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If you use an insulin pump, how many times in the past month have you had to change your pump site more than 24 hours before its session was over?
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i wish i could, none of it is able to be recycled
I changed my set out several hours after I put it in because I thought it wasn’t working even after giving a large correction bolus. As soon as I changed it my BG starting falling so the set was obviously good! I know it sometimes takes awhile for the new site to start working properly but this time it was longer than usual.
I answered 3 or 4, however, I could have been more. When I wear my canula on my legs, they tear out every time, even with lots of tape. I go through lots of tape on my legs. Also, I was taking prednisone this past month, and I’m sure I changed my site several times because I could not get my blood sugars down. So, it might have been 5 or more times.
I selected once. But it is unusual. I usually have to change because I knock it out.
That be me.
And I do not change my site until the 3ml are gone so usually 5 or 6 days. The tape for medtronic pumps I love. Never have any issues. Not the tape for their sensors is horrid. I use IV3000.
My kiddo uses TruSteel with their T-Slim X2. We RARELY ever have any issues with infusion sets, if ever.
I’m either accidently pulling them out or because I don’t want to get up at 3am to Chang them, I’ll change them sooner.
I selected ‘None’ as it wasn’t clear what YOU meant by “before its session was over”.
I rarely have a sensor (Medtronic’s Guardian Sensor 3) that lasts the full 7 days that it’s supposed to.
I often need to change the G6 sensor at 9 days as I get repeated sensor errors asking to wait up to 3 hours. I’m ok to do that once but not several times.
It varies. If I accidentally get an area that has likely been over used, I can have problems with absorption, and have to change the site sooner than 3 days. Most of the time I’m able to go 2 1/2 – 3 days.
This month has been a difficult one. I’ve had issues with a Dexcom G6 given me inaccurate numbers. This is unusual though.
Same thing with infusion sets. I’m playing pickleball and being outside in the sun in warmer temperatures seems to have an impact on the insulin and where I used to wear the same infusion set for 4 days, I’m now changing it every two days at time.
Also the fact that every time we start a new activity, we have to develop a new strategy with the basals and the control IQ is affecting my blood sugar where at times I’m not sure where the problems are coming from. .
This morning, in fact, after a day-and-a-half: I just don’t seem to be absorbing well so BG running higher than normal and the cannula itches.
I said 3-4 but it could be 5 or more. I have absorption issues, lots of scar tissue, etc. I use TruSteel so changing sites is easy and I don’t waste insertion sets.
Have often wondered if it’s safe to reposition a site after a few days. Sites that don’t seem to be absorbing the insulin leave me in a quandary, because of the expense and wastefulness, but peeling off the tape and moving an inch is something I’ll try next time the itchy uncomfortable feeling happens. After so many years, scar tissue is just a fact of life.
I never use liquid Skin-Tac on my infusion sites, but I use the Skin-Tac on the sticky portion of my dexcom CGM and it helps the CGM not irritate my skin. Maybe you can try using the Skin-Tac on your infusion site to possibly help with any itchy feeling if you haven’t yet tried that.
Wanda Landowska aside, I don’t particularly care for harpsichord music. But once in a great while, it is a refreshing change, even if it is 400 years old.
Similarly, about once every 400 days, a pump site must be changed. Not desirable, but a reminder that vigilance and victory are still possible, in spite of nature’s and technology’s tendencies.
What’s meant by “session”? This past month I’ve twice replaced the infusion set before the insulin cartridge was empty because of site irritation(itching), but that was after more than 3 day use.
I was uncertain of what the question was directed to, but I have pulled out my insertion site once in the last month about five hours after insertion. I haven’t had any other issues requiring a new site or cartridge.
This is no big deal, however, ask me how many times I had to change my sensor before time. When you are on Medicare Part B, you just can’t get a prescription early then five days before expiration. But Dex has a web site that will send you a new sensor for valid reasons.
Neighborhood doggies keep ripping out my site when they say hello
only once. The site was very uncomfortable and no longer absorbing insulin (very high BG). I seldom have trouble, but large amounts of scar tissue from decades of MDI cause site issues.