How many times in 2021 did you have an appointment with a Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist?
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5 or more in 2021. Normally only 2/year, but I needed some extra help in January/February.
3 scheduled appointments, but I was in hospital for several months with COVID-19 so I did see a CDE several more times.
If a nurse practition counts, that is who I see when they travel to my hometown. I had 3 appointments this year with this traveling NP and RN which saves me driving alone to and from a larger city an hour away. I appreciate them making the trips instead of me making the trips out of town.
I find I mostly end up educating the educators. I haven’t seen a CDE or whatever the name was changed to in many years.
me too.
The call themselves Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialists (CDCES) now. It’s a fancy title to give HCPs with specialized training credibility to take on the role of teaching people with diabetes and related comorbid conditions self-care skills to live well and healthfully with diabetes. I find that many of the CDCES, (formally known as CDEs) have good intentions, but are pretty clueless when it comes down to really knowing and understanding what it is like to live with T1D unless they actually have it and live with it themselves.
It’s been many years since I’ve seen a Certified Diabetes Care Education Specialist. I honestly don’t remember the last time, maybe 20+ years.
Speedy recovery!
Only once, and that was when I was about to start on my pump. I don’t have a need for an cde. I have an amazing Dr, who I met with monthly this year until she left for maternity leave. And she is very responsive to email. I miss her terribly, and can’t wait for her to get back. I am really struggling right now and can’t get in to see the NP I was assigned to, and she’s not responding to my emails. Im so lost. Sry, that was a total vent!!!
I put 4 because I got a new insulin pump.
Once. Normally it would be twice but “second” appointment has been put off until 1/4/22 because of the holidays.
I put zero, but I always see a diabetes nurse before the endocrinologist sees me at each appointment.
I saw my endo four times, three time on Telehealth, but I have never seen a Certified Diabetes Specialist in 65 years of T1D
I haven’t found a diabetes specialist, or an endocrinologist practice, that has a clue about the reality of being a diabetic.
Zero, however I have emailed and spoken on the phone with her several times. When I was unsure of what to do next. She’s become more a sounding board for me, at the moment. I’m sure that will change in the future, again.
Zero – those folk don’t seem to be available in Portland, Oregon.
Twice this year. I also have contact with her via MyChart if I have specific pump/CGM questions. My 90 day appointments now rotate between my endo and CDCES.
I said ONE because until latest appointment I had been told my endocrinologist had NO CDE’s to work with me, but last Endo appointment, my Endo had to be out of town so transferred my appointment to his CDE, which I think I may prefer over her boss because the Endo tells me what he thinks I should do while his CDE is also an Insulin Pump USER and she actually takes the time to go into more details on why she and he think such changes might help and also wants MY input on personal experiences that might say “What I’ve been doing myself is likely better” and after discussion is more willing to admit “EVERYBODY with T1D has MORE EXPERIENCE with their own condition than any Doctor they’ve been seeing ever could, so the Doctor can ONLY make recommendations, but if the patient has differing opinions, the Doctor needs to take those patient opinions into consideration and maybe the patient actually knows more than the Doctor concerning the discussed topic or treatment option.”
I put 0, because I do not know if the PA or the NP I saw were CDE’s.
I’ve never been to one.
2020 and 21 were both zero, where most of the past few decades it’s been once or twice generally, occasionally more.
No wait- i had one phone appt this year, modify my result to 1!
Zero. I’ve seen my new endo three times. My insurance just put my old endo back in network (and the hospital she works in) and there is a NP/CDE who works with my old endo, and is who I’ve seen way more times than the endo. I’m trying to make an appointment with her for Spring 2022.
4 this year, 3 with nutritionist and one with nurse. Usually my answer would be 0.
None in 2021. Although the NP I see is a long-time CDE, she no longer serves that function because she is a full-fledged Endocrine prescribing provider in the practice she works for. I am fortunate that I am a RN, CDCES and when in need, I consult HCP friends and colleagues in the professional business of diabetes care and education – most of whom are also T1.
Zero. But my late mother-in-law was a CDE. She also had a PhD in pharmacy. Talked with her many times over the 50 or so years I knew her. She was never judgmental and always eager to learn. Perhaps she was simply glad to have so many sons-in-law and daughters-in-law. ( ͡❛ ω ͡❛) ( ͡❛ ω ͡❛)
I rarely have appointments with either my CDCES OR my endo. I email with one of them when I need RX refills, and had a brief trial with Victoza this year that I discussed with the endo. But I always find I know more than they about the day to day decisions and choices I need to make. I’d love to have a T1D good friend or practitioner I could run things by when I need, but I use the various online groups as needed…
I don’t have a regular CDCES. My current doctor (of I guess 22 years of so) has relationships with some that he has referred me to on occasion. I did like and find helpful one very logical non-diabetic one, who helped me with a particular problem once, but, except for that, the only one I have found helpful has been the long-term diabetic one, who has since moved on.
Shoot. I answered 4, but after reading some comments, it’s clear I was assuming my Endo and her PA are CDCESs, but now I’m not so sure. Honestly, I’m not even sure what a CDCES does. Time to hit Google search! Happy New Year, y’all!
My endocrinologist always pushes me to make an appointment with her CDES but I’ve done that and found that I didn’t learn much. I think it might help if the CDES was also a TID. I have been a TID for many, many years and I don’t really need to be told to count my carbs, limit my portions, and check my blood sugars.
Generally I obtain a referral from my HCP to a CDE in January every year. In 2021, I also consulted with a specialist diabetes education clinic to work on specific issues (sick day plan, reducing post-meal spikes, adjusting overnight basal rate). This was a big help and an excellent investment in my self-care.