Skin Prep and it helps with irritation. I tried the stainless steel sets and 90 deg sets, terrible bruising, etc.
Omnipod had the worst results for me, can’t adjust the canula angle or length.
Looking forward to the tandem mobi/sport, since I need less than 14U/day, typically.
I checked off “None”. I have had virtually no problems with site. The real question should be how many times have you changed the Sensor before it due date.
For a while I had frequent problems with my sites, but it has not happened as often lately. Recently I realized that at times it was not the site, but the fact that when I played sports and the temperature is hot, it was the insulin that seemed to lose potency and was not keeping my sugars in check as expected.
I researched my problem and found that when the body is under stress, as in the heat, it releases more cortisol and if the insulin is slightly impaired It might not be able to keep up and cleared the sugar from my blood. Hope this explanation helps people getting highs during or after exercising in hot temperatures.
A similar issue happens to me in the winter time, sleeping in bed! I don’t use electric blankets, but body heat builds up, I guess. I notice my pump heats up a lot when charging – Tandem says it’s normal, but I notice it!
After some effort, my doctor and I convinced my supplier that my sites can last either two or three days. Now I get enough sets to switch when a site stops working well. When I replace a set after two days, I don’t think of it as switching prematurely. I just think that it was one of those 2-day sites.
Tubing got caught one time—very unusual for me!
Then a very early morning set change and I pulled the insertion needle out when I was getting ready to attach the set…..
I said 5 or more, but that is only because I use up my pump’s insulin before the 72-hour expiration. But even then it’s only by a few hours.
I use the Omnipod system and rarely rip off a pod by accident. When I used to have a tube type pump I’d occasionally catch the tubing on something and pull the insert out. In those times, I’d just install a new inset, clip the existing tubing to that and re-prime the insert/canula with a half unit.
None, but, by the way things are looking while he’s in school, today may be the day! New site right before dinner last night resulted in a very unusual post meal spike. Same thing has happened since breakfast. (I am able to message for him to do a correction.)If it happens again at lunch, that’s it!
Only once in the past month because I continued to run over 250 bg for more than 8 hours . Used the same vial of insulin for new site and was within range two hours later.
Not fair answers. I use tslim with TruSteel insertion sets. I frequently have to change my sites due to malabsorption or the first one in for 48 hours. I have enough insulin in my reservoir to last 4-5 days.
It seems that about one in three infusion sets need changing before the 3-day target duration. This will be indicated by unusual hyperglycemia lasting hours. A site failure may or may not be accompanied by bleeding on extraction of the cannula. I have found no difference between the Tru-Steel and Varisoft cannulas. Even the Tadem site calls the infusion set only good for 2-to-3 days. Too bad Medicare and insurance regs pretend that 30 sets will last 90 days.
Has your provider updated your infusion set Rx to 2 days? That should resolve the insurance issue.
Less than 2 days is the issue I have, but a letter explaining why resolves it each year. My reservoirs, etc., are still 3 days. But I have so much leftover tubing!🤷♀️
The past week was an anomaly! Usually I can answer zero. But in the last week I had 2 accidently pull off and one slide off because I had not waited until the skin was dry enough to make it stick. Ugh!
I will usually get 3 days plus with my autosoft 30. I have had good luck with putting a piece of tape on the tubing as in comes out of the set. I feel more secure that it will not pull out as the tape is a buffer and pulls off first. I have told a number of type 1’s about this and they say it works for them. on another note, I feel that the efficacy of the insulin gets less as I reach the end of the third day.
I’m on my first month on the Omnipod 5 and I have ripped it off twice accidentally and I had to change it early once because I was having persistent unexplained highs. I like the pump and the way it communicates with my Dexcom, but I haven’t gotten the knack of wearing pods yet.
12 times….. I strongly believe I have a bad lot of 20 infusion sites (AutoSoft XC Tandem). Normally, I would only change out a site before the 3 days once every couple of months.
If you use an insulin pump, how many times in the past month have you had to change your pump site more than 24 hours before its session was over? Cancel reply
Only once and that was unusual because I got my flu shot a few days ago and had my infusion set on my arm and my CGM on my other arm. The only other times I have had to change my pump sites was when ever I had MRIs
I think once. Usually it happens within a few hours after insertion because of a bent canula due to scarring.
I clicked NONE but was reminded that I had to change it out because of a PET scan. So one.
I have had 4 PET Scans in the last 4 years and the technicians assured me that you don’t have to remove anything except the pump for a PET Scan. All other types of Scans yes, you must remove all.
Rip-outs are a pain, and certain locations are more prone to that than others because of clothing interactions. Upper thighs particularly susceptible to getting snagged on my jeans or biking wear when dressing/undressing. But I can’t afford not to use what real estate I have. So I try to be careful, but every so often it happens. More frequently in the summer time, too, because perspiration affects adhesion. My DME supplier is pretty good about replacements when it happens, so at least there’s that.
I accidentally yanked it out. The tubing will get caught on a knob. Usually bathroom vanity.
I was running some unexplained high blood glucoses, so changed my sites a few times. The canulas also tear out when I wear them on my thigh.
5 or more times/month, assuming all sites should last 3 days. I am extremely sensitive.
If using the Autosoft30 set (when I can’t reach with both hands) that lasts about a day, Varisoft (when I can use 2 hands) lasts about 2 days. I use Skin Prep and it helps with irritation. I tried the stainless steel sets and 90 deg sets, terrible bruising, etc.
Omnipod had the worst results for me, can’t adjust the canula angle or length.
Looking forward to the tandem mobi/sport, since I need less than 14U/day, typically.
I checked off “None”. I have had virtually no problems with site. The real question should be how many times have you changed the Sensor before it due date.
Pump goes the distance, yet CGM has failed @ 5 days last 3. I usually do restart to get my money & last 2 days
For a while I had frequent problems with my sites, but it has not happened as often lately. Recently I realized that at times it was not the site, but the fact that when I played sports and the temperature is hot, it was the insulin that seemed to lose potency and was not keeping my sugars in check as expected.
I researched my problem and found that when the body is under stress, as in the heat, it releases more cortisol and if the insulin is slightly impaired It might not be able to keep up and cleared the sugar from my blood. Hope this explanation helps people getting highs during or after exercising in hot temperatures.
A similar issue happens to me in the winter time, sleeping in bed! I don’t use electric blankets, but body heat builds up, I guess. I notice my pump heats up a lot when charging – Tandem says it’s normal, but I notice it!
After some effort, my doctor and I convinced my supplier that my sites can last either two or three days. Now I get enough sets to switch when a site stops working well. When I replace a set after two days, I don’t think of it as switching prematurely. I just think that it was one of those 2-day sites.
Tubing got caught one time—very unusual for me!
Then a very early morning set change and I pulled the insertion needle out when I was getting ready to attach the set…..
Usually one or 2 but was more this month.
I said 5 or more, but that is only because I use up my pump’s insulin before the 72-hour expiration. But even then it’s only by a few hours.
I use the Omnipod system and rarely rip off a pod by accident. When I used to have a tube type pump I’d occasionally catch the tubing on something and pull the insert out. In those times, I’d just install a new inset, clip the existing tubing to that and re-prime the insert/canula with a half unit.
I’ve had two of those unfortunate door knob tube catches/site tear outs in the past few weeks that required early replacement.
None, but, by the way things are looking while he’s in school, today may be the day! New site right before dinner last night resulted in a very unusual post meal spike. Same thing has happened since breakfast. (I am able to message for him to do a correction.)If it happens again at lunch, that’s it!
Only once in the past month because I continued to run over 250 bg for more than 8 hours . Used the same vial of insulin for new site and was within range two hours later.
I entered once; the cause was a failure on insertion. Possibly me error in installing.
They fall off easily.
Not fair answers. I use tslim with TruSteel insertion sets. I frequently have to change my sites due to malabsorption or the first one in for 48 hours. I have enough insulin in my reservoir to last 4-5 days.
It seems that about one in three infusion sets need changing before the 3-day target duration. This will be indicated by unusual hyperglycemia lasting hours. A site failure may or may not be accompanied by bleeding on extraction of the cannula. I have found no difference between the Tru-Steel and Varisoft cannulas. Even the Tadem site calls the infusion set only good for 2-to-3 days. Too bad Medicare and insurance regs pretend that 30 sets will last 90 days.
Has your provider updated your infusion set Rx to 2 days? That should resolve the insurance issue.
Less than 2 days is the issue I have, but a letter explaining why resolves it each year. My reservoirs, etc., are still 3 days. But I have so much leftover tubing!🤷♀️
Only once due to hyperglycemia that resolved after I changed pump site location.
The past week was an anomaly! Usually I can answer zero. But in the last week I had 2 accidently pull off and one slide off because I had not waited until the skin was dry enough to make it stick. Ugh!
I will usually get 3 days plus with my autosoft 30. I have had good luck with putting a piece of tape on the tubing as in comes out of the set. I feel more secure that it will not pull out as the tape is a buffer and pulls off first. I have told a number of type 1’s about this and they say it works for them. on another note, I feel that the efficacy of the insulin gets less as I reach the end of the third day.
I anchor with tape, too. Helps a ton.
Yet, those Autosoft30 sites just don’t work for long. A Tandem nurse thinks it’s the “trauma” from the spring-loaded insertion.
I would normally say never, but my tubing caught and pulled the site (which has only happened twice, I think, in the 15 years I’ve been pumping)
I’m on my first month on the Omnipod 5 and I have ripped it off twice accidentally and I had to change it early once because I was having persistent unexplained highs. I like the pump and the way it communicates with my Dexcom, but I haven’t gotten the knack of wearing pods yet.
12 times….. I strongly believe I have a bad lot of 20 infusion sites (AutoSoft XC Tandem). Normally, I would only change out a site before the 3 days once every couple of months.