If you drink diet soda or drink products labeled “zero” sugar, do you feel like they have an effect on your glucose levels?
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I rarely drink diet sodas, so I answered “not sure.” I really haven’t tracked if it has any effect.
I used to drink artificially sweetened beverages especially as a T1D kid. More recently research has shown anything sweet, whether caloric or not, can have some detrimental effects. Even stevia. I pretty much stick with tap water, unsweetened green tea or black coffee. I’m not an absolutist. If I were offered a freebie at some social event, I would probably accept it
I usually stick with Diet 7Up or Diet Ginger Ale. I do at times drink Coke Zero and sometimes the caffeine will affect my BS but not always.
Rarely drink diet colas. But a good deal of my control comes from years of and tons of black coffee, plain tea, water –flavored and unflavored–, anything to give that “full” feeling without eating anything. 😚
Sometimes I feel like my BG goes up slightly after drinking something like a zero-calorie sports drink, but it’s *very* slight and could be due to other things. I might notice my Dexcom trend line increase just a few points over the course of an hour or two after drinking it.
I drink soda water without artificial sweeteners. Also water which is 0 sugar. I believe staying hydrated helps keep my blood sugar in the desired range.
I found out that drinking any product with aspartame gives me headaches. It has taken me 3 years to test that theory because at first I thought it was caffeine. Never having been a coffee drinker, I gave up caffeine only to find the headaches continued. A friend said aspartame was probably the culprit. Sure enough, cut that out and I haven’t had a headache since. I stick to water or if I go out I will have a mango white claw. 2 carbs. No headache if I stick to one. Most alcoholic beverages will give me headaches or just put me right to sleep. I’m not much of a fun date 😜.
Artificially sweetened drinks spike my BG!
Soon after my diagnosis, as I was trying to figure out my carb ratios and response to foods/drinks, I noticed through experimentation that Diet Soda/drinks, Zero Soda/drinks, drinks with sugar alcohols, all spiked or definitely raised my BG. Yes, all sugar alcohols raise my BG, at different ratios.
Only straight monk fruit, allulose, and stevia have zero impact on me. I make my own drinks at home, and I bring my small bottle of monk fruit drops everywhere and order unsweet drinks when out. The minimal effort is worth it!
I do not drink any soda, fruit juice or sport drinks. Just plain coffee, tea or water
caffeine will spike my blood sugar, particularly in doses that you get from things like coffee, so I cut out caffeine completely and stick to caffeine free diet sodas now. Generally caffeine free Diet Coke because I’ve been a coca cola fiend since a little girl 😬
Me too. I drink sugar free 7 up.
I’ve been a type 1 diabetic for over 50 years and my control is quite good. (So far, no complications.) Artificial sweeteners (saccharine, cyclamate – my favorite and it’s still available in Europe, aspartame, stevia, etc.) have absolutely no effect on my blood sugar.
Like all pre made drink and food the ingredients must be read. I rarely drink diet soda anymore preferring water -best drink in the world! Tried “zero sugar” soda only to read its sweetened with corn syrup. Promptly poured the rest down the drain. Manufacturers are sneaky devils!
As once again there was no option to answer “other” I picked “I do not drink diet soda”. In reality different diet soda’s have different effects, just as the different artificial sweeteners have differing effects.
Diabetic gastroparesis precludes drinking any carbonated beverages. Mainly I’ve learned to enjoy drinking water.
zero does not mean no sugar
Diet Coke Rules and no impact in 48 years. I as raised on saccharin and live on stevia today
Rarely drink but no impact
I drink Zero Sugar Snapple tea, Zero Sugar Canada Dry, and seltzer water without any noticeable effect on my glucose level.
I don’t care for soda, and never have. But root beer can get me to drink it if there’s nothing else. 0 sugar root beer raises by BG. Fortunately, I don’t drink it more than a couple of times a year.
Yes, if they have caffeine. No if they don’t. Caffeine raises my sugars.
I rarely drink sugar free or zero drinks but when I see a good retail offer I would go for sugar free 7up or flavoured Volvic water zero sugar drink and it has no effect on my blood glucose levels.
Other than water I drink Polar Seltzer or LaCroix to avoid any problems with glucose control or headaches.
Never noticed diet sodas having an effect on my glucose levels. I used to enjoy Diet Dr. Pepper. However, in the past few years artificial sweeteners tend to make me nauseous, so I avoid.
Some do and some don’t depends on ingredients diet coke doesn’t but ice does as well as diet mountain dew orginal
If truly 0 carbs, then I see no effect on my glucose levels. You cannot believe nor trust product labeling. “Diet” and “Zero Sugar” are marketing tools, not fact. ALWAYS check the nutrition label for TOTAL carb counts as well as the type of sweetener used. Nutrition labels are not always accurate either and also subject to vendors making a product look more healthy.
You gotta read to be certain someone isn’t fibbing.
But in general (almost always) Zero tends to mean exactly that zero.
Is it good for you to drink gallons of the stuff, absolutely not… But feel free to enjoy it, it should have zero effect on your blood sugar